How do I create a function to process each millisecond? - page 11

Justice for All:
He can't? Are you serious?
Absolutely serious and until you understand that, there is no point in talking to you any further.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Absolutely seriously and until you understand that, there is no point in having any further conversation with you.
Here it is only you and your like-minded friend who deny the obvious fact that there is a difference in smoothness between 24 and 60 frames, I am certainly powerless here))
Justice for All:
Here only you and your like-minded friend deny the obvious fact - that there is a difference in smoothness between 24 and 60 frames, I'm certainly powerless here))

What makes you think that, I wrote two pages ago -"Besides, no one is arguing that it might be smoother somehow. Let me remind you that the conversation is about the fact that 24 frames per second is enough to create a natural motion effect".

Justice for All:
Let me explain: in a clip with 60 frames, the video recording and 30 frames will look like a double identical frame. This is the same as watching a normal 30 frames on a monitor with 60 hertz refresh.

No, it depends on the post processing, how the video card driver generates the signal to the monitor, even a video with a frequency divisible to the monitor we see without supporting?

and the fact that you have 60 fps, well, anyway, the eye does not see more than 24 frames, and the lag in the frames will see if there is

Igor Makanu:

No, it depends on the post-processing, how the video card driver forms the signal to the monitor, even a video with a frequency divisible to the monitor we see without jerking?

And if you have 60 frames per second, the eye will not see more than 24.

Recent studies of scientists have shown that some eyes can see up to 220 frames but the subconscious cannot see it.

For comfortable viewing it is enough to see 24 frames.

P.S. About comfort of speech:

The feeling of trust and reliability of the information received from the speaker increases when a person speaks fast. But speech rate should be kept within 120 - 180 words per minute - if you speed up to 300 words per minute, listeners will no longer understand you.


ok, as always all discussion was reduced to "warm tube sound" or smoothness of movement of windows programs on the monitor at 60Hz or 120Hz....

SZZY: I do not believe in the warm lamplight sounds cold records. mp3, as well as the fact that at 120Hz is just there will be a quality picture - visual evaluation is a subjective matter, and marketing rules, and that there are more light and sharpness in both the monitor and digital video source (compression-jpg as an example) of this history is silent

ZZZY: I can see at 24 fps, hear at 16kHz to 20kHz and have a temperature of 36.6 degrees... If you don't, "everything else is from alien civilisations"

Vitaly Muzichenko:

According to recent experiments with scientists, some people's eyes can see up to 220 frames, but of course the subconscious mind does not perceive this.

For comfortable viewing, 24 frames is enough.

I wrote, above

the eye can see, but the brain is a rather "lazy organ" and tires out quickly, perhaps scientists are right

HH: human attention span is also a limited resource - it's only 10-15 minutes, then it drops drastically and no matter how hard you try, these 10-15 minutes are the most effective, and then if there is no change of activities, no matter how hard you try, a person will not be attentive to new material - this is how the brain works

Как создать функцию обработки каждой миллисекунды?
Как создать функцию обработки каждой миллисекунды?
  • 2018.09.13
Здравствуйте! Как известно, в MQL4 существуют встроенные функции обработки событий...
Dmitry Fedoseev:

So? Weren't you taught there that in video, 24 frames per second is enough to provide a natural uniform motion effect? And the flicker problem is a monitor (TV) problem.

I mean warm, you mean soft.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

According to recent experiments with scientists, some people's eyes can see up to 220 frames, but of course the subconscious mind does not perceive this.

For comfortable viewing, 24 frames is enough.

P.S. About comfort of speech:

The feeling of trust and reliability of the information received from the speaker increases when a person speaks fast. But speech rate should be kept within 120 - 180 words per minute - if you speed up to 300 words per minute, the listeners will stop understanding you.

Vitaly, are you serious? It's like the joke about the secretary who said at a job interview that she types 1000 characters per minute. Then she spat, - really, it's such bullshit...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Hi! You're even getting worried, where have you disappeared to!

Yes, I completely forgot why we have disagreements in this topic, who sees what - I remembered a conversation with a cousin who claimed that his newly bought HDMI cable for 2000 rubles just revealed all the power of the new TV.... I didn't even bother with my advice because I bought all the cables for $1.5-3 at ali... it's all about the HDMI cable!