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Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 85): Colección de objetos gráficos - añadiendo los objetos nuevamente creados

Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 85): Colección de objetos gráficos - añadiendo los objetos nuevamente creados

MetaTrader 5Ejemplos | 8 noviembre 2021, 09:25
595 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin



Ya hemos creado algunas clases de objetos heredados de la clase del objeto gráfico abstracto. En el último artículo, hicimos tales objetos partiendo de los grupos "Líneas", "Canales", "Gann", "Fibonacci" y "Elliott". Hoy añadiremos las clases de los objetos de los otros grupos de objetos gráficos estándar: "Figuras", "Flechas" y "Objetos gráficos". Además de crear objetos a partir de los grupos enumerados, crearemos la funcionalidad en la clase de colección de objetos gráficos para añadir a la lista de colección los nuevos objetos gráficos recién creados manualmente en el gráfico del terminal del cliente.

Mejorando las clases de la biblioteca

En primer lugar, debo decir que me han avisado de un error molesto ocurrido con la palabra inglesa "Standard", que he escrito en todas partes la letra "t" al final. Por consiguiente, he realizado las correcciones correspondientes en todos los archivos donde la ortografía de dicha palabra era errónea. En consecuencia, también he modificado el nombre de las carpetas de la biblioteca nombradas incorrectamente. No vamos a enumerar aquí todos los archivos donde aparece esta palabra; el lector podrá encontrarlos por su cuenta buscando en todas las carpetas de la biblioteca, presionando para ello Shift+Ctrl+F y seleccionando la palabra deseada, la carpeta de la biblioteca y realizando la búsqueda en las subcarpetas:

No es necesario tener en cuenta el registro y buscar la palabra completa; solo buscamos la aparición de la palabra "standart" en los textos de los archivos de la biblioteca. Y luego simplemente cambiamos la última letra.

No obstante, ya hemos hecho todo esto, y al descargar los archivos de la biblioteca, primero deberemos eliminar por completo la carpeta DoEasy de la carpeta "Include" del terminal y luego colocarla nuevamente desde el directorio adjunto al artículo.

Como ejemplo de dichas ediciones, analizaremos el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Defines.mqh. En este, hemos corregido los errores ortográficos y el nombre de la constante para enumerar las propiedades enteras de un objeto gráfico:

//| Data for working with indicators                                 |
//| Abstract indicator status                                        |
   INDICATOR_STATUS_STANDARD,                               // Standard indicator
   INDICATOR_STATUS_CUSTOM,                                 // Custom indicator
//| Indicator group                                                  |


//| List of graphical objects affiliations                           |
   GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG_PROGRAM,                          // Graphical object belongs to a program
   GRAPH_OBJ_BELONG_NO_PROGRAM,                       // Graphical object does not belong to a program
//| The list of graphical element types                              |
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_STANDARD,                       // Standard graphical object
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_ELEMENT,                        // Element
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_SHADOW_OBJ,                     // Shadow object
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_FORM,                           // Form
   GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE_WINDOW,                         // Window
//| Graphical object group                                           |


//--- Properties belonging to different graphical objects
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME,                               // Time coordinate
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR,                              // Color
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE,                              // Style
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH,                              // Line width
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL,                               // Object color filling
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_READONLY,                           // Ability to edit text in the Edit object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELS,                             // Number of levels
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELCOLOR,                         // Level line color
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELSTYLE,                         // Level line style
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_LEVELWIDTH,                         // Level line width
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ALIGN,                              // Horizontal text alignment in the Edit object (OBJ_EDIT)
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONTSIZE,                           // Font size
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_LEFT,                           // Ray goes to the left
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY_RIGHT,                          // Ray goes to the right
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_RAY,                                // Vertical line goes through all windows of a chart
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ELLIPSE,                            // Display the full ellipse of the Fibonacci Arc object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE,                          // Arrow code for the "Arrow" object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR,                             // Position of the binding point of the graphical object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XDISTANCE,                          // Distance from the base corner along the X axis in pixels
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YDISTANCE,                          // Distance from the base corner along the Y axis in pixels
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DIRECTION,                          // Gann object trend
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DEGREE,                             // Elliott wave marking level
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DRAWLINES,                          // Display lines for Elliott wave marking
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STATE,                              // Button state (pressed/released)
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_CHART_ID,                 // Chart object ID (OBJ_CHART).
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_PERIOD,                   // Chart object period
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_DATE_SCALE,               // Time scale display flag for the Chart object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_PRICE_SCALE,              // Price scale display flag for the Chart object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_CHART_SCALE,              // Chart object scale
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE,                              // Object width along the X axis in pixels.
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE,                              // Object height along the Y axis in pixels.
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XOFFSET,                            // X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the visibility area.
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YOFFSET,                            // Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the visibility area.
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BGCOLOR,                            // Background color for OBJ_EDIT, OBJ_BUTTON, OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER,                             // Chart corner for binding a graphical object
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BORDER_TYPE,                        // Border type for "Rectangle border"
   GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BORDER_COLOR,                       // Border color for OBJ_EDIT and OBJ_BUTTON
#define GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER_TOTAL (52)             // Total number of integer properties
#define GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER_SKIP  (0)              // Number of integer properties not used in sorting
//| Real properties of a standard graphical object                   |

Antes, la constante "Identificador del objeto "gráfico" (OBJ_CHART)" tenía el nombre "GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_OBJ_CHART_ID", lo cual la hacía salir de la lista de constantes de enumeración que describen las propiedades del objeto de gráfico. Ahora, todas se han convertido a la misma ortografía.

Por consiguiente, cualquier mención de la constante "GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_OBJ_CHART_ID" erróneamente escrita se corregirá también a "GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_CHART_ID" en todos los archivos de biblioteca.

En el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Data.mqh añadimos los índices de los nuevos mensajes de la biblioteca:

   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP,                          // Graphical object group
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_LINES,                    // Lines
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_CHANNELS,                 // Channels
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_GANN,                     // Gann
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_FIBO,                     // Fibo
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_ELLIOTT,                  // Elliott
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_SHAPES,                   // Shapes
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_ARROWS,                   // Arrows
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_GRAPHICAL,                // Graphical objects
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_CLICK_COORD,                    // (Chart click coordinate)
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_TOP,                     // Arrow anchor point is located at the top
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_BOTTOM,                  // Arrow anchor point is located at the bottom
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LEFT_UPPER,              // Anchor point at the upper left corner
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LEFT,                    // Anchor point at the left center
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LEFT_LOWER,              // Anchor point at the lower left corner
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LOWER,                   // Anchor point at the bottom center
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_RIGHT_LOWER,             // Anchor point at the lower right corner
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_RIGHT,                   // Anchor point at the right center
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_RIGHT_UPPER,             // Anchor point at the upper right corner
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_UPPER,                   // Anchor point at the upper center
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_CENTER,                  // Anchor point at the very center of the object
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_FAILED_GET_ADDED_OBJ_LIST,           // Failed to get the list of newly added objects
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_FAILED_DETACH_OBJ_FROM_LIST,         // Failed to remove a graphical object from the list

y los mensajes de texto que se corresponden con los índices nuevamente añadidos:

