[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 681

Ok. I don't believe that anyone here has never met me in trade. Some are old, some are new, but we know each other ))))

You can be sure - all))). Mobile and Emo not yet, but that will pass in time))).
I'll pass on the sell for now, the net is not quite clear, macdi rsi stoch seems ready to go down and the eur is all pushing up, let's wait......

You can be sure - all of them)))) Mobile and Emo not yet, but it will pass in time))))

I used to dump a lot of demos, sometimes two a day, in the very beginning ))))

No way)))

I think the price will fall off, there are lots of people in the hills .... your lots with Yema are not letting them in. You are evil, Yema recruited into her sect, dropped the volume and moved to Yema's cat, so his tail would fall off before Yema cuts it off because of false signals ))

ISU on H1. ))))

Only the blind cannot see it )))) That's the trick, thousands of traders sit and see that HYIP on their terminals )))) Now the question is, will they be able to make money on it? )))
...transients...probably only at the close of the day will we see the vector...
When you look at the market, you may run out of money... If you don't notice anything, just close your positions ... price will fall off, there are lots of people in the hills .... - your lots with Yema are not letting them in .You are evil, Yema recruited into her sect, you dropped your trades and moved to Yema's cat, his tail will fall off before Yema cuts it off because of false signals )))

Why settle when the signals are going up on She4 ))))) and they are not false?
Karp ... I think the price will fall off, there are lots of people in the hills .... your lots with Yema are not letting them in. You are evil, Yema recruited into her sect, dropped the volume and went to Yema's cat, so his tail would fall off before Yema cuts it off because of the false signals ))

Unless the amers say something else, but in the meantime bye.

Unless the americans have something else to say, but in the meantime bye.
the loonie hasn't given birth yet ...down the road he needs to work it out.

Only the blind cannot see it )))) That's the trick, thousands of traders sit and see the HYIP on their terminals )))) Now the question is, will they make money on it? )))
That's the trick - they do not trust anyone (and go buy).