[Archive! - page 54

Yes, the fact that robots are going to do everything for people is kind of scary, it's basically a planned economy. It would be slavery for an idea. In any case, a person will be like a cog in any system. And who will manage it all? That means there will be a ruling class. So it is more like a utopia.

We all live in "our own worlds". Some have already built their world, some are still completing it.
Anyway, we do not let outsiders and alien views into our world. Our world is only open to those (people and thoughts) with whom we feel comfortable.

It is an unenviable fate for people who have no peace of their own. They are like homeless people exposed to bad weather. They are more easily reached by insidious advertisements, political slogans and indoctrination of all kinds. It is harder for them to hide from the flow of zombifying information, it is easier to make them adherents of even the most harmful ideology through paid media. They are the main target of political lies.

It is naive to think that such convinced bums without a world of their own can be helped by example. The example of your life can only arouse envy or malice in them. Their main misfortune is their complete lack of willingness to take responsibility for their future. That is how they were brought up. So it is not them but the system that breeds homeless people that needs to be changed.

The film I watched with pleasure and I recommend you to watch it.

I agree, but changing the system = changing people and the conditions around them. How else? Start with yourself.


It begs the question - what money was used to make this film, who financed it and for what purpose? Wasn't it some new, as yet unknown, political party?

They call themselves technocrats.

Yes, the fact that robots will do everything for people is kind of scary, it's basically a planned economy. That would be slavery for an idea. Either way, humans will be like a cog in any system. And who will manage it all? That means there will be a ruling class. So it is more like a utopia.
On the subject of how to keep up with demand? The answer is computers :-)) This is ridiculous!.... One domestic mathematician has rigorously proven the feasibility of demand planning. Correspondingly - the collapse of any planned economy. For, the number of linkages in free demand is such that not even the most modern supercomputer can do. It can be solved through education, though. In fact, man needs very little. A hundred times less than he consumes now. I know this by experience.


I agree, but changing the system = changing the people and the conditions around them. How else? Start with yourself.

They call themselves technocrats.

On the subject of how to keep up with demand? The answer is computers :-)) This is ridiculous!... One domestic mathematician has rigorously proven the feasibility of demand planning. Correspondingly - the collapse of any planned economy. For, the number of linkages in free demand is such that not even the most modern supercomputer can do. It can be solved through education, though. In fact, man needs very little. A hundred times less than he consumes now. I know this by experience.

You are right, although we need little but want a lot, here is the trouble, from which there is no escape, this idea is embedded in us, even if we have everything in excess, we want power, so we cannot satisfy everyone in full, because this volume is unlimited. The system we have now is the most optimal: from all according to their abilities and desires, to all according to their merits.
The system that has emerged now is the most optimal: from all according to their abilities and desires, to all according to their merits.

imho, now more than ever the system saysHomo homini lupus est, and the wolves are hiding behind statements about kindness and paying for opportunities, while at the same time they are having a "feast during the plague".

One must be able to work with the human material that is available. We will not be given other people. (Vladimir Lenin)

Yes, the fact that robots are going to do everything for people is kind of scary, it's basically a planned economy. It would be slavery for an idea. In any case, a person will be like a cog in any system. And who will manage it all? That means there will be a ruling class. So it is more like a utopia.
So it cannot be allowed to happen. But, we have to think, is it possible without ruling class? At what stage in the development of civilisation did it emerge? In this regard, we need to analyse the animal community and find out if reason is to blame or if it is an inevitability? I am afraid that the result will be in favour of inevitability. Reason has nothing to do with it. Then we must look for the answer in the mechanism of self-preservation.

Imho, now more than ever the system saysHomo homini lupus est, and the wolves hide behind statements of kindness and pay for opportunities, while they themselves are having a "feast in the midst of the plague"

The link speaks the truth

I agree, but changing the system = changing the people and the conditions around them. How else? Start with yourself.

I'm puzzled and confused.

Either you don't read my posts or you have some special meaning in the phrase "Start with yourself".

Expand, teach others, report your successes... The more people who adopt a new way of life, the faster we will rebuild.
And we will all become paupers to the delight of the rich

We all live in "our worlds". Some have already built their world, some are completing it.
One way or another, we don't let outsiders and alien views into our world. Our world is only open to those (people and thoughts) with whom we feel comfortable.

It is an unenviable fate for people who have no peace of their own. They are like homeless people exposed to bad weather. They are more easily reached by insidious advertisements, political slogans and indoctrination of all kinds. It is harder for them to hide from the flow of zombifying information, it is easier to make them adherents of even the most harmful ideology through paid media. They are the main target of political lies.

It is naive to think that such convinced bums without a world of their own can be helped by example. The example of your life can only arouse envy or spite in them. Their main misfortune is their complete lack of willingness to take responsibility for their future. That is how they were brought up. So it is not them but the system that breeds homeless people that needs to be changed.

The film I watched with pleasure and I recommend you to watch it.

My father used to tell me back in the Soviet times: Beggar means lazy person, he cannot be re-educated, he has an established concept of parasite. You will get tired of changing the system, the stiffer it is, the fairer it is.

Strangely enough, our literal translation of the word 'wife' means 'beaten', of course no one does, but the meaning our ancestors came up with is amazing.


Yusuf, you are clearly not a doctor of philosophy or social science. Every statement you make here is false.