Help guys, I'm out. - page 7


i know almost everyone is losing. i have a good strategy and keep looking into it, but there is little information on the fractal structure. i even thought i would try to find someone and make an indicator based on Hurst Index or Brownian motion, but not many people know about fractality.
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I am trying to apply the fractal structure to the market. here is a skin of a generalised Brownian motion but I do not know how to apply it to the market
I am trying to apply the fractal structure to the market. here is a skin of a generalized Brownian motion but I don't know how to apply it to the market
The outcome graph is the same for a game of fractal. So much for Brownian motion...
I'm trying to apply the fractal structure to the market. Here's a skin of a generalized Brownian motion but I don't know how to apply it to the market.
Why make things so complicated...Brains will boil and melt - you need to look for the simple and reliable...
The outcome graph of the game of eagle-eye is the same. So much for the Brownian motion...

The market may be the same as the market. it is just a mathematical model, but the result is similar to the market.
Why make everything so complicated... Brains will boil and melt - you need to look for the simple and reliable...

i'm sorry, but unfortunately i'm not familiar with accurate methods ((what i know is fractal analysis. i know how to work with faba waves. and the elementary laws of technical analysis. but all these methods are subjective. the only thing i know is that fractality gives results. but i don't know where the truth is in what analysis.
I lost 1000 euros, I don't feel sorry for the money but I am ashamed in front of my brother. I trade with my hands, not robots.

What was your lot and how much time did you lose?
quit forex and go to a monastery, the problem is not you the problem is forex ))), the statistics are a sad 5/95, or do you consider yourself lucky? )))

The stats are grossly overstated. Realistically, however, it's 5/995. IMHO

Well... We already know "Who is to blame", now we only need to answer the question "What should we do"...
4. Learn Russian.

I wonder how much the general level of education and trading success correlate.

In everyday life one can sometimes observe a negative correlation coefficient between education and success. However, what is meant by successfulness is a philosophical question.