   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP,                          // Graphical object group
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_LINES,                    // Lines
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_CHANNELS,                 // Channels
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_GANN,                     // Gann
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_FIBO,                     // Fibo
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_ELLIOTT,                  // Elliott
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_SHAPES,                   // Shapes
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_ARROWS,                   // Arrows
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP_GRAPHICAL,                // Graphical objects
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_CLICK_COORD,                    // (Chart click coordinate)
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_TOP,                     // Arrow anchor point is located at the top
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_BOTTOM,                  // Arrow anchor point is located at the bottom
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LEFT_UPPER,              // Anchor point at the upper left corner
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LEFT,                    // Anchor point at the left center
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LEFT_LOWER,              // Anchor point at the lower left corner
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LOWER,                   // Anchor point at the bottom center
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_RIGHT_LOWER,             // Anchor point at the lower right corner
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_RIGHT,                   // Anchor point at the right center
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_RIGHT_UPPER,             // Anchor point at the upper right corner
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_UPPER,                   // Anchor point at the upper center
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_CENTER,                  // Anchor point at the very center of the object
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_FAILED_GET_ADDED_OBJ_LIST,           // Failed to get the list of newly added objects
   MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_FAILED_DETACH_OBJ_FROM_LIST,         // Failed to remove a graphical object from the list

Diferentes objetos gráficos tienen la misma propiedad, "Posición del punto de anclaje del objeto gráfico"; no obstante, las enumeraciones para especificar el método de anclaje para diferentes objetos son distintas. Los objetos Text, Label, Bitmap y Bitmap Label usan la enumeración ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT, mientras que los objetos Arrow usan una enumeración diferente, ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR.

Por eso, en la clase de objeto gráfico abstracto para esta propiedad, hemos implementado un método que retorna el punto de anclaje de un objeto, pero no con el tipo de una de estas enumeraciones, sino con el tipo int, pues no sabemos cuál de los objetos se heredará de esta clase, ni el tipo de enumeración que se debe retornar. En los herederos, crearemos nuestros propios métodos que retornarán el tipo de enumeración necesario del método de anclaje. Para mostrar la descripción del método de anclaje en la clase abstracta, tenemos el siguiente método virtual

//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return (string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR);}

Cada una de las clases heredadas tendrá el mismo método virtual, pero devolverá el tipo de descripción deseado (ya sea el método de enlace de la enumeración ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR o de la enumeración ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT).

Para que podamos seleccionar la forma necesaria de mostrar la descripción del método de anclaje, añadiremos funciones para mostrar la descripción de los valores de estas enumeraciones al archivo de funciones de servicio \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Services\DELib.mqh:

//| Return the anchor point description                              |
//| for the Arrow graphical object                                   |
string AnchorForArrowObjDescription(const ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR anchor)
      anchor==ANCHOR_TOP      ? CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_TOP)    :
//| Return the anchor point description for graphical objects        |
string AnchorForGraphicsObjDescription(const ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT anchor)
      anchor==ANCHOR_LEFT        ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LEFT)        :
      anchor==ANCHOR_LOWER       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_LOWER)       :
      anchor==ANCHOR_RIGHT       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_RIGHT)       :
      anchor==ANCHOR_UPPER       ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_UPPER)       :
      anchor==ANCHOR_CENTER      ?  CMessage::Text(MSG_GRAPH_OBJ_TEXT_ANCHOR_CENTER)      :
//| Return the flag of displaying the graphical                      |
//| object on a specified chart timeframe                            |

Aquí, dependiendo del valor transmitido, se retorna la descripción de texto correspondiente.

Terminando los demás objetos herederos del objeto gráfico abstracto

En la carpeta de la biblioteca \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Objects\Graph\Standard\, añadimos el resto de las clases herederas del objeto gráfico abstracto.

Todos los objetos deben ser heredados de la clase CGStdGraphObj, y el archivo de esta clase debe incluirse en los archivos generados.

Clase de objeto gráfico "Rectángulo":

//|                                             GStdRectangleObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Rectangle graphical object                                       |
class CGStdRectangleObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdRectangleObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the (ENUM_OBJECT) type description
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_RECTANGLE); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdRectangleObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL         : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdRectangleObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdRectangleObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdRectangleObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdRectangleObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

En el constructor de cada una de estas clases, obtendremos y guardaremos solo aquellas propiedades de objeto que pertenezcan al tipo de objeto gráfico descrito por esta clase. Del mismo modo, en los métodos que retornan las banderas sobre el soporte de sus propiedades por parte del objeto, se enumerarán solo aquellas propiedades que este objeto gráfico admite.

El resto de clases de los objetos gráficos estándar, simplemente se visualizarán, añadiendo comentarios (si fuera necesario) a los códigos de la clase.

Clase de objeto gráfico "Triángulo":

//|                                             CGStdTriangleObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Triangle graphical object                                        |
class CGStdTriangleObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdTriangleObj(const long chart_id,const string name) :
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_TRIANGLE); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdTriangleObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL         : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdTriangleObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdTriangleObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdTriangleObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdTriangleObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Elipse":

//|                                               GStdEllipseObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Ellipse graphical object                                         |
class CGStdEllipseObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdEllipseObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ELLIPSE); }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdEllipseObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FILL         : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdEllipseObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdEllipseObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdEllipseObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdEllipseObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Pulgar hacia arriba":

//|                                          GStdArrowThumbUpObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Thumb up graphical object                                        |
class CGStdArrowThumbUpObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowThumbUpObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_UP);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowThumbUpObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowThumbUpObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowThumbUpObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowThumbUpObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowThumbUpObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Aquí, además de escribir las propiedades del objeto necesarias en el constructor de la clase, hemos añadido un método que retorna el método de anclaje que devuelve el tipo de enumeración ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR, y un método virtual que devuelve la descripción del método de anclaje cuando se utiliza el valor retornado por la función AnchorForArrowObjDescription() que hemos escrito hoy en el archivo de funciones de servicio.

