A topic for traders. - page 212

TheXpert #:
And the last joy in the form ofa "private channel" with admirers )
Let's be objective: in this particular branch of Izersky's forum many participants, including outstanding personalities who inhabited the fourth forum.
So the forum is stifled by the efforts of public moderators.
transcendreamer #:


By the way Mr Khorosh, how about that factory story? 🏭 Have you managed to give up your crazy thoughts of restricting business owners' incomes in favour of the workers? - Or continue to persist in your malignant Marxist/Communist ideas?

I stand by my opinion. Excessive money corrupts people. One should live by the principle of reasonable sufficiency. Here is my son, when he achieved financial well-being (he bought 2 flats in Moscow and Yekaterinburg and is building a country mansion in Germany), he writes that he lost his frenzied interest in money. He offered me money but I refused - I will not have time to spend it, as I do not have much left to live on.

The principle of rational sufficiency is not a harmful Marxist-communist idea. It is the principle of modern, highly cultured people. Even business sharks like Bill Gates understand that you can't take money with you to the grave, so he spends half of his income on charity. And why shouldn't a capitalist with excessive income share it with his employees and pay them a decent wage? The opposite viewpoint leads to social upheavals such as happened recently in Kazakhstan. It is clear that outside influence was involved, but the ground was created by local insatiable business sharks who squeeze everything they can out of the workers and pay them miserable wages.

khorosh #  And why shouldn't the capitalist who has excess profits share them with his workers and pay them decent wages? The opposite viewpoint leads to social upheavals such as happened recently in Kazakhstan. It is clear that there was not without outside influence, but the ground was created by local insatiable business sharks, who squeeze everything they can out of the workers and pay them miserable wages.
By the way, about "beggarly" salaries: in Kazakhstan the average salary is higher than in Russia approximately by 30%. So the question of social explosions is not in the plane of wages
Sergey Gridnev #:
By the way, about "beggarly" salaries: in Kazakhstan the average salary is higher than in Russia approximately by 30%. So the issue of social upheaval is not about salaries.

It is clear that wages are not the only reason, nevertheless, when a person is well-fed and financially well-off, it is difficult to summon him to the barricades, while it is easy for a poor and hungry person to do so.

transcendreamer #:
P.S. In a while I'll steal a new SIM card from the gypsies at the bazaar and return to the cult.

Have you looked into the soft sim thing, by any chance? Or is it all sad there too?

Sergey Gridnev #:
Let's be objective: in this particular branch of Izersky, many forum participants, including outstanding personalities who lived on the fourth forum.
So the forum is stifled by the efforts of public moderators.

The thread is large and noisy, but it is of no use to the forum: there are no ideas, no wording or criteria, no theories, nothing at all. There is only pathos and babble of the author of the thread, and logical scramble, which he provokes in such a manner as to pretend to be an expert with an apparent lack of achievement. Somebody wrote here that the man has developed the subject of waves, like a good man. Where did he go? For example here I have only seen the primitive numbering of tops according to the zigzag and in addition there is nothing substantial about waves, channels and market laws. In essence and subject - exactly zero.

That is the ability to make a fuss - is not a criterion of forum participant usefulness, otherwise you can take a picture of your naked ass and post it - so the hype will be even more. This is not a tiktok, after all.

vladavd #:

The thread is large and noisy, but it is of no use to the forum: there are no ideas, no formulations and criteria, no theories - nothing at all. There is only pathos and big talk from the author of the topic, and a logical shambles, which he provokes in such a manner, when he pretends to be an expert with a clear lack of achievement. Somebody wrote here that the man has developed the subject of waves, like a good man. Where did he go? For example here I have only seen the primitive numbering of tops according to the zigzag and in addition there is nothing substantial about waves, channels and market laws. In essence and subject - exactly zero.

That is the ability to make a fuss - is not a criterion of forum participant usefulness, otherwise you can take a picture of your naked ass and post it - so the hype will be even more. This is not a tiktok after all.

