FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 91

I'm going to die ))))))))))))))

Drink ))))

What the fuck do you care about my deals? For the tenth time, don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, or are you retarded? Find a screenshot at the beginning of the week and you'll see them all, or can't you handle it? I've seen morons, but to this extent, it's a diagnosis. Here, bite your nails.

Maybe I should go to the library too.... I'm going to reread all the bullshit - there's a troll here )))))))))

Remember what Margaret said a month ago about slaughtering bears, that's what it came down to, wise woman ))))


Drink ))))

brought to tears... my stomach hurts from laughing. ))))
I'm gonna die ))))))))))))))

What should we call you now - Emka the Golden Pen or Emka the Bond? )))

What should we call you now - Emka the Golden Pen or Emka the Bond? )))

Gina the Bear Tamer )))))))))))). Oh, man, I'm gonna wake up the neighbours with my laughter. )))))))))))))

and sphygabs again...

Igor, go ahead and tell me what to write here. What, are you out of your mind?

I agree with you 100 per cent, everyone writes (their own nonsense) and no one shuts up.
Maybe I should also go to the library.... will i read all the nonsense - there's a troll here )))))))))

the library is clickable, not walkable ))))
That's it, boys and girls, I'm out... the interwebs, don't come with me.
it's friday for real)))) we buried our mother-in-law and tore three accordions )))