[Archive! - page 590


Resourceful people saw at Roscosmos:

Phobos-Grunt crash can be considered a tragic accident


They will repeat it again! Who would doubt it! ("Eh, one more time, - many, many more times..."-s)

You can spend another eight to ten years cutting dough on this case. And "mow" for sunspots. And then retire with a clear conscience.


Hello, everyone!

Needed a demo here. I downloaded MT4 from here. I registered it, and all of a sudden I get a successful registration email from MIG bank.

Fuck it, with the hidden ads. I downloaded MIG's terminal - right, data centres have the same name, quotes drop tick by tick...

What's that about? Did MetaQuotes get rid of the server content?


Men's memory fails: Popular belief in the phenomenon of girlish memory disproved

What a resounding headline! What gives it extra credibility is, of course, that it's been discovered by British scientists. Read it carefully:

Причем [когнитивное] расстройство одолевало, в основном, мужчин. Так, было зафиксировано 72 случая на тысячу мужчин и 57 случаев на тысячу женщин. Кроме того, ученые обнаружили интересную закономерность. Риск возникновения расстройства памяти повышался у тех, кто не состоял в браке или имел более низкий уровень образования.

"We were very surprised by these results. Women are thought to be more prone to memory problems and therefore to the onset of dementia. In fact, dementia rates tend to be higher among women," said Rosebud Roberts, author of the paper from the Mayo Clinic.

The British scientists seriously consider the difference between 72 and 57 (out of thousands) to be statistically significant and are genuinely surprised. They do not know that the s.c.o. of the distribution of these values (in this case, the root of 1000) is much larger than the 72-57 difference, so that a difference of 15 cases cannot be considered significant at all.

Not to mention the fact that the values of 72 and 57 themselves lie on the verge of being reliably determined...

Here it is, the price of the British scientists' "discoveries"!


There is an equally interesting place:

Исследователи из клиники Майо обследовали 1450 человек в возрасте от 70 до 89 лет на протяжении трех лет. В начале наблюдения ни у кого не было зафиксировано когнитивных расстройств. Каждые 15 месяцев добровольцы должны были проходить тест, с помощью которого проверялась память. Оказалось, что под конец исследования у 296 человек появились признаки нарушения работы мозга, которые впоследствии могли бы привести к появлению слабоумия.


There is an equally interesting place:

One has to have a mind that is not weak to first live to the age of 89! And then let the mind get weaker, so that it doesn't hurt so much to feel it's time to go. Nature has thought of everything in an original way. Or does anyone want to leave in the prime of their mental capacity?
yosuf: Or does anyone want to leave in the prime of their mental capacity?
Well, non-smokers certainly want to go out in good health.