FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 119


You're welcome)))

1.2513 achieved :)
Shall we check it out? My target is 1.2565. Wait for it :)
Close targets are not serious... 1.2565 will be around 21.00 Kiev time today.
By the way on June 4 the beginning of that week eur/usd reached about 1.2370, can it repeat today?!
Close targets are not serious... 1.2565 will be around 9 p.m. Kiev today.
like it's going to turn around?
By the way, I wonder how you would trade if you knew the goal, but do not know how it will be achieved.

In my mind, a goal is a point (a level at a certain time). Show it to me and I'll find a way to it))))

P.S. No matter how many times you run from a sniper - you will die anyway, just tired ...))

Close targets are not serious... 1.2565 will be around 21.00 Kiev time today.
OK, 1.2930 is a distant target :)
Is this possible for eur/usd?
I work mainly on the pound. I have to rebuild all the charts on the euro... I can still do one, but all tf.... Sorry.
like turn around?
It will.
Yes, most goals will be worked out sooner or later if you don't invest all your money in one position :)