America's default, in Russian. - page 38


What kind of weekend selves can there be?

That's where I stand:

Uncle Reshetov!

I'm learning the tricks of the market from you.

on all the "tools"...

Thank you!



The restless Reshetov is clearly standing in the mudslides...


with 1.387 I think

right and does it right, otherwise who to buy from ))))
A second colleague said today that the default is off, sort of like the republicans and democrats have agreed )

S&P changes outlook on US rating to negative

International rating agency Standard & Poor's has changed its outlook on the United States sovereign rating at Aaa from stable to negative, S&P said in a statement.

At the same time the outlook on ratings of Federal Reserve System (FRS), as well as Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of New York had been worsened. One of the main reasons for the rating change is the inability of US lawmakers to reach a compromise on a solution to the country's budget problems, S&P said in a release.

"The US economy is very flexible and diversified, and the US authorities' monetary policy is aimed at maintaining the country's GDP growth rate and curbing inflationary pressures. However, compared to its rating peers, the US has a huge budget deficit and growing uncertainty about how to address this issue. Given the above, we have decided to change the outlook on the US long-term sovereign rating from stable to negative," it said.

"While we believe that the stated strengths of the US economy so far outweigh the country's economic and fiscal risks, we suspect that they may not be sufficient to offset the credit risks to the AAA rating in the next two years," agency analyst Nicola J. Swann commented on the decision. He notes that after more than two years since the start of the crisis, US lawmakers have failed to come up with a way to deal with the worsening budget situation.

It is worth noting that the agency has revised downward its outlook on the rating of the American economy for the first time in many years. The current rating (Aaa) was assigned to the US on 1 January 1941.

"The headline from S&P may come as a shock. The initial reaction is a decline in any dollar assets," Reuters quoted market strategist Lowe Brien of DRW Trading as saying.

Immediately after the news of the revision of the US sovereign rating outlook, stock indices in Europe and America fell sharply, the dollar fell and oil fell in price.

From 2003 to 2008, the US budget deficit was in the range of 2-5% of GDP. Already significantly higher than other countries in a similarly rated category (Aaa), the US budget deficit in 2009 was already over 11%.

On 13 April, US President Barack Obama presented a medium-term fiscal consolidation plan designed to reduce the federal deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years. Over the next two months, the Obama administration and congressmen should reach agreement on the programme in order to achieve these goals. The president's programme envisages reducing the budget deficit both by cutting spending and by increasing budget revenues.

As the agency notes, agreement on the fiscal consolidation programme is not easy to reach in the US because the differences in the parties' positions are too wide. Consequently there is a risk that congressional debates will not deliver agreement on a medium-term fiscal strategy before the autumn 2012 presidential and congressional elections. In this case, the first steps to reduce the budget deficit will not be agreed until after the adoption of the budget for 2014 (the fiscal year that starts in the autumn of 2012). (for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013), and further delay is possible, said in S & P.

The negative outlook on US ratings signals a probability of at least 33% that we could lower the long-term US rating in the next two years," Swan said, "The outlook on US sovereign ratings reflects heightened risks that policy discussions on medium- and long-term fiscal issues will continue at least through the 2012 national elections.

Read more:


UN reaches agreement with Tripoli on humanitarian assistance for Libyan victims


UN officials have reached an agreement with the Libyan authorities on a humanitarian presence in Tripoli. This was announced by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon during his visit to Hungary.

UN Special Envoy to Libya Abdel-Elah Al-Khatib and UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos on Sunday agreed on the modalities for humanitarian action in government-controlled areas.

UN spokesman Farhan Haq said:

"The Special Envoy and the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs confirmed that the international community strongly condemns the use of force against civilians and calls on Libyan authorities to immediately stop military action throughout the country, especially in Misrata, and to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to all those who need it."

At a press conference in Budapest today, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Libya will need a variety of assistance to restore and consolidate peace after the ceasefire.



Hey, friends!

Are you guys serious about the news ratings?

Yeah, yeah, yeah... They're written for you.

Why do I break business... Not really friends, but we know each other...

Shame on you! )))


There is no news. There are disasters.

What is called news is junk that is being sold to you, waiting for your reflection.

Yeah. And you're falling for it.

Disasters, on the other hand, require an immediate response - that's professionalism. Sorry, I don't think you've developed that reaction during your time at school...

It's better not to know anything at all and not to cloud your mind with expectation of something that may not come true.

Well, you know, only work on confirmed signals. // I wish I knew what confirmation was... - that's just... Life, like the trend, they go on! ))))


Do you know what your problem is? Why your feet are redundant?

Yes because you are putting so much risk on a trade that no stop, no genie in the bottle can withstand it.

Yeah, and then, knowingly: stops are shit and don't work. Well, well. God, or whatever, help...

Talked to several, in their own words, quite successful traders (employees!) of several brokerage companies. Strangely enough, most do not think stops are necessary...
Talked to several, in their own words, quite successful traders (employees!) of several brokerage companies. Strangely enough, most do not think stops are necessary...
Exactly. A stop out is enough to limit the "maximum" risk.
Talked to several, in their own words, quite successful traders (employees!) of several brokerage companies. Strangely enough, most do not think stops are necessary...
Apparently these are the traders who are invited by the brokerage companies to manage client deposits. Another way to attract additional investments in the kitchen. After all, not everyone can and wants to trade (sell) personally, but there are those (uncultivated) who believe in miracle traders and ready to give them money. Especially if these miracle traders are recommended by brokerage companies. And of course CD is not responsible for the trader's actions and neither is he. As a result the additional client deposits are burned by the brokerage company. Of course such traders do not need stops.