The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 178

Basically, what is time? A series of events from the past to the future. Eliminating time means stopping this sequence of events. Nothing more, nothing less. Such attempts to eliminate time are absurd!
Nobody is talking about the elimination of time as a necessary factor, but about its insufficiency to describe and understand the process. We need at least one more, main, factor. I suggested thinking about the power of the process. That is all.

Time is an abstraction for mathematics. You can call it whatever you like. There are lots of different processes in which time is not involved. But you can draw a nice graph of interactions on two or more coordinates.

For example, the dependence of density on pressure or temperature. Price versus air temperature or atmospheric pressure or humidity or precipitation in millimetres.

Gas law: PV=RT is a classic example of excluding time as a factor, but it appears to the observer that changes in time occur aspressure, volume or temperature change.
Nobody is talking about eliminating time as a necessary factor, but about its insufficiency to describe and understand the process. There needs to be at least one other major factor. I suggested to think about the power of the process. That is all.
The FA gives direction and determines the force. There is no need to look for anything new.

If it's such a no-brainer, could you demonstrate these "far from unique" methods of quantization as applied to the dynamics of the process, such that time is completely absent in them. That is, so that time is present neither explicitly, nor implicitly. And we are interested exactly in the process.

I argue that there are no such ways.

quantisation on the abscissa axis)) kagi, renko, XO

volume quantization

cumulative types like Market Profile, Volum Profile, etc.


quantisation on the abscissa axis)) kagi, renko, XO

volume quantization

cumulative types such as market profile, volumetric profile, etc.

Read carefully what it says. Have you read it? Now cross out what you have written. You can't cross it out? Then read again what we're talking about. Now cross it out.
Gas law: PV=RT is a classic example of excluding time as a factor, but it appears to the observer that changes in time occur aspressure, volume or temperature change.

Wrong. Time as a factor is always present. Excluding time from the equation does not mean eliminating it.



Time intervals as events is probably a more appropriate and understandable explanation (from a practical point of view).

I mean the possible influence on the choice of sampling method, although here too one could try to normalise by time interval length and come back to dimensionless time...


The other two points are too far off the ground.

The first point -- the arrow of time -- is much closer to the ground than it first appears.

Replace the word time with the phrase system evolution. Then you will understand the claims of the side which says that there is no time in the market, only ticks.

What are ticks if not quantization of the system evolution. Simply, time is attached to another system, the system of the material world, while ticks quantize the information system of the market, which lives according to other laws, the laws of human psychology.


This substitution is the normalization by time).

Only in the "denominator" there is a complex "function of flow" of ticks.

And time in such a scale will be flowing unevenly.

Replacing the coordinates. But this operation certainly does not eliminate time as such.

Time is an abstraction for mathematics. You can call it whatever you like. There are lots of different processes in which time is not involved. But you can draw a nice graph of interactions on two or more coordinates.

For example, the dependence of density on pressure or temperature. Price as a function of air temperature or atmospheric pressure or humidity or precipitation in millimetres.

It's not about deriving absurd dependencies

And time is not just an abstraction for mathematics. Time is our life.


Read more carefully what we are talking about. Have you read it? Now cross out everything you wrote. You can't cross it out? Then read again what it's about. Now cross it out.

And where, for example, is time in the market profile? The dynamics of the market process

Time is not any ordered sequence of events, but a relatively periodic process with a constant period (e.g. the rotation of the earth around its axis). If there is no constant period, it is not time, but simply a sequence of events.

There is a notion of "internal process time". But this is really an abstraction and is not what we are talking about.

Read carefully and cross out what you wrote before)))