Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 47


Christina Harris, an artist from Great Britain.
She draws sheep (for which she is, in fact, famous).

By the way, she is a member of one group of volunteer artists (women) who all have one thing in common - they defeated cancer.
They donate their paintings and help cancer patients with money.
Maybe that's why she paints lambs ...

And this is where the sheep should go, as Christina Harris herself shows (and if there are no sheep, then the picture is wrong) -


Latvian artist Heinrich Eduardovich Klebach (died 1998).
And this is his now famous painting called "View from the Window".

And these are the comments now on Facebook:

I apologise for the mournful parallelepipeds in the picture, but it's not customary to advertise usernames on third-party sites.


What is Kalanchevka - I don't know, but probably for users of Facebook Kalanchevka is more familiar than Latvia, I apologise.


It was the fourth day of a harsh, snowy and cold winter ... :)

(It's December 4 on the calendar and it's +7 outside. Karl, +7!)

Sergey Golubev:


What is Kalanchevka - I don't know, but apparently for Facebook users - Kalanchevka is more familiar than Latvia I'm sorry.

It could be the Moskva-Kalanchevka railway station or Kalanchevskaya street in Moscow.


Tagil lifeguards raided water bodies. They found a lot of nonsense. Including a fisherman sleeping on the ice. "I didn't call the police," the fisherman resented

Sergey Golubev:

Latvian artist Henrik Eduardovich Klebakh (died in 1998).
And this is his now famous painting called The View from the Window.

And these are the comments now on Facebook:

I apologise for the mournful parallelepipeds in the picture, but it's not customary to advertise usernames on third-party sites.


What is Kalanchevka - I do not know, but probably for users of Facebook Kalanchevka is more familiar, than Latvia sorry.

A house on wheels... Ah, the schoolboy)))) That's how they used to transport concrete slabs to build houses. I felt like a dinosaur))


In the past (when I was a kid), I thought about taking skis or putting on skates and playing hockey with the kids in the yard.
But I had to wear mittens, as my hands were freezing.

And now there is no snow ... slush, rain, hail, and in some places even green leaves on bushes.

That's it, no more winter.


Holiday is coming to us (by Andrei Popov)