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Pulgar hacia abajo":

//|                                        GStdArrowThumbDownObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Thumb down graphical object                                      |
class CGStdArrowThumbDownObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowThumbDownObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_DOWN);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowThumbDownObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowThumbDownObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowThumbDownObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowThumbDownObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowThumbDownObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Flecha hacia arriba":

//|                                               GStdArrowUpObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Arrow up graphical object                                        |
class CGStdArrowUpObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowUpObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_UP);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowUpObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowUpObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowUpObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowUpObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowUpObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Flecha hacia abajo":

//|                                             GStdArrowDownObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Arrow down graphical object                                      |
class CGStdArrowDownObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowDownObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_DOWN);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowDownObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowDownObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowDownObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowDownObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowDownObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Stop":

//|                                             GStdArrowStopObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Stop graphical object                                            |
class CGStdArrowStopObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowStopObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_STOP);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowStopObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowStopObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowStopObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowStopObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowStopObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Marca de verificación":

//|                                            GStdArrowCheckObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| "Check mark" graphical object                                    |
class CGStdArrowCheckObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowCheckObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_CHECK);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowCheckObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowCheckObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowCheckObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowCheckObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowCheckObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Marca de precio a la izquierda":

//|                                        GStdArrowLeftPriceObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Left price label graphical object                                |
class CGStdArrowLeftPriceObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowLeftPriceObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_LEFT_PRICE);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowLeftPriceObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowLeftPriceObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowLeftPriceObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowLeftPriceObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowLeftPriceObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Marca de precio a la derecha":

//|                                       GStdArrowRightPriceObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Right price label graphical object                               |
class CGStdArrowRightPriceObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowRightPriceObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowRightPriceObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowRightPriceObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowRightPriceObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowRightPriceObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowRightPriceObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Buy":

//|                                              GStdArrowBuyObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Buy graphical object                                             |
class CGStdArrowBuyObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowBuyObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Specify the object property
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_BUY);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowBuyObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowBuyObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowBuyObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowBuyObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowBuyObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico del signo "Sell":

//|                                             GStdArrowSellObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Sell graphical object                                            |
class CGStdArrowSellObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowSellObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Specify the object property
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW_SELL);  }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowSellObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowSellObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowSellObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowSellObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowSellObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Flecha":

//|                                                 GStdArrowObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Arrow graphical object                                           |
class CGStdArrowObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdArrowObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ARROW_ANCHOR)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_ARROW);    }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForArrowObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdArrowObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STYLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WIDTH        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ARROWCODE    : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdArrowObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdArrowObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdArrowObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdArrowObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Texto":

//|                                                  GStdTextObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Text graphical object                                            |
class CGStdTextObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdTextObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_TEXT);        }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForGraphicsObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdTextObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONTSIZE     : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdTextObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANGLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdTextObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONT            :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdTextObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdTextObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Marca de texto":

//|                                                 GStdLabelObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Text label graphical object                                      |
class CGStdLabelObj : public CGStdGraphObj
   void              CoordsToTimePrice(void)
                        int      subwnd;
                        datetime time;
                        double   price;
   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdLabelObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the (ENUM_OBJECT) type description
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_LABEL);       }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForGraphicsObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdLabelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONTSIZE     : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdLabelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANGLE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdLabelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONT            :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdLabelObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdLabelObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Botón":

//|                                                GStdButtonObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Button graphical object                                          |
class CGStdButtonObj : public CGStdGraphObj
   void              CoordsToTimePrice(void)
                        int      subwnd;
                        datetime time;
                        double   price;
   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdButtonObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_BUTTON);        }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForGraphicsObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdButtonObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STATE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BGCOLOR      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONTSIZE     : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdButtonObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdButtonObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONT            :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdButtonObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdButtonObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Preste atención al constructor de la clase para establecer la propiedad del método de anclaje del objeto. Para algunos objetos gráficos, el anclaje se realiza en la esquina superior izquierda. Por consiguiente, aquí no leeremos esta propiedad de los parámetros del objeto, sino que estableceremos directamente el ángulo correcto. Las líneas de código de las clases, resaltadas a color, las comentaremos más adelante.

Clase de objeto gráfico "Gráfico":

//|                                                 GStdChartObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Chart graphical object                                           |
class CGStdChartObj : public CGStdGraphObj
   void              CoordsToTimePrice(void)
                        int      subwnd;
                        datetime time;
                        double   price;
   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdChartObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_CHART);        }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForGraphicsObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdChartObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID                    :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE                  :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ELEMENT_TYPE          : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP                 : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG                :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID              :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM               :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM                   :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CREATETIME            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIMEFRAMES            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK                  :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER                :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN                :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED              :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTABLE            :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME                  :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR                 :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER                :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XDISTANCE             :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YDISTANCE             :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE                 :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE                 :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_OBJ_PERIOD      : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdChartObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdChartObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME               :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT               :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP            :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdChartObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdChartObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Dibujo":

//|                                                GStdBitmapObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Bitmap graphical object                                          |
class CGStdBitmapObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdBitmapObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_BITMAP);        }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForGraphicsObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdBitmapObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XOFFSET      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YOFFSET      : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdBitmapObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdBitmapObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BMPFILE   :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdBitmapObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdBitmapObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Marca gráfica":

//|                                                GStdBitmapObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Bitmap label graphical object                                    |
class CGStdBitmapLabelObj : public CGStdGraphObj
   void              CoordsToTimePrice(void)
                        int      subwnd;
                        datetime time;
                        double   price;
   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdBitmapLabelObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL);        }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForGraphicsObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdBitmapLabelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STATE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XOFFSET      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YOFFSET      : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdBitmapLabelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdBitmapLabelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BMPFILE   :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdBitmapLabelObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdBitmapLabelObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Campo de edición":

//|                                                  GStdEditObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Edit field graphical object                                      |
class CGStdEditObj : public CGStdGraphObj
   void              CoordsToTimePrice(void)
                        int      subwnd;
                        datetime time;
                        double   price;
   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdEditObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_EDIT);        }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForGraphicsObjDescription(this.Anchor()); }

//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdEditObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_READONLY     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ALIGN        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONTSIZE     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BGCOLOR      : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdEditObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdEditObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_FONT      :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdEditObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdEditObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Evento del calendario":

//|                                                 GStdEventObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Calendar event graphical object                                  |
class CGStdEventObj : public CGStdGraphObj

   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdEventObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the graphical object price (1) type (ENUM_OBJECT) and (2) price coordinate
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_EVENT);        }
   virtual string    PriceDescription(void)  const
                        return ::DoubleToString(this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE),this.m_digits)+" "+
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdEventObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_COLOR        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdEventObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdEventObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP   :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdEventObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdEventObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Clase de objeto gráfico "Marca rectangular":

