The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 175

The main thing is the price movement (ticks) and the rigid algorithm.

It's your hangover, I guess...

Sanyok, draw the price movement without bars, without time. I wonder what kind of picture you will get.


It's your hangover, I guess...

Sanyok, draw the price movement without bars, without time. I wonder what kind of picture you will get.

It only works with vertical straight lines)).

It's your hangover, I guess...

Sanyok, draw the price movement without bars, without time. I wonder what kind of picture you will get.

Yes, he has a "rigid algorithm", sitting in a lift. Maybe, indeed, get out of the tank, i.e. the tractor, and try it in the lift? ;)

Sanyok, draw the price movement without bars, without time. I wonder what kind of picture you will get.

No problem. Time is not the only and not necessarily the best way of quantification.
No problem. Time is by no means the only and by no means the best way to quantise it.

That's not the point - he's talking about removing the second coordinate altogether(!), i.e. just the price and nothing else.

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It only works with vertical straight lines.)

on one vertical straight line ;))
Yes he has a 'hard algorithm' sitting in the lift. Maybe, indeed, get out of the tank, i.e. tractor, and try it in the lift? ;)

the tractor uses a lot of coordinates, and one for the lift will do ;))

That's not the point -- he's talking about removing the second coordinate altogether(!) i.e. just the price, and that's it, and no other bindings.

that's for sure. only the first coordinate is not needed either.

the market essentially has no coordinates. But a graph can only be plotted on two of them. Therefore, if we lose the coordinates of the chart, we essentially lose the chart. So, there is no need to get clever here if you stare at a good chart. But when there is no chart, there is a price. This is quite enough for trading (think of any shop).

As for the tractors - the market in '13 was almost calm and flat, let's see what happens when the price flies (not to pry, at this stage the result looks really inspiring). i wish profits!

MS: a tractor that rides closer to the ground is a safer ride. I'm all for it - that's the bet...


What's the shop got to do with it... in the shop the price is set and it doesn't move. It's static. So you buy it in a shop -- so what? Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the price will not change. And you can enjoy the goods you have bought.

Trading on margin is trading at different points in time. Today you buy at one price, and tomorrow you sell at a different price. This is only possible if the price is volatile. Today the price=5, and tomorrow the price=7. Here you already have two natural coordinates: 1) time and 2) price.

What is so unclear here... And the coordinate "time" is set in a completely natural way -- the direction from "today" to "tomorrow".

And the exotics like "equalities", "equal volumetricity" and other similar contrivances come from misunderstanding of the essence of the phenomenon. You can be creative, of course, but only if your mind is clear. Throwing away time when thinking about a dynamic process is an indication that clarity is missing.


Watch your head. My thoughts have been going on for years and they don't always get through to some people.

If a mathematical mind scalds - think about the price at least from the beginning. About the rest (topic) - yes, but in relation to the price and for the shortest possible time to be able to extract a stable profit.