Help guys, I'm out. - page 4


So that's it... )

You could also sell limbs and leather. It's just that... ...just as an idea. Someone there recently asked about the one-handed blind typing method.

It was Uncle Fyodor . Then he left the moderators. Could be a coincidence ...

That's my office. I'm thinking of opening two more offices, Sperm Bank and Buying Eyes.

I can just picture it - Monday morning, five minutes to opening. A long line of idiots in front of the door. Some already have an eye patch instead of an eye. You can trade without two eyes, you just have to put your brother next to you and he can tell you what's on the monitor.

That's a waste of time, we could go out and buy the DC with all the guts.
You shouldn't do that, we can all contribute to the forum and buy the DC with all its guts.

What do you want to chip in with?

Spend what?
Well... to the bank...

welkam, always happy to help a trader who has taken money from his brother. h ttp://

feedback .html

they won't take his kidney - the technical tests are bad...
Oh, I've got a slogan for you. A blindfold, a pirate hat, a bottle of rum and a paddle as a gift to every customer of the "eye shopping" office!
What's with the paddle? Better the hook.

Kick the enemy with your kidneys

Oh, I've got a slogan for you. A blindfold, a pirate hat, a bottle of rum and a paddle as a gift to every customer of the "eye shopping" office!

And a bonus when you open an account at the Jolly Roger.
well that's... to the bank...

And put a deposit terminal at the entrance to the DC. The phrase 'I'm going to refill' takes on a new connotation.