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... well, or unknowable patterns.

As you say there "you will laugh a long time", but only a human decision is truly random, (although it does seem to us to be random) everything else is just unknowable regularities.
For example, with sufficient input data and sufficient computational power it is possible to calculate even the pattern of the first drops of the nearest rain on your window. Because the motion of each droplet of water is described solely by the laws of physics and nothing else. In contrast to the workings of the brain, which is still unknown how it works and even its owner is sometimes unclear on what basis he has made a particular decision. This is especially true of such notions as "at random", "out of spite", "in spite of everything" and the like.


And this one is 64...


You will laugh for a long time...

For the sixth year I have been in a state of verification of the uttered truth that a man who has tuned up his brain (thoughts) in a certain way is capable of living forever.

Otherwise I will get an incontestable confirmation that any truth pronounced is a lie. ))

Thinking about it does not cancel the Hayflick limit (genetically programmed cell division limit). Well, even if it is cancelled, it is very likely to result in oncology (cancer cells are deprived of the division limit). But the idea of incorporating the gene synthesizing the telomerase enzyme into the genome by means of viruses is extremely interesting. But again: nerve cells do not divide and even if we can turn somatic cells into immortal cells, the brain cells (neurons) will still die after 25. Unfortunately, immortality, even at our level of science, is an unattainable thing, and if it is also attainable, it is only for all cells of the organism, except the most important...

The country is in poo up to its neck, only the head sticks out, it's time to think about immortality.

It would be a good start to think about climbing out of the poo. No, well, I'm for it, but it's a shame about the country)).


The country is in poo up to its neck, only your head sticking out, it's the best place to think about immortality.

It would be a good start to think about climbing out of the poo. No, I'm for it, but it's a shame about the country.)

Israel? )))

There are a lot of beautiful places on earth. Live there, change places...


"A man who cannot swim is afraid of water."

That's an epigraph from one of the immortality websites, by the way. They said it all about themselves.

Israel? )))

Ugh, I forgot, we are sons of Israel, but while we live in Russia, it is good to steal here, if you do not have a conscience, but our Jews have never had a conscience before)))))

Excuse me, patriotic thoughts from Russians are like a contagion, we need to get rid of them)))))))))


"A man who cannot swim is afraid of water."

That's an epigraph from one of the immortality websites, by the way. They said it all about themselves.

Is it like, first you have to learn how to enjoy life, and then you want to prolong that joy?)