The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 183

No, it's more like a ladder - create, realise you can't lift, pump up the power, lift, realise you can't create an unreachable stone, create another, bigger one, etc.

Rather, a branching of reality, in one reality you could not lift - paradox, a second reality was created where you could lift - paradox again, you could not create something that you could not lift, etc., etc.

"And the Lord created the Black Holes, as an admonition to the half-wits who at all times projected their own Mania of Greatness onto Him...."

No, that's not true, that's not fair.)

"И создал Господь Дыры Чёрные, в назидание недоумкам, во все времена проецирующим на Него собственную Манию Величия...."


No, that's not true, that's not fair ))))
But it's funny. :) There is also a sequel: "... And as a reminder for the Wise One who understands that Small is greater than Great, and Weakness is stronger than Strength, because Strength is finite and Weakness is infinite..." :)
It's hilarious, though. :) There's a sequel, too: "... and as a reminder to the Wise One who understands that the Small is greater than the Great, and Weakness is stronger than Strength, for Strength is finite and Weakness is infinite..."
There seems to be a new religion brewing...
Taking large doses of alcohol for the holidays is having an effect. Escape from reality))
Taking large doses of alcohol for the holidays is having an effect. Escape from reality))

By the way the first paralysis of the mental centres, when drinking alcohol, affects the processes of criticism and judgement . This is the initial stage of physical death of brain fragments . Accompanied by personality degradation.

By the way the first paralysis of the mental centres, when you drink alcohol, affects the processes of criticism and judgement . It is the initial stage of physical death of brain fragments. Accompanied by personality degradation.

and zen with her personality. not in her happiness...


There seems to be a new religion brewing...
"Don't wait for it" (c) Rabinovich

How much lyrics about time....

Time is of the essence, which means time is of the essence. This is to say that I was betting on the tank that was going down recently. How's it going, since some time has passed and things have changed?


Interesting how that works.

For a boulder lying on the roadside, time does not exist until it is thrown off the road by a tractor.

Forex doesn't work at the weekend. The connection's gone and the quotes aren't coming in. Time is gone. Gap is a signal to make a trade)))


Interesting how that works.

For a boulder lying on the roadside, time does not exist until it is thrown off the road by a tractor.

Forex doesn't work at the weekend. The connection's gone and the quotes aren't coming in. Time is gone. Gap is a signal to make a trade)))

And that's where it's slightly wrong, you're abstracting the infosystem to the notion of quotes.

The information system itself exists at the weekend, but in a slightly different state. The information system has a similar but slightly different state in the run-up to the news release.

Why similar, because there is an expectation, but the difference is that quoting continues before the news and not at the weekend.

That's why the news gaps are less frequent than after the weekend, you can let some steam out, at the weekend there is a lot of expectations.

During other periods we have a free quoting flow, although there are also waiting periods (for example, opening of america or eurozone).

Just these waiting periods accumulate the potential, they create the unevenness of the tick flow in relation to time.