America's default, in Russian. - page 21


I took a look at this. What a mess we're in! What's not to talk about.

Thanks, Sanya - it's a good topic! )))

Getting back to the subject. I can not imagine in a normal person's mind, ktr. would be sawing, gnawing teeth, boughs.

Well who can produce bonds? China? Unlikely. Europe? Uh-huh. There's plenty hanging around. But do they need it?

Sure, at some point this bubbling quid stuff will have to be solved. But now? Times will be calmer.


Good topic for Friday, should be prepared from Monday ))))

ZS: Prepare the sledge from the summer and the world will end in winter ))))


Well, who can produce bonds? China? Unlikely. Europe? Uh-huh. There's plenty hanging around. But do they need it?

On the other hand, what is wrong with the USA defaulting? Icelanders have told the Dutch to go and pay their debts under the guise of "fuck you, our people do not allow us to pay debts" and that is all, Amsterdam is sucking up and can not do anything by and large. Why are the Pindos worse than the Icelanders?
On the other hand, what's the big deal for the U.S. in a default? Icelanders just told the Dutch to go and pay their debts under the guise of "fuck you, our people do not allow us to pay debts" and that is all, Amsterdam is sucking on it and can not do anything. Why are the Pindos worse than the Icelanders?

It's even weird. Yes, because all the resources are quoted in that nasty pindian currency. Oil, coke, metals, everything. Even cocoa beans.

I can hardly imagine a seamless transition to, say, the yuan. // I'm not going to lie - I can't imagine it at all...


American law is unique in that, without asking anyone, it extends its jurisdiction to almost the entire globe.

They issue a law that says everyone they owe is forgiven)))


It's even strange. Yes, because all the resources are quoted in that nasty pindian currency. Oil, coke, metals, everything. Even cocoa beans.

It's hard to imagine an unmitigated switch to, say, yuan.

And then there are prostitutes and drugs )))) What will happen to them? )))

And then there are prostitutes and drugs))) What will become of them? )))
Those "eternal values" are not going anywhere. I wouldn't worry about it!

Yeah! Speaking of which. Have you seen Fear and Loathing in L-V? I love Terry Gilliam. And the actors in it are J.Depp and Benicio Del Torro. Ugh!

I'd like to see "Brazil"...

Oh, just for us moneybags: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." Just kidding. It's about the other one.


...Issue a law that says everyone they owe is forgiven)))

The Pharisees are not only concerned about profit, they are also concerned about morality, and the United States is the moral agent of the world. They will come up with something more elegant, for the good of the world community and the protection of civilians.

Of course, at some point this bullshit with the bubbling quid will have to be solved. But now? Times will be calmer.

The point is that it does not need to be solved. If there is a default, the quid will fall and only the USA will suffer, because everyone else will start an international exchange with something more reliable, such as gold. If not, nothing will happen.

As for US bonds, they are already dead weight, not a means of payment. Like there are supposedly some kind of "foreign exchange" reserves, when in fact there are no reserves, just junk. If they go bust, the hell with it - no bonds, no problem. If they do not go bust, then let them lie on the table.

Does the fact that Hussein or Gaddafi accumulated American waste paper make them feel better? The waste paper is of little concern to Americans - they want energy and free man-hours/hours in exchange for that same waste paper. They do not care about anything else.

To put it simply, a default in the U.S. or not, doesn't matter. Every country has its own problems and they need to be solved.