Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 50

Yuriy Asaulenko:
Well, closer now, either Robin Hood or King Arthur.

A symbol of peaceful life after war.


There used to be a tradition on the tsd forum - everyone congratulated people on the forum on their New Year's Day.
And since the whole world on the forum greetings lasted many hours (depending on time zones).

Only in the morning woke up - and the forum is already celebrating New Year :)


I remember walking down the street in summer - slim jeans, all dressed up (and I often went to the gym back then) ... three girls walking behind me, saying something loud... I'm walking... They keep talking louder and louder... Then one runs ahead, looks at me, then back, and I hear "Grandpa" behind me.

I felt so sad for my broken life, for not achieving anything in life, for no one in this life... I got upset and went home to sleep.

Since then I celebrate the New Year only. Because on New Year's Eve it doesn't matter who you are - it's a celebration for all mankind.


Hungarian shepherd dog on a walk

Photo: Reuters

Hungarian shepherd dog on a walk Photo: Reuters


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СанСаныч Фоменко:

  1. The ability to obtain a high-level education can become an elitist privilege, available only to the "initiated". Remember Umberto Eco's suggestion in his novel The Name of the Rose that only those who are able, who are prepared to absorb complex knowledge, should be allowed into the Library. There will be a division between those who are able to read complex literature and those who read signs, who grab information from the internet in this clipped way. It will expand more and more.

In fact, this is already implicitly the case, there is not even a stop-filter at the entrance to the library: the uninitiated simply won't come ))))

Vladimir Karputov:
Why did I used to struggle so much to find music and didn't know about iTunes? How easy it has become to use music now!

Tuna makes no sense as long as torrents exist ))))))


In fact, this is already implicit, it doesn't even require a stop-filter at the library entrance: the uninitiated simply won't come ))))

For me obviously.

Been dealing with my own domestic issues for the last year, which involved dealing with quite a lot of different kinds of "managers". Just a nightmare - stupidity and retardation. They don't remember anything, I had to write texts and it turned out that they couldn't understand a page of text. They snatch up a fragment and add something of their own. The result is a bunch of incompatible parts.

My problems are problems of simple consumerism, nothing complicated.

I once shared my observations with a friend who was renovating a cottage. His renovation mimics high-end, and the house already had branded elements, which he started ordering from firms that had already delivered to the house in the past.

He says it's a nightmare. All these firms have new staff - young people under 30, moron on moron. I started repairs in March and hoped to finish by May. Doors (pieces of 20) can not install from June! Then delayed the deadline, and then incomplete, oversorted. The latest twist this week: The last door was delivered, but it opens the wrong way and cannot be opened at all because there is a staircase.

Sergey Golubev:

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This photo appears to be a 1960 winter in Siberia.

Vladimir Karputov:

This photograph appears to be of a 1960 winter in Siberia.

In 1974 they commissioned an information system for the top officials of the Ministry of Railway Transport - rubbish by today's standards, but back then they were running around with it.

The essence: they collected information from places, processed it a little bit and fed it to the Ministry's top officials on eight monitors. The information was updated once a day.

One day they sent everything, but there was no information from Sakhalin.

I called (on behalf of top officials of the ministry): Where is the information?

The answer: It's snowing.

I said: It's snowing here too, it's snowing everywhere

The answer: Here (on Sakhalin) it snowed down to 4 meters, but we'll shovel it and send it over.