The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 171


The forex is already moving today -- not collapsing as seen by some "visionaries" ;))))


And the tractors are on the road.

The tasks they have been given are ambitious. And in the opinion of the vast majority - impossible ;). But is the majority always right? ;)

All the movements-achievements are recorded on a beech.

tractor M ---

tractor P ---

tractor I --- that's in the immediate plans.


I'm thinking about it: Why don't we have a sweepstakes... Everything will be more fun and interesting ;)


And so the tractors set off on their way.

The tasks set for them were formidable. And in the opinion of the vast majority - impossible ;) But is the majority always right? ;)

On the one hand, according to the majority, impossible: millions of flies can't be wrong.

And on the other hand, well, so many people are sitting on the Forex market, they want something. And again - millions of flies cannot make a mistake!


On the one hand, according to the majority, impossible: millions of flies can't be wrong.

And on the other hand, there are so many people sitting on the forex market, wanting something. And again, millions of flies cannot make mistakes!

What's all this about flies, it's winter and there are no flies.) Or do you live in the tropics?

I don't like the term 'flies'...



Now refreshing my memory: Kara-Murza "Manipulation of consciousness" audio-book.

Very useful to read - I recommend it.


The forex is already moving today -- not collapsing as it was seen by some "visionaries" ;))))

I am not ready yet and when I will be ready I will not ruin anything, I will give money to everyone who needs it.
... I will distribute the money to everyone in need.
Start right now, put the strategy out in the open). After all, most of the inhabitants of this forum are just in need of money.
Start right now, put the strategy in the public domain). After all, most of the inhabitants of this forum just need the money.

It will be the finish of this system, based on money slavery, and considering the fact that among those who have received the algorithm there will be many programmers, whom I am no match for, the finish will come sooner than I would like), so let the secret to be a secret for now, I have already said too much.

P.S. in the future, the money will only be able to help those whom I register myself, as in the world now (at least until I live) will not release the secret.

P.P.S. the first will probably not traders, and people who really need the money for operations, medicine, etc..


It will be the finish of this system, based on money slavery, and considering the fact that among those who have received the algorithm there will be many programmers, whom I am no match for, the finish will come sooner than I would like), so let the secret to be a secret for now, I have already said too much.

P.S. in the future, I'll be able to help with money only those whom I register myself, as in the world now (at least while alive) the secret will not let out.

P.P.S. The first to go will probably not be traders, but people who really need money for surgeries, medicine, etc..

There is a paradigm: All that is given free of charge is not appreciated.

Remember the Soviet Union with dated bread that cost less than the grain from which it was baked, and this bread was fed to pigs.

If you start giving money to the needy, they will start to demand it, and when you say "stop" you will become enemy number one.

The Americans have already experimented with social housing and the result was that there were disadvantaged neighborhoods, whose inhabitants were permanently off welfare.

So when you do a good deed, keep a safe distance so you don't get a shockwave of gratitude :)



So when you do good, keep a safe distance to avoid a shockwave of gratitude :)

Don't worry, he's in no danger of that. He's only caught a pattern of tick-modelling, and so there will be no money.
Urain:...So when you do a good deed, keep a safe distance so you don't get a shockwave of gratitude :)

If you earn a little money on FOREXe without investing your own money and share 50% of it (after paying all taxes), that's good enough for me))).