Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 99

Thank you!!! I'm downloading, I'll get acquainted.

Where should I put it?

I've forgotten a bit.

Yeah, in the inlude.

It doesn't draw or ask anything.


Please make a prediction on Gunn.

Thank you.


Please make a prediction on Gunn.

Thank you.

it's not a forecasting branch...
and for a change... 1.4197 I think we'll get there... (white horizontal line)

By the way, we got to this price... Waiting for what happens next... By the way... the price was not predicted by Gann... and I think the most important thing is time, not price... Grandpa himself wrote that it is not important what price an instrument trades at... it is important to know its reversal in time...

made a markup on the euro here... let's see what comes out of it))))

and this is not the forecast anyone expected... this is my vision on square 9...

THIS is the emblem that is considered correct

and where did the blue dashes come from i can't figure it out. i'm turning my head on the monitor anyway. and did you choose the colour scheme in the footnote or is it described somewhere else?

promised to somehow explain my opinion on the long move from 16.03.2011 on AUDUSD...

Here we go...

We squared it all up and got the following...

To put it simply, you get the following...

Since 02.04 is a weekend... I shift it to the left... so it's like this...

Then we see that the weekends are also 9,16,17... so we end up with the following...

On the graph it all looks like this...

Maybe someone could add to it or correct it, I'd be very grateful...

ZS: Knowing the movement in the white squares on the chart, I knew the price targets marked with thick blue lines ...

SZY: white vertical is the goal of a small (or large downward movement, which had time to catch), on the chart it is not visible)))

EURUSD 1.4057 reversal?
EURUSD 1.4057 reversal?

What is the basis for this conclusion?