Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 137

Andrei Trukhanovich:

Well done, of course. But the sport is bad, very bad.

I'm not crazy about this sport either. It's okay for a man, but it's no good for women at all.

At least she'll be able to carry her husband in her arms.)
Andrei Trukhanovich:
Well, at least she'll be able to carry her husband in her arms.)

Yes, unless the husband is a bodybuilder).

Andrei Trukhanovich:

Good for you. But sports are bad, really bad.

Why is it bad? As long as you don't use hormonal stimulants.

Andrey Dik:

Why is it bad? If you don't use hormonal stimulants

Without hormonal stimulants you shouldn't even try to become an amateur.

And there are essentially three stages - recruitment, drying off, and competitive form. at each stage there is a different diet (and medication) and at each stage you can kill the body's normal functions.


Granddaughter took 1st place among the beginners in the European Bodybuilding Light.

+ for two

Interesting article on busyness and inactivity.

Эффективность — ваш враг
Эффективность — ваш враг
  • 2021.05.12
Есть большая вероятность, что причиной большинства проблем в вашей жизни и работе является недостаточная бездеятельность. В статье мы расскажем, как устроена бездеятельность и почему вам её нужно больше. Представьте, что вы, фанат продуктивности, однажды заполучаете доступ к машине времени и решаете переместиться на несколько десятков лет назад...

Here's how to save money to trade successfully in the stock market

I received a call from a scammer claiming to be from Sberbank. The interesting thing is that it was from a Sberbank "900" number. This is the first time I've ever been called from this number. A woman's voice, on the recording, called me by my first name and patronymic, asking, "Is that you? Then the standard set of trickery for a password and services. Then I read on the Internet that 900 consists of the number 9 and two capital letters "O", "O". The digits of the phone they call from are not visible. Find the difference - 900 and 9OO. Conclusion - all Sber's client bases are in the hands of fraudsters. Measures, we will have to drive up the excess funds from the cards to an unsinkable account, with receipt against personal attendance and signature.
Scammers know how to spoof a callback number. Once I decided to call back on the number that popped up, the man there was disgruntled, saying he hadn't called anywhere today, and I was the second person to call him today and hit on him.