[Archive! - page 640


For some reason they didn't make such a video about Navalny, they didn't make one about the others...
They did, they made one about everyone and they made one about Putin, google it and you'll find a lot of shit. But that's no reason to drag him here.
They filmed, they filmed about everybody and they filmed about Putin, google it and you'll find a lot of shit. But that's no reason to bring it here.

When it comes to "crap" and "active opposition" I'll rely on your opinion and take your word for it without asking for proof. You know better. But that's no reason to tell others what they should and shouldn't do...

In matters of "crap" and "active opposition", I will rely on your opinion and take your word for it without asking for proof. You know better. But that's no reason to tell others what to do and what not to do...
Don't rely on it, you'll be the one to put it down.

" ... everyone who can't see the 'kamasutra' in perverted handjobs ... "

Probably in the annals.


who has a stable drain owl?

Not the illan-like ones!


who has a stable drain owl?

Not the illan-like ones!

This is very rare, as is a stable pouring owl. Mostly steadily giving back the spread.

It can be done, but it will cost more than the pourer, due to the perversity of the task :)


who has a stable drain owls?

Not the illan-like ones!

I can sell it. I've got 5-6 pips on the eu steadily.

Not at all illan-like, even on the contrary.


The posts have been scuffed. The agony of morality-extremely IMHO. Better the communists, the spitting Kurginyan and the pocket man-whoever-than this "liberal brethren". Whoever is interested will find the video, I wonder how Ryzhkov will comment on it... If I were him I would strangle myself with shame. But the face of 'civil protest'... Tough, of course.


I'm fed up with everything.

I'm going to the bathhouse today. A SAUNA. With herbal tea, steaming, cold baths.

I recommend it to everyone who doesn't have a heart condition.