Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 56

Sergey Golubev:


For example, when we were at the Amara Dolce Vita Hotel in Turkey (resting for 10 days), the reception was proud to announce that they have 24-hour libraries (and more than one) in the hotel. And in the libraries - a round the clock bar (coffee, beer, whiskey), light snacks and a veranda for smoking.
So it was explained (jokingly) that any normal library should have a 24-hour bar and veranda :)

A woman asks another woman: "Where's mine? Have you seen mine? The woman replied - "Yours went to the library with mine".
And there was silence in the library... :)

Sergey Golubev:

Ordinary ... Jules Verne, Sergei Snegov ... many things ...
They didn't exist before (they haven't existed for years) and then suddenly they did, but not many, and people understood that they'll have some now and then will never exist again, so everyone was standing. Now you can buy all that, but back then it was a huge deficit.

In Moscow maybe there was everything, but we are not in Moscow...

Even now, if people of my age come to a hotel in Turkey, for example, from the former Soviet Union (Russia, etc.), they're looking for a library or a shelf with books.

For example, when we were in hotel Amara Dolce Vita in Turkey (had 10 days rest), on a reception we with pride have declared, that they have in hotel round-the-clock libraries (and not one). And in the libraries - round the clock bar (coffee, beer, whiskey), light snacks and a veranda for smoking.
So it was explained (jokingly) that any normal library should have a 24-hour bar and veranda :)

Yes, all libraries were sent out the same way. We used to visit a village with our children in Saratov region in late 80s-early 90s, there was no library in the village and the demand was zero. Then we became friends with the librarian's family, her husband taught at the local school. They had three pigs - Boris Nikolaevich, Boris Efimovich and Boris Abramovich. And the moonshine they made was great. All those whiskies are no match for them.)
Yuriy Asaulenko:
And the moonshine they make is great. All these whiskeys are no match for it.)

That's for sure ! My brother in Siberia brews it scientifically, with a charcoal filter at the end.

But it's not real whisky that comes to us.

Ha, ha,"Unpopular."


that's the kind of chess

although I'm not sure if it's politics ?

Denis Sartakov:


although I'm not sure if it's politics ?

Let's just say it's the truth of life.

Vladimir Karputov:

Let's just say it's a fact of life.

ew! thank god! that went away.

the truth is not forbidden.


About the whisky ... It's a different time now - if before, for example, I didn't know the names of various wines and drinks (I drink only beer, and even then on major holidays like New Year's Eve) - and it was all right.

And now, if you come to rest in some hotel, there are young people there and not really, all know different names, by the composition of the cocktail they can determine whether they will drink it or not. But I don't even know the names.

I asked my son and he told me that two names are enough for me to remember - Hennessey and Jameson. I didn't drink it, but I remembered the names.

With coffee, it's the same problem: I only remember expresso (like instant coffee) but little coffee and a lot of water. I get out of it this way: when people ask about shuga (sugar in English), I joke that no sugar no water. Bamen - "how is there no water? it's coffee!". I say "well, if only a little water."

It used to be an advantage, but now it's a disadvantage. When you go to a bar somewhere in a hotel and you see, for instance, a very young girl and her boyfriend (or not) are choosing something from the menu, you realize that you don't even know the names from the menu (everything is by brand - if wine, there's a certain name and so on) and you order an old-fashioned expresso. Because I can't remember the difference between, for example, an Americano and a cappuccino.

Before the flight, most people go to duty-free and choose ... whiskey or liqueur (and there are a lot of them with names). Where do people get that kind of knowledge - I have no idea.

I mean, I will never be invited to a reputable company.

Denis Sartakov:

ew! thank god! that went away.

the truth is not forbidden !

i have to get drunk, there is no truth in the world !


I was once in a hotel in their restaurant. The waiter asks - what would you like? I only remembered two words for alcohol - Hennessey and Jameson (which I don't want). I asked for the menu and read it with a smug look; it had names and unfamiliar names. I got to coffee - expresso, Americano, cappuccino, Turkish. I confuse an Americano with cappuccino, as the first has cream or milk, while the other does not (and I do not drink milk and cream - they are not digested in my body).

Anyway - I order espresso as always. And the waiter probably thinks that this fool came here to drink espresso, would drink free instant coffee from bags in his room and watch TV.


I imagine if a person were frozen a hundred years ago and defrosted now. He would go to a restaurant and the waiter would ask him "What would you like?
He says: "Vodka... waiter - what kind? ... Okay, whiskey then... Waiter - what kind? All right, let's get some coffee. Waiter - what kind of coffee?

And this hapless person will sit down at the table next to me and drink the muddy water they call 'expresso coffee', just like me, while the waiter will think - well, another idiot has come to drink ecstresso...