A topic for traders. - page 218

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

someone needs to brush up on their skills... I understand "ancient African" for example, of course I may be ancient African :-) the definition of thresholds is not clear...at R^2 it is extremely vague

I agree that R^2 is not the best indicator, because at different slopes it will give different quality strength, you can add more criteria, from ancient African epic you can also remember some standard F-test criteria, and try to estimate the residuals distribution, to avoid getting into a situation like with Encombe quartet.

khorosh #:

I am quite happy with my standard of living. I have everything, based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency. I have a cash reserve for possible contingencies.

Money is not evil. It is too much of it, and an irrepressible desire to spend it. Evil is when enormous money gives its owner a false sense of being the ruler of the world, that he, unlike others, is allowed everything: "I will buy everything, said the gold...".

So it is just a shame that somebody spends more? Is that how it works? This is typical communist thinking.

transcendreamer #:

So it just hurts that someone spends more? Is that how it works? This is typical communist thinking.

Enough about Swedishlagom är bäst and you're talking about some kind of resentment and envy...

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

sing a song in the goat's ear before the wolf's supper)))) And with a gun and breaking the law, it is a song, not violating freedoms, but depriving someone of something... but otherwise, get better, bend other people...)))) What does it mean to take advantage of the right to take advantage of a limited number, what is the point, equality, even if all are super-duper users, and even with superpowers, there will be no laws and limitation of freedoms. But apparently this is an unattainable understanding, as well as an understanding of what it means not to violate the freedoms of your neighbours. There can be no bottom of the mountain at the top of the mountain))) Simple as that....

Why mix criminality with fair competition? Your argument is not valid at all.

If wealth is derived from a fair exchange, without coercion to bargain, and without breaking the law, then what's the problem?

Even if you take away all the money instantly and divide the resources equally among all the people, there will still be rich and poor very quickly, simply because there are those who can manage funds better and those who are worse.

And then there are those like Izersky who drain their pensions on forex. 😁

Shoker #:

Try to start by explaining what a "breakwater" is, how it differs from ZZ, and how it is built differently from ZZ. Maybe then at least some picture of your understanding of the market will emerge.

Tell us about the patterns that you observe - every system uses patterns (except SB), only each "builder" of TS sees his own patterns. If you have a fear that someone will try to use your way of analyzing the market, then you can rest assured - it will be hard to find them manually, and they will want to buy the finished product - the product that they already understand, and not a "pig in a poke" promising the gold without understanding how they appear, and without that understanding any "magic wand" in the hands of a layman is nothing but a cudgel.

I've told about waves and patterns many times already. In reply I received rebukes and trash cans of dirt. I am fed up with it.

If anyone is interested, I propose to discuss this subject in a private channel. MetaQuotes Ltd has made it possible to do so. Please write in private.

The listeners in the open threads are too exuberant and have managed to crap so much that I don't have to explain it for everyone.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

An extreme case, but what is the justice that the rich son of a retard and a moral pervert will live on his parents' money a life of wealth and happiness, while ruining the lives of thousands of good righteous people, with intelligence, zest for life, entrepreneurs, but without opportunity. What are you advocating?

This is just an extreme case, such a picture or book example of the profligate son of a rich aristocrat from the 18th century spending his idle life in orgies and revelry. In reality, most of those who achieve success and know how to save and increase - they just have to be able to do something, or at least be taught how to delegate management properly. And even then, wealth did not come down to him from heaven, capital is objectified labor that was produced if not by him then by his parents, thus there is always a connection between capital and labor, and the Marxist opposition of capital and labor is just nonsense, as well as the dogma of inviolability of hierarchy and classes, one should read less old Soviet textbooks and look at the world more broadly.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

I've told you about waves and patterns many times before. I've received reproaches and a lot of dirt in return. I've had enough of it.

If anyone is interested, I propose to discuss this topic in a private channel. MetaQuotes Ltd has made it possible to do so. Please write in private.

The listener is too exuberant in open threads and has managed to shit so much that I don't have to explain it for everyone.

Here is the moment of truth!

When faced with a direct, concrete question on the subject, Izyersky always either gets hysterical or runs away with embarrassing excuses...

Out of his own thread!


Just what I needed to prove, the usual cheap braggadocio empty-nester.


transcendreamer #:

Why mix criminality with fair competition? Your argument is not valid at all.

If wealth is obtained as a result of a fair exchange, without coercion to bargain, and without breaking the law, then what is the problem?

Even if you take away all the money instantly and divide the resources equally among all the people, there will still be rich and poor very quickly, simply because there are those who can manage funds better and those who are worse.

And then there are those like Izersky who drain their pensions on forex. 😁

Is there any fair competition anywhere? Your appeal is not valid for that very reason.

If all is received honestly there is no problem, but how many such cases are the exception to the rule.

Even if ... I don't like it. I would abolish the institution of inheritance. More radical and efficient. The development of society would be accelerated. And the argument that motivation will decrease, so it will not disappear))))

And not everyone pisses away their pensions, I know some personally. They lead a contented life, and here you will not find much entertainment))))

Aleksandr Volotko #:

Khorosh is basically talking about Swedishlagom är bäst and you're talking about some kind of resentment and envy...

No, no, it's not about overindulging in restaurants, Khorosh's thesis is that it's bad when someone earns and spends a lot, noticeably more than some average factory worker, but Khorosh doesn't take into account historical trends that now the average factory worker lives better than a wealthy merchant 100 years ago in terms of comfort level. I want Khorosh to finally say why it is bad that one has more in total income and expenses than someone else. What is the reason for his desire for artificial equalisation? Isn't this hidden disguised envy?

transcendreamer #:

No, no, it's not about overindulging in restaurants, Khorosh's thesis is that it's bad when someone earns and spends a lot, noticeably more than some average factory worker, but Khorosh doesn't consider historical trends, that the average factory worker now lives better comfortably than a wealthy merchant 100 years ago. I want Khorosh to finally say why it is bad that one has more in total income and expenses than someone else. What is the reason for his desire for artificial equalisation? Isn't this hidden camouflaged envy?

He has a different thesis. It's bad when the rights and freedoms of others are violated. He's had it about equalization before. Then it was about rights and freedoms.