FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 394


And there will be no fall in the ru exchange rate))) Bye.

I invite everyone to a new thread

Congratulations on the new month



a line or two below.


1.21+ is not out of the question.

nexter, what does the summit have to do with it? I basically never take news, political decisions, events, even force majeure into account, as they can only have a short-term impact on price movement, nothing more.

Well yes. No chance of getting into an air-conditioned compartment car in peace. ))))) Thank you.

1.21+ is not out of the question.

nexter, what does the summit have to do with it? I basically never take news, political decisions, events, even force majeure into account, as they can only have a short-term impact on price movement, nothing more.

But what has a long-term effect on price movement?
nothing... except chaos.

margaret #:

Billionaire investor George Soros has urged Europe to start buying Italian and Spanish bonds, warning that a failure to meet leaders this week could trigger the death of the currency.
Politicians should set up a European financial body to buy Italian and Spanish debt bonds, Soros said in an interview in London yesterday. Funding for the purchases would come from the sale of European bonds, which would have low yields because they would be backed by every member of the Eurozone.

France and Italy call on Germany to take decisive action to end the 2

It appears that billionaire investor George Soros is advocating for Europe to take specific actions to address the economic challenges faced by countries like Italy and Spain. According to the information you provided, Soros suggests the creation of a European financial body to buy Italian and Spanish debt bonds. This proposed financial body would be funded by the sale of European bonds, which would have low yields as they would be backed by all Eurozone members.

The idea behind such a plan is likely to stabilize the economies of Italy and Spain by providing financial support through the purchase of their bonds. This approach could potentially help prevent a crisis and strengthen the overall stability of the Eurozone.

It's worth noting that economic discussions and proposals often involve complex negotiations among European leaders, and the feasibility and implementation of such suggestions depend on political will and agreement among member states