//|                                        GStdRectangleLabelObj.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "GStdGraphObj.mqh"
//| Rectangular label graphical object                               |
class CGStdRectangleLabelObj : public CGStdGraphObj
   void              CoordsToTimePrice(void)
                        int      subwnd;
                        datetime time;
                        double   price;
   //--- Constructor
                     CGStdRectangleLabelObj(const long chart_id,const string name) : 
                           //--- Get and save the object properties
   //--- Supported object properties (1) real, (2) integer
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   virtual bool      SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
//--- Return the graphical object anchor point position
   ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT Anchor(void)            const { return (ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR); }
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the object short name
   virtual string    Header(const bool symbol=false);
//--- Return the description of the (ENUM_OBJECT) graphical object type
   virtual string    TypeDescription(void)   const { return StdGraphObjectTypeDescription(OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL);         }
//--- Return the description of the graphical object anchor point position
   virtual string    AnchorDescription(void) const { return AnchorForGraphicsObjDescription(this.Anchor());             }
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| integer property, otherwise return 'false'                       |
bool CGStdRectangleLabelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID           :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TYPE         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_GROUP        : 
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BELONG       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CHART_ID     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_WND_NUM      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NUM          :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BACK         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ZORDER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_HIDDEN       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_SELECTED     :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TIME         :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ANCHOR       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_CORNER       :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XOFFSET      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YOFFSET      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_XSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_YSIZE        :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_BORDER_TYPE  : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| real property, otherwise return 'false'                          |
bool CGStdRectangleLabelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_PRICE        : return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return 'true' if an object supports a passed                     |
//| string property, otherwise return 'false'                        |
bool CGStdRectangleLabelObj::SupportProperty(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
      //--- Supported properties
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_NAME      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TEXT      :
      case GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_TOOLTIP   :  return true;
      //--- Other properties are not supported
      //--- Default is 'false'
      default: break;
   return false;
//| Return the object short name                                     |
string CGStdRectangleLabelObj::Header(const bool symbol=false)
   return this.TypeDescription();
//| Display a short description of the object in the journal         |
void CGStdRectangleLabelObj::PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false)
      this.Header(symbol)," \"",CGBaseObj::Name(),"\": ID ",(string)this.GetProperty(GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID),
      " ",::TimeToString(CGBaseObj::TimeCreate(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)

Si miramos de cerca la estructura de estas clases, veremos que todas son idénticas, pero cada una tiene sus propias características únicas. Todas las propiedades de los objetos se leen y almacenan en las variables de clase en el constructor. También hay objetos que no tienen precio o tiempo que cambiar en las propiedades, pero aún así son registrados en estas propiedades por el terminal (por ejemplo, "Etiqueta rectangular": el objeto se establece en las coordenadas del gráfico en píxeles, pero en sus parámetros "precio/tiempo" existen valores, y estos valores son iguales a las coordenadas del clic del ratón en el gráfico durante la colocación del objeto). En estas propiedades, escribimos valores utilizando el método privado CoordsToTimePrice().

Bien, ya tenemos listas las clases de todos los objetos que son herederos del objeto gráfico abstracto. Ahora necesitamos posibilitar la búsqueda de los objetos gráficos necesarios en la lista usando los parámetros especificados.
Almacenaremos todos estos objetos en la lista de la clase de colección de objetos gráficos. Para realizar la búsqueda y el filtrado, tenemos una clase CSelect especialmente creada en el archivo \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Services\Select.mqh. Abrimos el archivo y añadimos las modificaciones necesarias.

En primer lugar, incluimos el archivo de la clase de objeto gráfico abstracto:

//|                                                       Select.mqh |
//|                        Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>
#include "..\Objects\Orders\Order.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Events\Event.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Accounts\Account.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Symbols\Symbol.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\PendRequest\PendRequest.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Series\SeriesDE.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Indicators\Buffer.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Indicators\IndicatorDE.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Indicators\DataInd.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Ticks\DataTick.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Book\MarketBookOrd.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\MQLSignalBase\MQLSignal.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Chart\ChartObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\GCnvElement.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdGraphObj.mqh"

Al final del cuerpo de la clase, declaramos los métodos necesarios para buscar y clasificar según las propiedades de los objetos gráficos estándar:

//| Methods of working with standard graphical object data           |
   //--- Return the list of objects with one of (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties meeting a specified criterion
   static CArrayObj *ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
   static CArrayObj *ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
   static CArrayObj *ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode);
   //--- Return the graphical object index in the list with the maximum value of the (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
   static int        FindGraphicStdObjectMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   static int        FindGraphicStdObjectMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   static int        FindGraphicStdObjectMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);
   //--- Return the graphical object index in the list with the minimum value of the (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties
   static int        FindGraphicStdObjectMin(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property);
   static int        FindGraphicStdObjectMin(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property);
   static int        FindGraphicStdObjectMin(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property);

Los implementamos fuera del cuerpo de la clase:

//| The methods of working with data of the graphical elements on the canvas  |
//| Return the list of objects with one integer                      |
//| property meeting the specified criterion                         |
CArrayObj *CSelect::ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
   if(list_source==NULL) return NULL;
   CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
   if(list==NULL) return NULL;
   int total=list_source.Total();
   for(int i=0; i<total; i++)
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_source.At(i);
      if(!obj.SupportProperty(property)) continue;
      long obj_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
      if(CompareValues(obj_prop,value,mode)) list.Add(obj);
   return list;
//| Return the list of objects with one real                         |
//| property meeting the specified criterion                         |
CArrayObj *CSelect::ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
   if(list_source==NULL) return NULL;
   CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
   if(list==NULL) return NULL;
   for(int i=0; i<list_source.Total(); i++)
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_source.At(i);
      if(!obj.SupportProperty(property)) continue;
      double obj_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
      if(CompareValues(obj_prop,value,mode)) list.Add(obj);
   return list;
//| Return the list of objects with one string                       |
//| property meeting the specified criterion                         |
CArrayObj *CSelect::ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode)
   if(list_source==NULL) return NULL;
   CArrayObj *list=new CArrayObj();
   if(list==NULL) return NULL;
   for(int i=0; i<list_source.Total(); i++)
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_source.At(i);
      if(!obj.SupportProperty(property)) continue;
      string obj_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
      if(CompareValues(obj_prop,value,mode)) list.Add(obj);
   return list;
//| Return the object index in the list                              |
//| with the maximum integer property value                          |
int CSelect::FindGraphicStdObjectMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
   if(list_source==NULL) return WRONG_VALUE;
   int index=0;
   CGStdGraphObj *max_obj=NULL;
   int total=list_source.Total();
   if(total==0) return WRONG_VALUE;
   for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_source.At(i);
      long obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
      long obj2_prop=max_obj.GetProperty(property);
      if(CompareValues(obj1_prop,obj2_prop,MORE)) index=i;
   return index;
//| Return the object index in the list                              |
//| with the maximum real property value                             |
int CSelect::FindGraphicStdObjectMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
   if(list_source==NULL) return WRONG_VALUE;
   int index=0;
   CGStdGraphObj *max_obj=NULL;
   int total=list_source.Total();
   if(total==0) return WRONG_VALUE;
   for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_source.At(i);
      double obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
      double obj2_prop=max_obj.GetProperty(property);
      if(CompareValues(obj1_prop,obj2_prop,MORE)) index=i;
   return index;
//| Return the object index in the list                              |
//| with the maximum string property value                           |
int CSelect::FindGraphicStdObjectMax(CArrayObj *list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
   if(list_source==NULL) return WRONG_VALUE;
   int index=0;
   CGStdGraphObj *max_obj=NULL;
   int total=list_source.Total();
   if(total==0) return WRONG_VALUE;
   for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_source.At(i);
      string obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
      string obj2_prop=max_obj.GetProperty(property);
      if(CompareValues(obj1_prop,obj2_prop,MORE)) index=i;
   return index;
//| Return the object index in the list                              |
//| with the minimum integer property value                          |
int CSelect::FindGraphicStdObjectMin(CArrayObj* list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property)
   int index=0;
   CGStdGraphObj *min_obj=NULL;
   int total=list_source.Total();
   if(total==0) return WRONG_VALUE;
   for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_source.At(i);
      long obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
      long obj2_prop=min_obj.GetProperty(property);
      if(CompareValues(obj1_prop,obj2_prop,LESS)) index=i;
   return index;
//| Return the object index in the list                              |
//| with the minimum real property value                             |
int CSelect::FindGraphicStdObjectMin(CArrayObj* list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property)
   int index=0;
   CGStdGraphObj *min_obj=NULL;
   int total=list_source.Total();
   if(total== 0) return WRONG_VALUE;
   for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_source.At(i);
      double obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
      double obj2_prop=min_obj.GetProperty(property);
      if(CompareValues(obj1_prop,obj2_prop,LESS)) index=i;
   return index;
//| Return the object index in the list                              |
//| with the minimum string property value                           |
int CSelect::FindGraphicStdObjectMin(CArrayObj* list_source,ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property)
   int index=0;
   CGStdGraphObj *min_obj=NULL;
   int total=list_source.Total();
   if(total==0) return WRONG_VALUE;
   for(int i=1; i<total; i++)
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list_source.At(i);
      string obj1_prop=obj.GetProperty(property);
      string obj2_prop=min_obj.GetProperty(property);
      if(CompareValues(obj1_prop,obj2_prop,LESS)) index=i;
   return index;

