How do I create a function to process each millisecond? - page 9

Igor Makanu:

And if you try to convert these clips with a simple video converter that can not automatically deinterlace correctly, then some video will appear periodic jerks - so in the example, about analogue and digital TV, that there that will be a TV image source at the output, but if the wrong video source pairing was done, there will be periodic jerks - let's say, compensation for skipping frames

Yeah, I've run into that before. But it's a conversion problem.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
I've just downloaded three clips from youtube for an experiment, two of them at 25 fps, the third one at 29.97. The entire world is living with this frame rate and everything is fine, everybody is happy with it, no one is annoyed.
Wow! Even an experienced shooter gamer won't notice a 5 fps difference.)))

Try downloading a youtube clip with 60 frames and try comparing ;)

If you don't see a difference, then there is a subjective perception. You just can't see the difference, then. There are people like that too, and the argument about fluidity becomes pointless.

About the complaints: tell that to James Cameron, why did he shoot Avatar at 60 fps, people complained about watching a Mexican series, everything was too smooth in the cinema.

Also, they're converting old movies to 60fps now. I watched both Aliens and Terminator at 60, the difference is huge.

It's a bare fact: the lag is there and it's confirmed by millions of people who can see the difference. If you don't see the difference (don't be lazy, download a snippet of film at 25 and 60 fps, and compare), then I see no point in arguing, there is a subjective aspect.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yeah, I've been there. But it's a conversion problem.

Yes, the problem is similar in pairing professional camcorders and TV broadcasts (or media recording), if the pairing algorithms are not correct then there will be jumps

They have the same sampling frequency on the lens (photocell) and recording format on recording media with completely different frequency and then the output signal is not a multiple of the old TV standards for online broadcasts, or rather the frequency will be a multiple of some TV standard. These are all historical evolutionary paths of video formats, and each round of evolution starts from the manufacturer, mostly Sony used to dictate new standards, but as in evolution the strongest survives, which standards became standards and which have gone out of demand

Justice for All:
Wow! Even an experienced dynamic shooter gamer won't notice the difference of 5 frames)))

Try downloading a youtube clip with 60 frames and try comparing ;)

If you don't see a difference, then there is a subjective perception. You just can't see the difference, then. There are people like that too, and the argument about fluidity becomes pointless.

About the complaints: tell that to James Cameron, why he shot Avatar at 60 fps, people complained about watching the Mexican series, everything was too smooth in the cinema.

It's a bare fact: the lags are there and they're confirmed by millions of people who can see the difference. If you can't see the difference (don't be lazy, download a snippet of the film at 25 and 60 fps, and compare), then I see no point in arguing, there's a subjective aspect to it.

So what? The point is that 24 fps is enough to create a natural motion effect.

How do you find 60 fps videos on youtube? There's no such thing. Where it says 60, it downloads 30. Exposure also has a huge impact on the smoothness effect. A correctly set exposure will create a continuity effect.

Here's something.

Just set it to 60 fps, otherwise it won't work.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

So what? The conversation is that 24 frames per second is enough to create a natural motion effect.

No, the conversation is that you think smoothness at 24fps is sufficient and that more is not something the eye will notice.

I argue that not enough and more - the brain will notice when processing the visuals.
Justice for All:
Wow! The difference in 5 frames, even an experienced gamer dynamic shooters will not notice.)))

Don't compare the warm with the soft! PC and games have other problems, the problem is the framing speed of the monitor, it depends on the screen resolution, i.e. there are 50 Hz and a resolution of 800x600 and 1920x1080

how many times a frame will be formed at 50 Hz?

and this framerate will need to be paired with the already built image of the video card buffer and not "squeezed" new data into the video card buffer

Now I do not know, I do not play a long time, but here's even 5 years ago were lagging in games when the view from the first person and sometimes the weapon is in the hands when the player stands (and the character is still a little bit making the movement) - the weapon sometimes were seen out of sync - sometimes slip dashed horizontal or small shift on the gun - like a couple of pixels shifted in the middle of a weapon, two of the weapon, then crash and again all ok

Justice for All:
1. No, the conversation is that you think smoothness at 24 frames is enough and that more is not noticeable to the eye.

I argue that not enough and more - the brain will notice when processing the visual.

1. Not me, but pretty much all of it, it's a number that has gone down in film history.

2. You can claim whatever you want... some claim to be Napoleon. What's in it for me?

But experts who know, make a distinction between movies and computer games. You don't.

Igor Makanu:

Don't compare the warm with the soft! PC and games have other problems, the problem is the framing speed of the monitor, it depends on the screen resolution, ie, there are 50 Hz and a resolution of 800x600 and 1920x1080

how many times a frame will be formed at 50 Hz?

and this framerate will need to be paired with the already built image of the video card buffer and not "squeezed" new data into the video card buffer

now i don't know, i don't play for a long time, but even about 5 years ago there were lags in games when the view is from the first person and sometimes on weapons that are in the hands when the player is standing (and the character still gradually makes some movements) - sometimes there were out of sync on the weapon - sometimes horizontal lines slipped or there was a slight shift on the gun - like a couple of pixels shifted in the middle of the weapon two halves

So I threw the link to the video) This video can posyotret both on the LCD monitor with a computer and an old CRT TV, and there and then the difference will be visible, if you do not like the game).

Justice for All:
Here's something

Just set it to 60 fps, otherwise it won't work.

What's the big deal? The screen is divided into two halves, one is 24 and the other is 60. Oh, my God!

Show it on youtube to download and see in the file properties. Besides, no one argues that maybe everything will be somehow smoother. Recall that the talk is that 24 frames per second is enough to create a natural motion effect.