FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 358

Is a search synonymous with shutting down a company? We have the biggest corruption in the prosecutor's office, there is even an unspoken limit of bribes, a prosecutor can get up to 100 thousand dollars, if he takes more than they are entitled to according to their hierarchy, he can be severely punished and even imprisoned. Anyway, we're about to get kicked off this forum for breaking the rules, so let's just ... out of harm's way ))

Actually, they're closing down on their own.

As of tomorrow, we will be shutting down all Broco companies.

Thank you!!!
If I understand correctly someone at the Fed has made a statement that Q3 may be announced without time limit and money supply saturation???? Is anyone aware of these statements?
If I understand correctly someone at the Fed has made a statement that Q3 may be announced without time limit and money supply saturation???? Is anyone aware of these statements?

One of the members of the US Open Market Commission, Sarah Bloom Ruskin, said that the Fed would be discussing large-scale bond purchases next week as part of a programme to stimulate economic growth and reduce the unemployment rate.

"The upcoming FOMC meeting will discuss another round of Treasury bond purchases," Raskin said, citing information from the Federal Open Market Committee. The Fed meeting will be held from 31 July to 1 August.

A member of the US Open Market Committee, Sarah Bloom Raskin, said the Fed will discuss a major round of bond purchases next week as part of a programme to stimulate economic growth and lower the unemployment rate.

"The upcoming FOMC meeting will discuss another round of Treasury bond purchases," Raskin said, citing information from the Federal Open Market Committee. The Fed meeting will be held from 31 July to 1 August.

Those who are familiar with this formation will know what to expect. And for those who are for the strong rise a question - on what grounds should we rise? For a rise to 1.23 one needs not only technique but also a strong fundamental, not Spanish bonds with one week record high yield, downgrade of European countries and frankly disgusting statistics of Eurozone combined with inaction of those in power! (Fig. as one development)

well yes i agree, it's going to go down soon.

Message from broco

Dear Managers and Investors!

In connection with the message of the President of Broco Group, Valery Maltsev, posted on the Company's forum on 25.07.2012, after 23.00 terminal time on 27.07.2012 all trading positions on managed accounts will be closed and after that managed accounts will be closed as well. Funds of all investors and managers will be transferred to their accounts according to their shares. Till 00.00 a.m. on 28.07.2012 investors will be able to withdraw their funds according to the normal input/output schedules of their Managed Accounts.

As far as I understand, you can order the withdrawal of funds after Friday's trading ... Well, that's good, we will not be in a hurry.

how do you understand growth on declining volumes?

Is that a church?)
how do you understand growth on declining volumes?
kicked hard - crawls on its own by inertia.