Ya hemos analizado con detalle la lógica y el propósito de tales métodos en el tercer artículo sobre la biblioteca, por lo que no vamos a repetirnos aquí.

Añadiendo a la colección los objetos gráficos nuevamente creados

La lógica de determinación de los objetos del gráfico es la siguiente: los objetos para gestionar los objetos gráficos del gráfico se crean para cada gráfico abierto. Esos objetos monitorean los cambios en el número de objetos en el gráfico. A medida que aumenta el número de objetos, podemos ver qué objetos se han añadido, crear objetos gráficos para ellos y colocarlos en la lista de objetos recién añadidos. Por consiguiente, para cada uno de los gráficos abiertos en el terminal, tendremos nuestra propia lista de objetos gráficos recién añadidos.

Además, en la clase de colección de objetos gráficos, obtendremos una lista con todos los objetos creados de control de gráficos, y para cada uno de ellos podremos mirar las listas de objetos recién añadidos. Si han aparecido nuevos objetos gráficos en el gráfico, los objetos que los describen se colocarán en la lista. De esta lista, obtendremos los punteros a cada objeto, y lo extraeremos de la lista. Si el objeto se recupera con éxito, lo eliminaremos de la lista de objetos recién añadidos de la clase de gestión de objetos gráficos y lo colocaremos inmediatamente en la lista de colección. Si no se coloca correctamente, este objeto será eliminado con un mensaje de error. De esta forma, evitaremos las pérdidas de memoria, ya que un objeto eliminado de la lista debe ser gestionado manualmente, o bien ser colocado en otra lista controlada por el subsistema del terminal. Precisamente esto vamos a hacer colocándolo en la lista de colección. En caso de fallo, simplemente eliminaremos este objeto.

Sí, esta lógica implica la pérdida del objeto que ha sido creado como descripción de un objeto gráfico, y la biblioteca no podrá informarnos sobre la adición del objeto gráfico al gráfico y su posterior gestión. Pero esto es mejor que dejar el objeto en algún lugar de la memoria, por así decirlo, "flotando libremente".
Es probable que pensemos más tarde en la lógica de almacenamiento de dichos objetos, pero para ello tendremos que buscar la causa de la adición fallida del objeto eliminado a la lista de la colección, y lo más probable es que sea una falta de memoria. En este caso, cualquier guardado de este objeto en cualquier sitio fallará. Por consiguiente, lo que haremos por el momento es eliminar dicho objeto.

En primer lugar, incluiremos en el archivo de la clase de colección de objetos gráficos en \MQL5\Include\DoEasy\Collections\GraphElementsCollection.mqh todas las clases restantes de los objetos gráficos estándar que hemos creado hoy:

//|                                      GraphElementsCollection.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                             https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://mql5.com/en/users/artmedia70"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include files                                                    |
#include "ListObj.mqh"
#include "..\Services\Select.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Form.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdVLineObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdHLineObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdTrendObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdTrendByAngleObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdCiclesObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowedLineObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdChannelObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdStdDevChannelObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdRegressionObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdPitchforkObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdGannLineObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdGannFanObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdGannGridObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdFiboObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdFiboTimesObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdFiboFanObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdFiboArcObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdFiboChannelObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdExpansionObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdElliotWave5Obj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdElliotWave3Obj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdRectangleObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdTriangleObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdEllipseObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowThumbUpObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowThumbDownObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowUpObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowDownObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowStopObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowCheckObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowLeftPriceObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowRightPriceObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowBuyObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowSellObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdArrowObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdTextObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdLabelObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdButtonObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdChartObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdBitmapObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdBitmapLabelObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdEditObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdEventObj.mqh"
#include "..\Objects\Graph\Standard\GStdRectangleLabelObj.mqh"
//| Chart object management class                                    |

En la clase de gestión de objetos gráficos, en su sección privada, declaramos la lista de objetos gráficos recién añadidos y declaramos el método que retorna el nombre del último objeto gráfico añadido al gráfico.
En la sección pública de la clase, escribimos el método que retorna la lista de objetos nuevamente añadidos, y en los constructores de la clase, limpiamos la lista y le asignamos la bandera de lista clasificada:

