The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 180


You're a fool yourself))

Your criticality and ego go up during your tractor demos. It also seems to be a cyclical process with internal time))))

I understand the passions, but for the sake of decency please do not turn to personalities and insults, as honoured forum members are gathered here and we must keep a "mark". The issue is serious and requires a balanced approach.
Well, nonsense is nonsense :) I wish more people felt that way.

You are able to answer more intelligibly, without the riddles.

Yes you are both/all right. Comrade opponents may not have chosen the correct terminology.

It's not about eliminating/ignoring time, it's about changing the metric. And if that's what you disagree with, then argue it in some other way, otherwise you won't even clarify your positions properly.

We need to introduce, in parallel with time, another factor that is more significant - that's what this is all about. Everyone is inherently wrong. Newton's Binom, it turns out, is known as "Omar Khayyam's Binom" !

Well rubbish is rubbish :) I wish more people thought so.


You are able to answer more clearly, without rebukes.

:-)) Andrei, don't answer that!!!
Hussars, silence?
:-)) Andrei, don't answer that!!!

Vadim, why such a soul-crushing appeal?
Hussars, silence?
Alexei, welcome to the show!
:-)) Andrei, don't answer that!!!

Vadim, Alexei knows how to answer himself.
Vadim, why the heartbreaking appeal?

It's a joke. If everyone knows, the earnings will disappear on this one.

One luminary has starred us all... :-)))