How do I create a function to process each millisecond? - page 10

Justice for All:
That's why I threw a link to the video) This video can be viewed on the LCD monitor with a computer and on an old CRT TV, and there and then the difference will be visible, if you do not like the game)

Why don't you like it? I'm not used to playing it and I don't care - it's probably not interesting.

but again, here's the thing about these 9 pages of discussion:

- the human eye sees 24 frames per second (it's not the ear, which has a different frequency perception and a very different range for everyone)

- all the effects of flickering, artefacts, deinterlacing, and so on, do not depend on frequency higher than 24Hz on the monitor/TV, but these effects appear when matching or frequency of the monitor with the video source or video editing / conversion, pairing .... so in the games there are also output algorithms and moments of building a new 3D-image and the moment of output to the screen and taking into account the screen resolution and frame rate on the monitor 50Hz/100Hz - these are all technical issues that do not always give high-quality results


A couple of videos on the subject:

Igor Makanu:

Why don't you like it? I'm not used to playing it and I don't care - it's probably not interesting.

but again, here's the thing about these 9 pages of discussion:

- the human eye sees 24 frames per second (it's not the ear, which has a different frequency perception and a very different range for everyone)

- all the effects of flickering, artefacts, deinterlacing, and so on, do not depend on frequency higher than 24Hz on the monitor/TV, but these effects appear when matching or frequency of the monitor with the video source or video editing / conversion, pairing .... so in the games there are also algorithms of output and the moment of creation of a new 3D image and the moment of outputting to the screen and taking into account the screen resolution and frame rate on the monitor 50Hz/100Hz - these are all technical issues that do not always give high-quality results

Try turning on 60 fps on a monitor with 24 hertz and with 60 hertz.

On a 24 hertz monitor, you're likely to get slowness in dynamic scenes, because 24 hertz represents 24 updates per second, and Bruce Lee's arm can change coordinates several centimetres across the screen in a single update, so you'll see definite "lag
Justice for All:
Well, that's a different conversation. There is a value judgement of "smooth for one and not so smooth for the other".

And your like-minded friend, for some reason, keeps appealing to the technical aspects, although I'm talking about the simple, not the complex.

Themost comfortable fpsfor viewing standard video formats is 24 fps, which is the speed offered by cinemas, amateur videos and modern cartoons.

Justice for All:
Well, that's a different conversation. There's a value judgement "one is smooth, the other is so-so smooth".

And your like-minded friend, for some reason, keeps appealing to the technical aspects, even though I am talking about the simple, not the complex.

What do you think value judgement is? Where did you pick that up? Some new cult? What's that got to do with it?

You can't have half a frame in one video with one frequency and the other with another.


I just remembered about gamers,

it is for quality synchronization of the video card with the monitor and was created DVI-connector, it seems to give information to the video card and frame rate allows you to control frame refresh, so there are no gaps at high refresh rates and large screen resolution, I do not remember - but once read on 3DNews like site

Found that video on youtube with two halves of 24 and 60, downloaded it, it's 29.96 fps.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Found the video on youtube with two halves of 24 and 60, downloaded it, it's 29.96 fps.

And what monitor frequency will you be watching on?


Justice for All:
Try turning on 60 fps on a monitor with 24 hertz and with 60 hertz.

On the monitor with 24 Hertz you'll have lagged dynamic scenes, because 24 Hertz is 24 updates per second, and for one rendering of Bruce Lee's hand can change coordinates on several centimeters of the screen, so you'll see a specific "brake".

It's not the fps or the monitor, it's the multiple translation of these numbers: 60, 24 - if the codec knows how to work with the video card, then everything will work without problems, if the codec is "lapota", then there will be frises

Igor Makanu:

And what frequency will you be watching on?


Are there any options? As the file says, that's the frequency the player will play it at.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What do you think value judgement is? Where did you pick that up? Some new cult? What's that got to do with it?

You can't have half a frame in one video with one frequency and the other with another.

It can't? Are you serious?

And I'm still in a cult).

Let me explain: in a clip with 60 frames a video and 30 frames will look like a double identical frame. It's the same as watching a normal 30 frames on a monitor with 60 hertz refresh.

So while two 60 frames are running, the scene may be so dynamic that in these two frames there will be a different picture while on the left side where the 30 is there will be two identical frames.

There is no problem with such videos.

The only problem is with fake videos where they write 60 frames but post 30. On google it's the first two videos when you type in "avatar 60". So you have to choose 60 wpc in your settings.