FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 93


I was advised to get away from the computer and go outside once in a while and they sent me a clip saying that this song was written for me (maybe this song is for all of us):

look in my personal message... and your gonna piss people off, possible target 1.35 ))))
Am I the only normal one, sportsmen? )))
you buy a treadmill, put it in front of your computer, open a window in your room, get on the treadmill and run on it, then drink some yoghurt, take a cold shower... and that's it, you're an athlete...

MODEL WORKED...waiting for a price reversal next week...and come to think of it, you shouldn't have traded every day...

If you draw the same pattern every time you make a new high, it will also work out)))

One girl )))

I'm a jackass...:-))) I have three, but I can't be woken up before nine...:-))) in the morning cold meat on bread... coffee, cigarette, usually three...

jog to the car... smoke again... Saturday, Sunday - at least six... the garden, yes ... but there's also a terrace being built ...

by the time you've talked to the Uzbeks, you don't even need the beds anymore... :-))) and I also have a Veronica for five years... and every morning I have to go to the kindergarten in Biriulevo...

forty minutes... eh... shit... should be a plumber...

buy a treadmill, put it in front of the computer, open a window in the room, get on the treadmill and run on it, then drink some yogurt, take a cold shower... and that's it, you're an athlete...

Nah, Margaret, the hump will be the righteousness of the hump. )))

I'm a smoker, I like beer, I love a vodka kebab... outdoors! Mmm-mmm...



for 1.35 I do not see any marks yet but 1.2920-2950 for September may well be justified next week or may be cancelled

(what is this post about? nothing! paperwork)

If you draw the same model at each new maximum, it will also be worked out)))

On Monday there could be a gap and/ or a pullback to 2727 ))))


Nah, Margaret, the hump will be the righteousness of the hump. )))

I'm a smoker, I like beer, I love a vodka kebab... outdoors! Mmm-mmm...


So what, one does not prevent the other... and I drink after I smoke when I lose at the casino, and in the morning I go shaping, shopping, car racing, etc.

that's how everyone got duped...