FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 245

Gina, how old are you?

I'm a woman in the prime of my life, living in the basement ))))


It can take a long time to mature... it may never mature...

when's the fairy tale coming?

I can't wait to buy it, it's itchy behind the ears )))))

Why in the basement?

It's a long story, but in a nutshell I have all my profits there ))))
Wouldn't you rather not be involved in forex then?

Yeah... but I've already cleaned the porches, and I'm fed up with paligraphy, I want something that's money and I want to work from home )))

i already told my thoughts early i would like to see tomorrow...the overall tale is down...but it's only a tale...

If you don't mind... wait for a quiet market... when prices move smoothly... enter using small hands... and wait for a smooth move... go according to plan... almost against right away тп+1 or cover and stand by the next day... +realistic goals.... all your losses come from the fact that you like your computer so you need to enter))))) get a little slippery))) take your time...

i haven't traded for two days, i got bored, i screwed up... it's not the first time)))) i'll be vaping )))
there has been a striking change in the bulls/bears ratio on the informers, in favour of the former.
there has been a striking change in the bulls/bears ratio on the informers, in favour of the former.
I look over here - I have not noticed any dramatic change.
there has been a striking change in the bulls/bears ratio on the informers, in favour of the former. Jina will draw her entry...2582 and sleep...but it's up to her...
It's the triangle's fault. If price has broken through it, that's it, it will go through as much as the width of the triangle channel.
lotos7: jina will draw her entrance...2582 and sleep...but it's up to her...

i have a 2540 moose, i will go to bed with it ))))

See you all tomorrow (I have it today ))))
