FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 399

I'm not saying today, I'm saying before 31 July.
Two trading days???

tell me what the turkeys are ))))
Also interested ...
Fucking indices and how to believe them all fucking re-draw, they were pointing up, now they're changing.....
How much of "Balance 29253" is left? In two days is it even in the black? Just curious...
Wow, you guys are really going at it here... all pissed off on the bai? )))))

By the way the GP was...

Now also on the M15 the GP will draw ....
Nineteen thousand left. Well, so much more than it was at the beginning.

He's going to draw a GP on M15 as well ....

and what happens after he draws the hype?

and what happens after you draw a goop?

Correction of today's growth, hello Gina, how's Ata?
I did not lose my bps, )))) all my bips were gone and I put the max lot of what was left and it went up )))))) now I can continue learning! Although I have a cent account, I feel that the rate has gone up :)
The pink line is where we go, if the turkey is to be believed. But we can go back anyway, at least halfway. Actually, it's not the turkey, it's the drawing that's to blame.
Indeed, this position of the indicator shows that the trading is based on the news and its current values do not relate to the previous price values, i.e., it is knocked out. It does not recognise this "non-market" development. Moreover, it takes a horizontal position already from the first news ticks and by this sign you can determine when and how this or that news starts working. If after the news release the indicator works as usual, it means that the market has ignored the news. For the indicator to show the current state of the market, it is necessary to enter only bars after the news release, i.e. from the root of today's takeoff.