FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 362

Yeah, their 20 pips is a royal (failure), in 50 pips growth is "kosmaz", beach, when you come to the branch - a hundred bullshit is written, that his last post had to search for five minutes) One with a clever face puts screenshots of clusterdelty claiming that at some levels they bought a lot, somewhere else they bought more, how the hell do you know who did what? It's just the volumes, and no one knows who did what on these volumes of futures, and to say that they bought there is the same as to say that they sold there. It's a fucking mess - fortune tellers. They do some bullshit on m5 and other small stuff, they change their opinion five times a day, make and post screens.

Why so much aggression? If you do not like it, do not read the forum. You should watch your language, you are behaving like a boor.

Why so much aggression? If you don't like it, don't read the thread. And watch your language, you're acting like a boor.

It's hot...
Yeah, their 20 pips is a royal (failure), in 50 pips growth is "kosmaz", beach, when you come to the branch - a hundred bullshit is written, that his last post had to search for five minutes) One with a clever face puts screenshots of clusterdelty claiming that at some levels they bought a lot, somewhere else they bought more, how the hell do you know who did what? It's just the volumes, and no one knows who did what on these volumes of futures, and to say that they bought there is the same as to say that they sold there. It's a fucking mystery. They do some bullshit on m5 and other small stuff, they change their opinion five times a day, make and post screens.
For instance, they do not have time to sit on a forum and draw drawings, a good scalper does not sit on forums.

ooooo that's closer )))) by volumes )))

As for the volumes, people have been rushing into them lately and looking smart, they post screenshots from programs and saying they've bought and sold - that's bullshit, I understand saying "here they have broken through support/resistance on such volumes", but when they say "they've bought something" without understanding a fucking thing - I go crazy))

Strenzier was right when he said the size of the contract - there's basically nothing else of value in the volumes.


Why so much aggression? If you don't like it, don't read the thread. And watch your language, you're behaving like a boor.
I'm not being aggressive, I'm just pissed off at the characters in this thread, grandpa. And I will decide for myself how I should behave, if you are vulnerable, do not read my messages).

Gold is approaching the border of the channel, put a warrant and the eu at the same time

(bangs on the eu)

The main thing to do is to make predictions (there is an element of fortune-telling, it's better than shaking your beard in vain), and it's not a scalper's branch, the volumes are a bummer for divorces.

Said this morning - buying at 2060 and 2070(price was at 2070), will try to sell 2095. So what else do you have to say? Or should I be like you - when there will be 1.20? There are enough pro-sniffers here.

I think they say "I've broken through the support/resistance at such volumes", but when they say "they've bought something" without understanding a fucking thing - I cannot believe it)).

I don't know what to say about the volumes, they just talk about the contract size.

If by currency fyucha somewhere near the pit may still be possible and something to twist... Deeply imho.... Just a friendly tip to anyone who is into volume - just follow the glass )))) It's tedious to talk about it 300 times already.

Said this morning - buying at 2060 and 2070(price was at 2070), will try to push through 2095. So what else can I tell you? Or should I be like you - once there will be 1.20? There are enough pro-sniffers here.

I'm not being aggressive, I'm just pissed off at the characters in this thread, grandpa. And how I should behave is up to me, if you are so fragile - do not read my posts)

There are all kinds of people in this thread who do not think like you and cannot trade.