None of Volodya's critics have any monitoring at all. Only their children.
vladavd #:

I, for example, have only seen a primitive zigzag numbering of the tops here, and a bucket of meaningless water about waves, channels and market laws.

So how to build a 'zigzag' correctly, so that the numbering of waves lends itself to some logic and meaning, has a clear structure?

Or is it not possible?

The question is not for you personally, but in general...

After all, before pulling a theory on a zigzag, it has to be built somehow correctly. Simple methods in the form of deviation step, etc. are not very suitable in my opinion.

khorosh #:

I stand by my opinion. Excessive money corrupts people. You have to live by the principle of reasonable sufficiency. Here is my son, when he has achieved financial well-being (he bought 2 flats in Moscow and Yekaterinburg and is building a country mansion in Germany), he writes that he has lost his frenzied interest in money.

But doesn't this depend on the essence of man, on his inner harmony/arrangement? And money itself is just money. It is clear that at some point, personal consumption becomes saturated, and the degree of subjective happiness ceases to be a linear function of money (better to use the term "revenue / personal income" or "wealth" as used in economics). And money becomes a resource - it enables a creative person to realise his projects, for example Musk - to prepare for his dream - the colonisation of Mars.

He offered me money, but I refused - I will not have time to spend mine, as I do not have much time left to live.

Why be so pessimistic... maybe soon a breakthrough, augmentations, implants and we'll live like in cyberpunk.

The principle of rational sufficiency is not a pernicious Marxist-communist idea. It is the principle of modern, highly cultured people. Even business sharks like Bill Gates understand that you can't take money with you to the grave, so he spends half of his income on charity. And why shouldn't a capitalist with excessive income share it with his employees and pay them a decent wage? The opposite viewpoint leads to social upheavals such as happened recently in Kazakhstan. Obviously there was some outside influence, but the ground was created by local insatiable business sharks who squeeze all they can out of the workers and pay them miserable wages.

No, no, you suggested that there should be explicit legal barriers to personal income above (I don't remember exactly) whatever the worker's salary was. And then you were never able to explain the reason why this should be done, well other than your internal subjective sense of fairness. Only it is not clear why you consider such a restriction to be fair. Thereby you are advocating discrimination against more successful people, artificially restricting them from the mainstream, discouraging the economy and entrepreneurship, after all, aren't people leaving factories/offices to start something of their own for the sake of super profits? Well apart from the interesting idea of course, no one is denying that either. I suggest you think about why, for what economic reason, you think such restrictions are acceptable at all.

I don't know what's going on in Kazakhstan, I've only seen burning cars and a fallen monument, I think to a greater extent it can be explained by the fact that there is more passion in this ethnos than in its northern neighbours, but it goes beyond the economic discussion. Maybe there really is something egregious about them there. The GDP per capita in RF and RK are comparable, and the Gini coefficient seems to be even lower in RK than in RF. And the social hierarchies not only "rob" (= redistribute resources), but also create positive effects in the form of better organization and better productive forces in their balanced healthy state.

It seems to me that your views were formed under the influence of, excuse me for being blunt, the Factor of the Factory, because you have had no experience as an entrepreneur, so you subjectively gravitate towards the leftist agenda.

Why shouldn't a capitalist who has excessive profits share them with his workers and pay them a decent wage?

That is his right but not an obligation. Otherwise you are speaking from a position that can be summed up as"I have more needs so the richer should share" - which is clearly a paraphrase:"my needs are more important than someone else's" - so you're defending robbery.

Also, we are getting back to the concept of a 'decent wage' and first you have to define it, what is a decent wage? - And why do you think that someone automatically deserves it? - After all, resources in society are not free.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

Have you looked into the soft sim thing, by any chance? Or is it all bad there too?

Virtual ones get banned, and sometimes real ones get banned completely unpredictably too.