Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 166


An unassuming-looking man walks up to me:

- Here...

- What's this?

- A torch.

- I can see it's a torch, so what?

- It doesn't work.

- What's it got to do with me?

- Are you the driver?

- The machinist...

- That's it. Take your lantern back and give me my money back!

- Ahem... Excuse me, on what grounds?

- Well, you're a machinist...

- So?

- So what? They sell all kinds of things in your carriage...

- What's it got to do with me?

- I bought a torch. When I asked about the warranty the seller replied that it works under the license of the Moscow Metro, and if the product is of poor quality, then you can return it within two weeks and get your money back by contacting any train driver on the line where the product was bought.

I'm shocked!

- Failures-failures, go from server to wallpaper, from wallpaper to air conditioning, from air conditioning to crows, for example.

Joy is:


A recipe for happiness:

1. If you want to eat, eat.

2. If you want to sleep, sleep.



Billkin - Thailand -

Vladimir Karputov #:

Instructions ... for the sofa:


I don't think this story will affect anyone's interests or get banned.

Hit the enemy with his own weapon!

At the beginning of the 20th century, the American chemist Herbert Dow invented a new way of extracting bromine by electrolysis, which made it possible to extract and sell bromine for 36 cents a pound. This did not please the German industrialists who at that time had a monopoly in bromine production, selling it for 49 cents a pound. Wanting to bankrupt their competitor, the Germans began dumping bromine into the US at an unprofitable price of 15 cents a pound, knowing that Dow would not be able to compete at that price for long. Doe, being a fool, started buying dumped German bromine in America, repackaged it, ferried it back to Germany, and sold it there for 27 cents a pound. The Germans were perplexed as to where the cheap bromine came from in Germany, and who was buying up all their goods in America, not realizing that they were essentially being hit with their own weapons. They lowered American bromine prices to 10 cents a pound, which, thanks to Dow's tactics, only caused bromine prices in Germany to fall further. By the time the trick had unraveled, Dow had not only survived the dumping of prices in America, getting rich on the price difference, but had also managed to capture their own market for bromine from the Germans.


Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

There are sad stories.))


I don't owe anyone and I don't trust anyone... ./