MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 64

And who pays for the development of the platform???? TRADER??? And who pays the girl...? You can make up your own mind... :)))

Yes, I know... and it's sad... Although, if this terminal had been made for... stock trading then the developers would have worked exclusively for the benefit of the trader and there would have been tremendous opportunities for Trading - and they would have surpassed all the world's platforms! YES, the terminal would become a paid service... and I would be willing to pay for it. Otherwise it turns out that the new opportunities for the trader are contrary to the interests of the DC. Although... DoC does not matter, I guess... Stops will be more likely to be knocked down and prices will go up. .... Oh, by the way... In MT5 - it's a compromise.... Trader got multicurrency, and DT got the fact that trader can't download world quotes.... and it is only possible to test on world currencies.


Watch out Lisa. This is an off-topic. You could get permanently banned without the right to correspond. I recommend you delete this "speculation out loud".

So I'm talking about... terminal perspectives... on topic... and without any recriminations.
Why the offtop? An impersonal discussion of the terminal.

Because it's about the developers supposedly specifically equipping the terminal with special features to discourage traders. The last such claim ended in a perpetual ban for a fool who could say such a thing on the official MQ website. So you talk the talk, but don't talk the talk.

Because it is a question of the developers allegedly specifically equipping the terminal with special features to discourage traders. The last such claim ended in a perpetual ban for a fool who might have said such a thing on the official MQ website. So you talk the talk, but don't talk the talk.

I deleted that comment, what if the developers really don't like it. Although, there was nothing wrong there.....


I deleted that comment in case the developers really don't like it. Although, there was nothing wrong with it.....

Aha! Scared when you're scared?

Otherwise we'd be in the bathhouse with Mr. Econometrician right now.

khorosh: Traders should have a choice, you can't force your own understanding of trader's happiness on everyone).

Come on, Yuri. And what does Microsoft do every few years? And they cannot stop, because hardware gets faster and smarter, and they have to run after it. You just got used to 7, but 8 is almost here...

jelizavettka: The fewer such opportunities, the safer the platform is for the trader.

You're thinking in the wrong direction, Lizaveta. The more such possibilities - the more the real customers of this software, i.e. kitchens, will be satisfied. The openness of the platform to all sorts of naughty plug-ins is a kitchen requirement that Metacquotes is having such a hard time fending off right now.

The ideal of a kitchen is to become a market maker with no exposure to the real market and no accountability for its actions. But even now the kitchens are not living as freely as, say, 8 years ago: there is more competition between DCs, which makes it easier for traders in the long run.

On the other hand, it will be much more difficult for the fifth, because the fifth is not aiming for the betting market, but for a civilized and strictly regulated market.


Aha! Scared when you're scared?

Otherwise you'd be in the bath with Mr. Econometrician.

What's scary about it? I don't have ratings or threads)))) unlike the FA. And I don't bicker or criticise the developers aggressively... I don't criticise at all.


On the other hand, it will be much more difficult with the Five, because the Five is not aiming for a betting market, but for a civilised and strictly regulated market.

This is good) So we can hope that no plug-ins will be made for the fifth? And the brokerage companies will not be able to selectively shoot quotes, knocking down stops and flying over takeovers.

Come on, Yuri. And what does Microsoft do every few years? And they can't stop, because hardware is getting faster and smarter, and you have to run after it. You just got used to seven, but eight is almost here...

You're thinking in the wrong direction, Lizaveta. The more such possibilities - the more the real customers of this software, i.e. kitchens, will be satisfied. The openness of the platform to all sorts of naughty plug-ins is a kitchen requirement that Metacquotes is having such a hard time fending off right now.

The ideal of a kitchen is to become a market maker with no exposure to the real market and no accountability for its actions. But even now the kitchens are not living as freely as, say, 8 years ago: there is more competition between DCs, which ultimately makes it easier for the trader.

On the other hand, it will be much more difficult for the fifth, because the fifth is not aiming at the betting market, but at a civilized and strictly regulated market.

Alexey, I've forgotten, how will the platform prohibit the DCs from doing kitchen/bookmaker trading??? And how would it look in numbers if the entire volume of trades made were to be taken out of the betting market into the civilised market, where would we get that much money to provide collateral for the trades on the existing leverage???
And so it would be a WORLDWIDE - well, if like then, about "words to God's ears"!!! :)))
TarasBY: Alexei, I've forgotten, how will the platform prohibit "kitchen trading" within the DC???
Once again: Metacquotes is just trying to get away from kitchens.