FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 88


Is it a daily chart? Can you draw and use an arrow to poke the pivot, I still haven't mastered the trend reversal thingy... no need formulas for these hai loi, my head is pounding anyway )))

The bold purple horizontal line is the 144 trading day cycle pivot.

Target from 2268 to 1.27 achieved. Done.
and you needed SOT reports for that???
Up to 1700.

and that's it? the gold is likely to go wider ))))) 1,600 will drop easily...

why is something that is easy to calculate from the remaining un-erased digits erased? what is the logic?
picture! as always after....

The bold purple horizontal line is the 144 trading day cycle pivot.

ok, thanks ))))
and you needed the SOT reports for that???
As a factor, why not?

That's it? The gold will probably go wider )))) 1,600 will drop easily.
I am not guessing)))) 1600 is far to say so, may be or may not, but 1700 is not a bad probability.
I'm not guessing)))) 1600 is a long way off, it may or may not be, but 1700 is not a bad probability.

as well as 1,820 to continue the banquet... lets call soros to see if he will buy more or go to sleep... ))))
picture! as always after....

Well, I don't see a future like you.

I wrote about the bai here yesterday.

In fact, aren't you crazy, dear boy, for me to answer to you or anyone else for my trades? And even in real time, look for woodpeckers elsewhere.


as well as 1,820 to continue the banquet... we need to call soros to see if he will buy more or go to bed... ))))
1820 is also far away, I prefer something closer)