MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 16


Mathemat and VladislavVG, you have both misunderstood Sergei's(hhohholl) main point.

I quote: "lock is two trades, m.b. from different TCs".

You understand that the lock in this case is not an end in itself, but an opportunity to manage positions of multiple MTS in one account?

Just a simplification. It is (as in MT5) a bit more difficult to program, but more adequate to the market. But in the case of the tester, the MT4 model is much more convenient, imho. For it almost directly reflects "thinking in terms of betting categories".

Someday I'll write a tester for myself, purely on minutes. It's a bit specific... There will definitely be a model with separate betting accompaniment.


and what kind of machines did all this software run on? I am simply familiar with the work of our programmers at that time, and the maximum they could do was to adapt foreign developments. There was not even a decent domestic computer: what were they developing on?

To be familiar and to participate are different things.

System mathematics, yes. But nobody needs it as such, except the developers themselves. You need the terminal, not the translator of the language in which the terminal is written. A million developers were people sitting in industries and developing application programs: reporting, accounting, planning, forecasting, etc. Nothing could be taken from abroad, and there was nothing like it abroad, because there were no monopolies of that size, it was mostly small and middle class, with 50-100 people working there. For reference: the Moscow railway in 1970 employed 300,000 people.

So all of you were robbed by the democrats and instead of participating in major developments, you were invited to participate in pushing at the trough with lentil stew.

the difference is that 4 is easier for non-professional programmers.

It's not the software's fault. It's the traders' lack of understanding of locs. When you read it, it seems that people have "salad" or "mush" in their heads. Everything is mixed up: simultaneous opening of 2 opposite positions, simultaneous closing of positions, equivalent lots, losing lots, profitable lots, unequal lots, etc.

A lot is like an "end", it has two purposes - for "creation" and for "sinking". You have to know how to use it properly, "subconsciousness" is not enough here. And the vast majority of traders do not know how. Hence, the conclusion - either you have to learn, or - do not take it out.


It's not the software's fault. It's the traders' lack of understanding of locs. When you read it, it seems that people have "salad" or "porridge" in their heads. Everything is mixed up: simultaneous opening of 2 differently directed positions, simultaneous closing of positions, equivalent lots, losing lots, profitable lots, unequal lots, etc.

A lot is like an "end", it has two purposes - for "creation" and for "sinking". You have to know how to use it properly, "subconsciousness" is not enough here. And the vast majority of traders do not know how. Hence, the conclusion - either you have to learn, or - do not take it out.

In places not so far away, they mostly speak in fens, maybe you can explain how to understand them correctly - locs. the "end" can also be slapped on the forehead )))) not you but in general. teach how to use the "end" to virgins)
Avals: There wasn't even a decent domestic computer - what was it developed on?

I apologise for the off-topic, but it seems to be the machine in question:

I'm on such a miracle (EC-1060) even managed to study the first semester at university, the process of creating a program to calculate the factorial in Pascal simply fascinated: you write the program at home, then within 10 minutes, log in, create a file, fill in the code, save and ... and the long-awaited compilation of the program, and that's it - you can safely leave for 10-15 minutes. Worse matters were if there were errors, and it's not that you have to find them, but when you recompile the program - fellow students too did not sleep all this time and also panting at their terminals, and in about 30 minutes after the start everyone started compiling their programs, and then the miracle happened - by the middle of the session machine compiled the program of 30 lines not 10-20, but about 20-30 minutes. That was life for programmers - just push the button and go to the break.

But one year later things were worse - there appeared the class with 20 Intel486DX, I had to sit and work at the computer, machine compiled one hundred lines of project with one click.... )))))))))

Closing a lot - either a requote or a slippage. And there is no such thing with close by. And with current spreads of 1.5 points - it is more profitable to pay this spread than to wait for the unknown. The broker's behavior at closing profit by lot or 10 is known. And if there is a counter opening before that, it won't interfere. Besides, a lock is always a position on a floating point value - which you can use.

I apologise for the off-topic, but it seems to be the machine in question:

I'm on such a miracle (EC-1060) even managed to study the first semester at university, the process of creating a program to calculate the factorial in Pascal simply fascinated: you write the program at home, then within 10 minutes, log in, create a file, fill in the code, save and ... and the long-awaited compilation of the program, and that's it - you can safely leave for 10-15 minutes. Worse matters were if there were errors, and it's not that you have to find them, but when you recompile the program - fellow students too didn't sleep all this time and also panting at their terminals, and in about 30 minutes after the start everybody started compiling their programs, and then the miracle happened - by the middle of the session machine compiled the program of 30 lines not 10-20, but about 20-30 minutes. That was life for programmers - just push the button and go to the break.

But one year later things went much worse - we got a class with 20 Intel486DX, we had to sit and work at the computer, machine compiled one hundred lines of project with one mouse click.... )))))))))

Back in the early 90's there was the MS AT. I wrote an accounting program for it. I had an accountant working on it, she was making reports for taxation. In 2005(!!!) she came to me (she continued to prepare and submit reports to an AT) and said: "Everybody works on the Windows, and I work in Norton". Change it. Why switch?

Radically changed computers, but why? Have they changed our commercial life? Forum? A chat room? But online rail tickets have been sold since the late 1960s!!! What has changed in the sale of railway tickets in Moscow? I'm comparing it. And every time I'm convinced I'm right, I hit the sysadmins over the head every morning. The computer world has been overrun by packaging, sparkling, shiny, but packaging used to hide the squalor of thought.

In places not so far away they mostly speak in fenies, maybe you can explain how to understand them correctly - loci. You can also get "the end" slapped on the forehead )))) not you but in general. teach how to use "the end" to virgins)
Ask your "neuro-grandmother" to teach you how to "weave" neural networks. She'd rather 'shoot herself' than be able to. And I won't be able to, I don't know how to teach and I have no desire to.
faa1947: The computer world has been overrun by packaging, glittering, shiny, but packaging that is used to hide the squalor of thought.
I partly agree - generations of programmers who "fought for every line" of their code have fallen into history, but I am not in favour of slowing down technological progress - technology as well as software must evolve. Now an untrained user can master most software on his own in a matter of days, and to be honest, I believe that in our country over 50% of tasks that are solved by programmers should be done by users themselves, but the endless computer illiteracy is to blame.
Ask a "neuro-grandmother" to teach you how to "weave" neural networks. She would rather "shoot herself" than be able to. And I won't be able to, I don't know how to teach and I don't want to.

I can't teach them, I don't know how to teach them, and I don't have the desire to. leobabushka says it's like 2 fingers. but I also agree that if you make real nss (not the crappy ones that are there), and if someone says they successfully use nss, they're lying. real nss is not those pills that are there. they don't talk about the main thing, that ns is just a selective filter in their construction and ns is not a pirvich. although ns by definition should be at the root of the construction) it should be a megamaterials layer, in the end it is easier and really shot in the temple.