America's default, in Russian. - page 47

It is better to consider buying volatility through straddle options - it would be more reliable. Not everyone has that option, though, and the premium may already be actively gaining in value right now.

Gold will be bought up when the Fed-independent countries go down...


And my opinion was based on the assumption that the default never leads to strengthening of the national currency, well, at least, I didn't notice it, neither in Russia (90s), nor in Belarus (now), although it may not apply to the states ...


One state introduced a freely convertible currency , the ruble. This means that the value of the rouble became known in the world currency - the RUB/USD exchange rate appeared (the world currency took over all goods in the territory of the rouble).
The rouble has never been a freely convertible currency, so the term national currency is 100 per cent applicable to the rouble, but not to the dollar - the dollar is spread across all currencies, it is the euro, the yen, gold and oil, imho.

Here's an interesting one. All countries have a foreign debt. Since it is impossible to settle accounts with each other, it means that everyone owes money to one person. Who is the mysterious creditor who has put the planet in debt?


Here's an interesting one. All countries have a foreign debt. Since it is impossible to settle accounts with each other, it means that everyone owes money to one person. Who is the mysterious creditor who has put the planet in debt?


and the Rothschilds...

I don't think so. 20 years ago there was a famine in China and a cup of rice was considered a blessing. And the debts of all countries seem to have been there since the creation of the world...


I don't think so. 20 years ago there was a famine in China and a cup of rice was considered a blessing. And debts seem to have been hanging over all countries since the creation of the world...

Because every one of us is born naked and in debt...

And debts do not disappear but are transferred...

Tomorrow there will be another country/tribe/family name, the day after another...


and the Rothschilds...

Let's check them for taxes. Who will he owe then?

Global neb........