How do I create a function to process each millisecond? - page 15

Igor Makanu:

You should be able to distinguish the individual flapping of a fly's wing.... flashing of electric light bulbs powered by 220V 50Hz .... lots of things... and through the scanning line of an analogue kinescope tv you also see a blinking screen and not a complete picture...

put yourself a 25Hz LED and watch - you'll see the blinking... what's out there, get yourself some 50Hz LED lighting ))

analogue tubes/kinescopes don't have time to turn off

I guess I'm breaking someone's business plan to sell HDTVs, aren't I? Yes? What other reason could there be to resist the obvious so vehemently?
Taras Slobodyanik:

put yourself a 25 Hz LED and watch - you'll see the blinking... what's the point - make your own lighting at 50Hz with LEDs ))

analogue tubes/kinescopes don't have time to turn off

I will not install anything and do not advise you, read the Internet, or look at clear and simple examples:

Igor Makanu:

I'm not going to put anything up for myself and I don't advise you to, read the internet, or look at this, it's clear and illustrative:

how do you explain de-interlace?
how is it possible to create 50 half-frames, and it's impossible to create one whole frame? (all half-frames are different)

Dmitry Fedoseev:
I guess I'm breaking someone's business plan to sell HDTVs, aren't I? Yes? What other reason could there be to so vehemently resist the obvious?

These are potential customers of no-holds-barred marketing chips.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

They're potential customers of a no-holds-barred marketing gimmick.

It's the other way around, the man fell for the "trick", bought himself a TV without interlacing, and is now proving to everyone that 25 full frames is cooler than 50 half-frames

Taras Slobodyanik:

On the contrary, the man fell for the "trick", bought a TV without interlacing, and now he proves to everyone that 25 full frames are cooler than 50 half-frames

I don't need to prove it, I sometimes watch video too and 24 frames is enough.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I don't need to prove it, I watch videos sometimes too, and 24 frames is enough.

Yeah, people here have also seen that on trackers most movies are 25-30 frames and now they tell everyone that movies are shot at 25 frames and that's enough for everyone.

Taras Slobodyanik:

Yeah, people here have also seen that most movies on trackers are 25-30 frames, and now they tell everyone that movies are shot at 25 frames, and that's enough for everyone.

I remember a story more than 20 years ago, when they started importing foreign equipment in large quantities.

I had an Odyssey 80W amplifier and an Amphiton 150, and the sound was absolutely fantastic.

My upstairs neighbour had the same loudspeaker, but an amp from Bark, and there was no difference in sound quality.

Later he sold his speakers and bought some imported loudspeakers, more precisely 5 times over, with a frequency rating of 16-25000, hence the price.

He called me to him almost immediately after installation, they say listen to how much better they sound, and what sound at these frequencies! Anyway, I listened and heard nothing new from the last ones. I told him he was a dick, and nothing personal.)


I would like to remind: the question was originally posed - "does it make sense to increase OnTimer() frequency above 40 milliseconds, if the perception rate of human image change is 24 frames per second?

Then, an argument ensued where the 24-frame perception limit was questioned.

To this day, the argument goes on because it remains uncertain whether a person can see more frames per second.

Frames, not pixels.

If a person can consciously perceive only 24 frames, additional frames will be seen as noise because they will cut into the original 24 frames and break their fluidity. Or, they will simply not notice them.

If a person can consciously perceive more than 24 frames, where is the limit of perception?

We can write a simple script and settle the argument.

  1. Create a graphical object (a square, a circle or another figure).
  2. Create an input box with two buttons (+/-) on each side at the bottom centre of the screen.
  3. Set the input field to initial value 1.
  4. Make it possible to change the values in the input field using the buttons.
  5. We switch on the timer function with the period of 16 ms (it means we can store 62 frames per second).
  6. Write a function that controls cyclic movement of the object from point A to point B in one second. In this case, the route of object movement is constant. However, its shift per one function call is determined by the frame rate set in the input field. For example: The length of the object's route is 1000 pixels. The input field contains 1, which means that the object shift will be equal to 1000. If the input box contains 10, the object shift will be equal to 100 pixels. If it is 24, then the shift of the object equals 41 pixels. That is, the length of the route should be divided by the number of frames.
In this way we will find the limit of our perception. (Unless, of course, it's more than 62 frames per second).