[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 727

aha.... take from the poor - give to the rich? ))))
I don't know what I got ))))
aha.... take from the poor - give to the rich? ))))

No your teacher is so in the branch as at a funeral, call back)))
aha.... take from the poor and give to the rich? ))))

You better watch out or they'll slice up the depo )))))))))

Don't go away or they'll cut up the depot )))))))))

And there's Kolyan waiting)))

The branch is being archived.

The new episode is here.


The mobile's time has come - finally his sells will work out ... only the top ones will work out ...

Correction point 1.2770...

Hello, may I ask what is the indicator on this screenshot, especially the lower one?