MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 69

So what? In life, one buys goods that have not yet been sold. Why can't you do the same with currency?

Well, why not? you can, but only if you move your quid from your left pocket to your right pocket, and the exchange to and from the eur will be at the moment of moving from pocket to pocket

Yusuf, well that's not the catch, believe me, and I can assure you that it's the transfer to netting that makes you consider electronic trading more seriously ;)


Nowhere else have I come across the idea that two open orders at the same time do NOT need to be opened specifically to LOCK a position. Why is it difficult to imagine that TACTICS applied in an EA may simply open differently directed positions simultaneously for several sets (example here) and these positions may end up both (2,3,4, etc.) being PROFIT! And in the case of MT5 - you will NOT get such a result!!!!

"And you shouldn't substitute narrow-minded PROFANITY with MATHEMATICS!!!" - Yusuf, that's not for you anymore.

Not a tactic, aka TS, but simply the logic of placing new orders when netting involves analysing your own order history, when locking you do not think about where you closed the position
If you have sold, then you will sell to someone else; if you have closed a sales position, then you will buy from someone else at the same volume that you have in your sales - this is a threat to a normal understanding of the trading process.

Igor - demonstrating FULL IDEALISM! ;)

The financial world, which is based on the AIR, or paper (whichever one prefers), has already in its nature laid down such a possibility (to work with a VIRTUAL - not necessarily physically existing - commodity).

The existing order is based on a financial fraud, where anything is POSSIBLE (though it is worth saying that not FOR ALL) ... :)))

TarasBY: Igor - demonstrating FULL IDEALISM! ;)

Yes, that's exactly what it is - e-bidding is not a process of creation, and it's the ideal kind of job where you can not work and make money, but all you have to do is be smarter than others, and that's what total idealism is! ))))))

SZY: Don't forget that trading raw materials or stocks is no different in essence from trading currencies - there is no creation either ))))

yes, that's exactly what it is - e-bidding is not a process of creation, and it's the ideal kind of job where you can not work and make money, but all you have to do is be smarter than others, and that's what total idealism is! ))))))

Idealism is a BORDER to idealism!!!

In the first case, dystopian contemplation, in the second, "scraping your knees", climbing to the karmushka... :)))

P.S. I'M IN! - non-boring option!!! :)))


Idealism is the same as idealism!!!

In the first case, hopeless contemplation, in the second - "scraping knees", climbing to the karmushka ... :)))

hmm, well, if you look at it from the outside.
you can think of yourself as an advanced rocket engine designer - but what's that got to do with it?

Well, about the second case, do not scratch his knees and look and find patiently wait for their chance, or optionally, think that they figured out the formula of the market and believe that the market alone idiots, and here I am one clever ))))

IgorM: HH: don't forget that trading raw materials or shares is no different in essence from trading currencies - there is no creation either ))))
Have you read Henry Ford? - Total idealist, and no wonder he ended up being taken over by a competitor. In his day the skew of demand versus supply was like Dzhomolungma to F. Bondarchuk's hair... The modern world has created such technologies for producing goods that it has become NOT RENTABLE to build new production plants. That is why free capital is looking for areas of its application, creating new horizons of virtual PUSZER.

hmm, if you look at it from the outside
I am the only smart one here). Hmm, if you look from the outside you may think that you are an avant-garde developer of rocket engines but what does this have to do with it?

Well, about the second case, do not scratch your knees and look for and patiently wait for your chance, or alternatively, think that you have figured out the market formula and believe that the market is full of idiots, and that I am the only smart one ))))

That's an amazing flight of fancy, but it's the wrong way round... :(
TarasBY: Have you read Henry Ford?
No, but I do not remember who of the greats said: you cannot make money from the market, but you can borrow money - I completely agree. Based on my results of testing the TS I made sure that I can make 30-40 trades with a profit, but all the same there will be a series of failures, and the main problem is to find the moment when the TS stopped working
...the main problem is finding the moment when the TS stops working.

tS never works. it just sometimes happens to go "in step" with the market.

well, that's a bit more like it... you're walking down the road, in a hurry to get somewhere, and boom! suddenly, from behind, some jeep driver kicks you below the waist - and you're about twenty metres ahead in a second.... and you think you've earned it. )))))

To the Metakvot people, with all due respect, a BIG BIG MINUS. It's already the fifth version, and there's still no dough menu with shovel calibre selection.