//| Chart object management class                                    |
class CChartObjectsControl : public CObject
   CArrayObj         m_list_new_graph_obj;      // List of added graphical objects
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   m_chart_timeframe;         // Chart timeframe
   long              m_chart_id;                // Chart ID
   string            m_chart_symbol;            // Chart symbol
   bool              m_is_graph_obj_event;      // Event flag in the list of graphical objects
   int               m_total_objects;           // Number of graphical objects
   int               m_last_objects;            // Number of graphical objects during the previous check
   int               m_delta_graph_obj;         // Difference in the number of graphical objects compared to the previous check
//--- Return the name of the last graphical object added to the chart
   string            LastAddedGraphObjName(void);
//--- Return the variable values
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   Timeframe(void)                           const { return this.m_chart_timeframe;    }
   long              ChartID(void)                             const { return this.m_chart_id;           }
   string            Symbol(void)                              const { return this.m_chart_symbol;       }
   bool              IsEvent(void)                             const { return this.m_is_graph_obj_event; }
   int               TotalObjects(void)                        const { return this.m_total_objects;      }
   int               Delta(void)                               const { return this.m_delta_graph_obj;    }
//--- Create a new standard graphical object
   CGStdGraphObj    *CreateNewGraphObj(const ENUM_OBJECT obj_type,const long chart_id, const string name);
//--- Return the list of newly added objects
   CArrayObj        *GetListNewAddedObj(void)                        { return &this.m_list_new_graph_obj;}
//--- Check the chart objects
   void              Refresh(void);
//--- Constructors
                     CChartObjectsControl(const long chart_id)
//--- Compare CChartObjectsControl objects by a chart ID (for sorting the list by an object property)
   virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
                        const CChartObjectsControl *obj_compared=node;
                        return(this.ChartID()>obj_compared.ChartID() ? 1 : this.ChartID()<obj_compared.ChartID() ? -1 : 0);

Antes, en el método Refresh() de la clase de gestión de objetos gráficos, buscábamos el último objeto gráfico añadido al gráfico de la forma siguiente:

   //--- If an object is added to the chart
      int index=0;
      datetime time=0;
      string name="";
      //--- find the last added graphical object and write its index
      for(int j=0;j<this.m_total_objects;j++)
         datetime tm=(datetime)::ObjectGetInteger(this.ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_CREATETIME);
      //--- Select the last graphical object by its index

Ahora, hemos sacado este código al completo a un método aparte, y este mismo bloque de código tiene el aspecto que sigue:

   //--- If an object is added to the chart
      //--- find the last added graphical object, select it and write its name
      string name=this.LastAddedGraphObjName();

Si hemos obtenido el nombre del último objeto añadido al gráfico, crearemos un objeto que lo describa, estableceremos sus propiedades, las enviaremos al diario e inmediatamente eliminaremos este objeto:

      //--- Select the last graphical object by its index
         //--- Create the object of the graphical object class corresponding to the added graphical object type
         ENUM_OBJECT type=(ENUM_OBJECT)::ObjectGetInteger(this.ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_TYPE);
         CGStdGraphObj *obj=this.CreateNewGraphObj(type,this.ChartID(),name);
            //--- Set the object index and affiliation, display its short description and remove the created object
            delete obj;

Ahora, guardaremos este objeto en la lista de objetos nuevamente añadidos:

//| CChartObjectsControl Check objects on a chart                    |
void CChartObjectsControl::Refresh(void)
//--- Graphical objects on the chart
//--- If the number of objects has changed
      //--- Create the string and display it in the journal with the chart ID, its symbol and timeframe
      string txt=", "+(m_delta_graph_obj>0 ? "Added: " : "Deleted: ")+(string)fabs(m_delta_graph_obj)+" obj";
      Print(DFUN,"ChartID=",this.ChartID(),", ",this.Symbol(),", ",TimeframeDescription(this.Timeframe()),txt);
   //--- If an object is added to the chart
      //--- find the last added graphical object, select it and write its name
      string name=this.LastAddedGraphObjName();
         //--- Create the object of the graphical object class corresponding to the added graphical object type
         ENUM_OBJECT type=(ENUM_OBJECT)::ObjectGetInteger(this.ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_TYPE);
         CGStdGraphObj *obj=this.CreateNewGraphObj(type,this.ChartID(),name);
         //--- Set the object affiliation and add the created object to the list of new objects
//--- save the index of the last added graphical object and the difference with the last check

Ahora, después de cada objeto recién añadido al gráfico, crearemos en cada objeto de la clase de gestión de objetos gráficos una lista con los objetos gráficos añadidos al gráfico. Y así sucesivamente para cada gráfico abierto en el terminal. Luego, en la clase de colección de objetos gráficos, podremos visualizar cada objeto de gestión de objetos gráficos y extraer de sus listas todos los objetos disponibles que describan los objetos gráficos creados, y colocar estos en la lista de colección.

En el método para crear un nuevo objeto gráfico estándar, descomentamos todas las líneas restantes para crear objetos que implementamos hoy:

//| CChartObjectsControl                                             |
//| Create a new standard graphical object                           |
CGStdGraphObj *CChartObjectsControl::CreateNewGraphObj(const ENUM_OBJECT obj_type,const long chart_id,const string name)
   CGStdGraphObj *obj=NULL;
      //--- Lines
      case OBJ_VLINE             : return new CGStdVLineObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_HLINE             : return new CGStdHLineObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_TREND             : return new CGStdTrendObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE      : return new CGStdTrendByAngleObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_CYCLES            : return new CGStdCyclesObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROWED_LINE      : return new CGStdArrowedLineObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Channels
      case OBJ_CHANNEL           : return new CGStdChannelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL     : return new CGStdStdDevChannelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_REGRESSION        : return new CGStdRegressionObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_PITCHFORK         : return new CGStdPitchforkObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Gann
      case OBJ_GANNLINE          : return new CGStdGannLineObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_GANNFAN           : return new CGStdGannFanObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_GANNGRID          : return new CGStdGannGridObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Fibo
      case OBJ_FIBO              : return new CGStdFiboObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_FIBOTIMES         : return new CGStdFiboTimesObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_FIBOFAN           : return new CGStdFiboFanObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_FIBOARC           : return new CGStdFiboArcObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_FIBOCHANNEL       : return new CGStdFiboChannelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_EXPANSION         : return new CGStdExpansionObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Elliott
      case OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE5       : return new CGStdElliotWave5Obj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ELLIOTWAVE3       : return new CGStdElliotWave3Obj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Shapes
      case OBJ_RECTANGLE         : return new CGStdRectangleObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_TRIANGLE          : return new CGStdTriangleObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ELLIPSE           : return new CGStdEllipseObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Arrows
      case OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_UP    : return new CGStdArrowThumbUpObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_THUMB_DOWN  : return new CGStdArrowThumbDownObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_UP          : return new CGStdArrowUpObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_DOWN        : return new CGStdArrowDownObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_STOP        : return new CGStdArrowStopObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_CHECK       : return new CGStdArrowCheckObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_LEFT_PRICE  : return new CGStdArrowLeftPriceObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_RIGHT_PRICE : return new CGStdArrowRightPriceObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_BUY         : return new CGStdArrowBuyObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW_SELL        : return new CGStdArrowSellObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_ARROW             : return new CGStdArrowObj(chart_id,name);
      //--- Graphical objects
      case OBJ_TEXT              : return new CGStdTextObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_LABEL             : return new CGStdLabelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_BUTTON            : return new CGStdButtonObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_CHART             : return new CGStdChartObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_BITMAP            : return new CGStdBitmapObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL      : return new CGStdBitmapLabelObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_EDIT              : return new CGStdEditObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_EVENT             : return new CGStdEventObj(chart_id,name);
      case OBJ_RECTANGLE_LABEL   : return new CGStdRectangleLabelObj(chart_id,name);

      default                    : return NULL;

Fuera del cuerpo de la clase, escribimos el método que retorna el nombre del último objeto gráfico añadido al gráfico:

//| CChartObjectsControl                                             |
//| Return the name of the last graphical object                     |
//| added to the chart (th object becomes selected)                  |
string CChartObjectsControl::LastAddedGraphObjName(void)
   int index=0;
   datetime time=0;
   for(int i=0;i<this.m_total_objects;i++)
      string name=::ObjectName(this.ChartID(),i);
      datetime tm=(datetime)::ObjectGetInteger(this.ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_CREATETIME);
   return ::ObjectName(this.ChartID(),index);

Aquí, simplemente iteramos en un ciclo por todos los objetos del gráfico buscando el tiempo máximo de creación de un objeto gráfico; luego seleccionamos este objeto según el índice encontrado (el índice puede no ser el máximo, ya que los objetos gráficos en la lista de terminales se almacenan según el nombre) y retornamos su nombre.

Como tenemos dos tipos de objetos gráficos que la biblioteca puede crear y monitorear (los objetos gráficos estándar y los objetos creados con la clase CCanvas), tendremos dos listas en la colección de objetos gráficos: una lista de objetos gráficos estándar y otra lista con los objetos en el lienzo. Dado que sus propiedades son bastante diferentes, parece inapropiado almacenar sus parámetros para dos tipos diferentes de objetos en la misma enumeración de propiedades de objeto.

En la sección privada de la clase, declaramos una nueva lista, la lista con todos los elementos gráficos en el lienzo: en ella añadiremos posteriormente todos los objetos gráficos creados en el lienzo. Y como ya teníamos una lista con todos los objetos gráficos declarados anteriormente, utilizaremos esta para guardar los objetos gráficos estándar:

//| Collection of graphical objects                                  |
class CGraphElementsCollection : public CBaseObj
   CArrayObj         m_list_charts_control;     // List of chart management objects
   CListObj          m_list_all_canv_elm_obj;   // List of all graphical elements on canvas
   CListObj          m_list_all_graph_obj;      // List of all graphical objects
   bool              m_is_graph_obj_event;      // Event flag in the list of graphical objects
   int               m_total_objects;           // Number of graphical objects
   int               m_delta_graph_obj;         // Difference in the number of graphical objects compared to the previous check
//--- Return the flag indicating the graphical element object in the list of graphical objects
   bool              IsPresentGraphElmInList(const int id,const ENUM_GRAPH_ELEMENT_TYPE type_obj);
//--- Return the pointer to the object of managing objects of the specified chart
   CChartObjectsControl *GetChartObjectCtrlObj(const long chart_id);
//--- Create a new object of managing graphical objects of a specified chart and add it to the list
   CChartObjectsControl *CreateChartObjectCtrlObj(const long chart_id);
//--- Update the list of graphical objects by chart ID
   CChartObjectsControl *RefreshByChartID(const long chart_id);
//--- Return the first free ID of the graphical (1) object and (2) element on canvas
   long              GetFreeGraphObjID(void);
   long              GetFreeCanvElmID(void);
//--- Add a graphical object to the collection
   bool              AddGraphObjToCollection(const string source,CChartObjectsControl *obj_control);

El método privado que actualiza la lista de objetos gráficos según el identificador del gráfico, ahora retornará el puntero al objeto para gestionar objetos gráficos; lo necesitaremos para acceder a las listas de objetos recién creados.

También hemos declarado tres métodos más aquí: un método que retorna el primer identificador libre de un objeto gráfico y de un elemento en el lienzo, y un método que añade un objeto gráfico a la colección.

En la sección pública de la clase, en lugar del método GetList(), creamos dos métodos: uno para retornar la lista de colección de objetos gráficos estándar y otro para devolver la lista de colección de elementos gráficos en el lienzo:

//--- Return itself
   CGraphElementsCollection *GetObject(void)                                                             { return &this;                        }
   //--- Return the full collection list of standard graphical objects "as is"
   CArrayObj        *GetListGraphObj(void)                                                               { return &this.m_list_all_graph_obj;   }
   //--- Return the full collection list of graphical elements on canvas "as is"
   CArrayObj        *GetListCanvElm(void)                                                                { return &this.m_list_all_canv_elm_obj;}
   //--- Return the list by selected (1) integer, (2) real and (3) string properties meeting the compared criterion
   CArrayObj        *GetList(ENUM_CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_INTEGER property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL) { return CSelect::ByGraphCanvElementProperty(this.GetListCanvElm(),property,value,mode);  }
   CArrayObj        *GetList(ENUM_CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL){ return CSelect::ByGraphCanvElementProperty(this.GetListCanvElm(),property,value,mode);  }
   CArrayObj        *GetList(ENUM_CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_STRING property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL){ return CSelect::ByGraphCanvElementProperty(this.GetListCanvElm(),property,value,mode);  }
   CArrayObj        *GetList(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_INTEGER property,long value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL)    { return CSelect::ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(this.GetListGraphObj(),property,value,mode); }
   CArrayObj        *GetList(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_DOUBLE property,double value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL)   { return CSelect::ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(this.GetListGraphObj(),property,value,mode); }
   CArrayObj        *GetList(ENUM_GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_STRING property,string value,ENUM_COMPARER_TYPE mode=EQUAL)   { return CSelect::ByGraphicStdObjectProperty(this.GetListGraphObj(),property,value,mode); }
   //--- Return the number of new graphical objects, (3) the flag of the occurred change in the list of graphical objects
   int               NewObjects(void)   const                                                            { return this.m_delta_graph_obj;       }
   bool              IsEvent(void) const                                                                 { return this.m_is_graph_obj_event;    }
   //--- Constructor
//--- Display the description of the object properties in the journal (full_prop=true - all properties, false - supported ones only - implemented in descendant classes)
   virtual void      Print(const bool full_prop=false,const bool dash=false);
//--- Display a short description of the object in the journal
   virtual void      PrintShort(const bool dash=false,const bool symbol=false);

//--- Create the list of chart management objects and return the number of charts
   int               CreateChartControlList(void);
//--- Update the list of (1) all graphical objects, (2) on the specified chart, fill in the data on the number of new ones and set the event flag
   void              Refresh(void);
   void              Refresh(const long chart_id);

Por consiguiente, como ahora tenemos dos listas de colección en la misma clase, añadiremos para los objetos gráficos estándar los métodos que retornan las listas según las propiedades del objeto seleccionado.

El método privado que actualiza la lista de objetos gráficos según el identificador del gráfico, ahora retorna el puntero al objeto de control de objetos gráficos:

//| Update the list of graphical objects by chart ID                 |
CChartObjectsControl *CGraphElementsCollection::RefreshByChartID(const long chart_id)
//--- Get the pointer to the object for managing graphical objects
   CChartObjectsControl *obj=GetChartObjectCtrlObj(chart_id);
//--- If there is no such an object in the list, create a new one and add it to the list
//--- If the pointer to the object is not valid, leave the method
      return NULL;
//--- Update the list of graphical objects on a specified chart
   return obj;

En el método que actualiza la lista de todos los objetos gráficos, ahora obtendremos las listas de los objetos nuevamente añadidos desde la clase de gestión de objetos gráficos y, siempre que haya un evento, extraeremos los objetos de la lista y los añadiremos a la lista de colección:

//| Update the list of all graphical objects                         |
void CGraphElementsCollection::Refresh(void)
//--- Declare variables to search for charts
   long chart_id=0;
   int i=0;
//--- In the loop by all open charts in the terminal (no more than 100)
      //--- Get the chart ID
      //--- Get the pointer to the object for managing graphical objects
      //--- and update the list of graphical objects by chart ID
      CChartObjectsControl *obj_ctrl=this.RefreshByChartID(chart_id);
      //--- If failed to get the pointer, move on to the next chart
      //--- If the number of objects on the chart changes
         //--- If a graphical object is added to the chart
            //--- Get the list of added graphical objects and move them to the collection list
            //--- (if failed to move the object to the collection, move on to the next object)
         //--- If the graphical object has been removed
         else if(obj_ctrl.Delta()<0)
         //--- otherwise
      //--- Increase the loop index

Resumiendo: la lógica del método se describe en los comentarios al código y su comprensión no debería suponer ninguna dificultad.

Métodos que retornan el primer identificador libre de un objeto gráfico y de un elemento gráfico en el lienzo:

//| Return the first free graphical object ID                        |
long CGraphElementsCollection::GetFreeGraphObjID(void)
   int index=CSelect::FindGraphicStdObjectMax(this.GetListGraphObj(),GRAPH_OBJ_PROP_ID);
   CGStdGraphObj *obj=this.m_list_all_graph_obj.At(index);
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.ObjectID()+1 : 1);
//| Return the first free ID                                         |
//| of the graphical element on canvas                               |
long CGraphElementsCollection::GetFreeCanvElmID(void)
   int index=CSelect::FindGraphCanvElementMax(this.GetListCanvElm(),CANV_ELEMENT_PROP_ID);
   CGCnvElement *obj=this.m_list_all_canv_elm_obj.At(index);
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.ID()+1 : 1);

Aquí, obtenemos el índice del objeto con el identificador más alto, obtennemos el objeto con este identificador de la lista según el índice encontrado y retornamos el valor de su identificador + 1. Si el objeto no se encuentra en la lista, retornaremos el valor 1, ya que aún no hay objetos en la colección, y asignaremos al primero un identificador con un valor 1.

Método para añadir un objeto gráfico a la colección:

//| Add a graphical object to the collection                         |
bool CGraphElementsCollection::AddGraphObjToCollection(const string source,CChartObjectsControl *obj_control)
   //--- Get the list of the last added graphical objects from the class for managing graphical objects
   CArrayObj *list=obj_control.GetListNewAddedObj();
   //--- If failed to obtain the list, inform of that and return 'false'
      return false;
   //--- If the list is empty, return 'false'
      return false;
   //--- Declare the variable for storing the result
   bool res=true;
   //--- In the loop by the list of newly added standard graphical objects,
   for(int i=0;i<list.Total();i++)
      //--- retrieve the next object from the list and
      CGStdGraphObj *obj=list.Detach(i);
      //--- if failed to get the object, inform of that, add 'false' to the resulting variable and move on to the next one
         res &=false;
      //--- if failed to add the object to the collection list, inform of that,
      //--- remove the object, add 'false' to the resulting variable and move on to the next one
         delete obj;
         res &=false;
      //--- The object has been successfully retrieved from the list of newly added graphical objects and introduced into the collection -
      //--- find the next free object ID, write it to the property and display the short object description in the journal
   //--- Return the result of adding the object to the collection
   return res;

La lógica del método se describe detalladamente en los comentarios al código, y a buen seguro no requerirá de aclaraciones. En cualquier caso, el lector podrá escribir cualquier duda en los comentarios al artículo. Temporalmente para la prueba, mostraremos la descripción breve del objeto añadido a la colección.

Con esto, podemos dar por completa la creación de la funcionalidad para añadir objetos gráficos estándar a la colección.


Para la simulación, vamos a tomar el asesor del artículo anterior y guardarlo en la nueva carpeta \MQL5\Experts\TestDoEasy\Part85\ con el nuevo nombre TestDoEasyPart85.mq5. No realizaremos ningún cambio en el asesor.
Simplemente compilaremos el asesor, lo ejecutaremos en el gráfico y añadiremos diferentes objetos gráficos a distintos gráficos del terminal, mostrándose así mensajes breves sobre su creación en el diario:

Es probable que falten algunos datos para realizar la descripción breve del objeto gráfico recién añadido.
Más tarde, probablemente ampliemos un poco la información mostrada en las descripciones breves de varios objetos gráficos.

¿Qué es lo próximo?

En el próximo artículo, continuaremos desarrollando la clase de colección de objetos gráficos y los objetos que describen los objetos gráficos estándar.

Más abajo se adjuntan todos los archivos de la versión actual de la biblioteca y el archivo del asesor de prueba para MQL5. Podrá descargarlo todo y ponerlo a prueba por sí mismo.

Si tiene preguntas, observaciones o sugerencias, podrá concretarlas en los comentarios al artículo.

Volver al contenido

*Artículos de esta serie:

Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 73): Objeto de formulario del elemento gráfico
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 74): Elemento gráfico básico sobre la clase CCanvas
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 75): Métodos de trabajo con primitivas y texto en el elemento gráfico básico.
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 76): Objeto de formulario y temas de color predeterminados
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 77): Clase de objeto Sombra
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 78): Fundamentos de animación en la biblioteca. Cortando las imágenes
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 79): Clase de objeto "Fotograma de animación" y sus objetos herederos
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 80): Clase de objeto "Fotograma de animación geométrica"
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 81): Integrando gráficos en los objetos de la biblioteca
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 82): Refactorización de los objetos de la biblioteca y colección de objetos gráficos
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 83): Clase de objeto gráfico abstracto estándar
Gráficos en la biblioteca DoEasy (Parte 84): Clases herederas del objeto gráfico abstracto estándar

Traducción del ruso hecha por MetaQuotes Ltd.
Artículo original: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/9964

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