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And I'll be voting for the LDPR..... Resolved....
That's right. Life should be fun.
That's right. Life should be fun.

Yeah!!! With a sense of humour......
That's right. Life should be fun.

Who's from Belarus, is this really what you see on zombie TV?


I don't get it, do we have to buy the eur against the dollar. Fucking beautiful Lukashenko.... Saved my deposit :)))))))))



Looking at your avatar doesn't suggest anything else :)

Your avatar makes you think of nothing else :)
Yes, yes, everything in my life is great!
14 interesting facts about how Viy was filmed

1. The first Soviet horror film "Viy" was filmed in 1967, with adventures. Artists seemed that the evil spell of ghouls spread even beyond the set ... In the church built on the "Mosfilm" workers tried not to go too much. Meanwhile, in the Soviet thriller was spilled only one drop of blood: Panorama witch, scaring the philosopher, started a bloody tear.

2. The picture was still "in the launch", but it has already bought nine countries around the world. At the Soviet box office the film won a symbolic 13th place.

3. The famous flights of pannekozka in a coffin, which frightened generations of Soviet children, appeared due to the fact that under the dome of the pavilion was attached a complex mechanism. All the coffins were black, like Gogol's. Coffin No 1 was considered the main coffin - it contained the deceased panna. Coffin number 2 was flying in the church with the lid closed - according to the script, it could not pierce the magic circle outlined by the philosopher. This coffin rushed in the frame empty and was quite small. They moved the coffin manually with the help of ropes.

4. Coffin number 3 was suspended on six metal strings from the ceiling. It was the one in which the witch flew around the church, standing at full height. At the base of the coffin, a metal bracket pin was embedded, to which the actress was strapped with a mounting belt. Behind her back, under her balaclava, she was secured with a sturdy support.

5. Before let Natalia Varley in the "free flight", in an unusual coffin flown almost the entire crew. It was interesting that the new "witch" - Natalia Varley - was born in the Romanian city of Constanta. And Transylvania has long been considered the home of witches and vampires.

6. The sets were made simultaneously in several pavilions. Six months of "Mosfilm" employees were frightened by the gloomy church covered with cobwebs. The film has an episode when an untold number of monsters fly into the church: icons fall to the ground, broken glass goes down, doors come off their hinges... A huge chandelier - the Panikhalume tower - is about to fall down. Butlers were not lazy and hanged a lot of sacks with dust on the chandelier basis. When the chandelier clattered on the church floor everyone felt dumb for a moment: the dust column that rose up looked like an explosion... When filming "Viy" they also burnt several hundredweight of candles, even though the wax was expensive at the time. We had to order thick candles made of wax and stearin in special church workshops in Zagorsk.

7. Unclean forces were represented in "Vie" and a peculiar animal world: for example, a "brigade" of black cats worked in the painting. Nine grown-up black kittens were inherited by the film crew from the painting "Black devil", where the main quadrupedal hero played nine stand-in. These same cats worked at Gaidai in "Brilliant Hand" and the film "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession. In "Vie" black cats jumped out from under the feet of poor philosopher Khoma at the most inopportune moment, the cats were also equipped with special hats with horns. They were made to jump from a dais and their shadows were shot on the wall.

8. To portray all sorts of evil spirits, the director and his cameraman tried to shoot enlarged versions of insects - mantises, rhinoceroses, spiders... But they stopped at bats, crows and owls, which were close to mystical creatures. All animals were supplied for the shooting by well-known "Mosfilm" animal trainer and staging stuntmen Tariel Gabidzshvili.

9. About 50 crows were used in "Vie". They were caught right there in the "Mosfilm" yard. They laid bait in an old barn and did not approach it for several days in order not to frighten the cunning birds. The trapped women were taken away only at night, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the other free crows. A command was given on the set and the blackbirds would fly noisily out of the cracking windows of the church. At times the animal-tamer would call out to director Alexander Ptushko: "Lukich, we are out of crows". He would call a time-out, the filmmakers would dim the lights and climb the grates with torches to film the birds - the pavilions were immense - up to 16 metres high.

10. 10. Alexander Ptushko had his favorite animals who wandered from film to film with him. He adored, for example, the dog Mishka. Tariel Varlamovich, a trainer, brought the dog back from the army. Mishka was a real canine sound-maker. He could growl like a real bear, howl like a wolf. In "Vie" he was desperately mourning for the dead girl in the yard.

11. By the way, "panonochka" - Natalia Varley - really had a deadly episode on the set. Natalya once fell out of a coffin, which at high speed was carried around in a circle. Like in a kaleidoscope, the candles flashed, the logs of the church flashed... The girl lost her balance and flew headlong from a great height. Pan philosopher - Leonid Kuravlev, having no experience of insurance, somehow miraculously caught Natalia on the landing on the plank floor of the church. Only later the actress admitted that despite her work as an aerial gymnast in a circus, she was very afraid of heights. Can you imagine what kind of willpower this fragile girl had to stand up in a coffin under the church ceiling every time?

12. the werewolves in Alexander Ptushko's film surprisingly climbed a vertical wall. This trick was shot by the most experienced cameraman Fedor Provorov: "We made a "wall" out of thick planks. We put the model at an angle to the floor and filmed the vampires sliding down an inclined plane. A crane hovered above the set with the cameraman and director. The ghouls clawed their hands and feet and climbed straight up the vertical wall.

13. Natalya Varley agreed to be filmed in the role of a pannea... out of curiosity. The flight in the coffin under the dome of the church did not scare her, superstitious fear of what she was removed from the measure for the coffin, the actress is also not experienced. Natalia not only starred in the movie - in "Viy" it was taken for the demonstrated during the "Caucasian Captive" sports training.

14. "Pannochka" in the frame put on a special vibrating device to create the impression that she is shaking with anger, imposed a dull makeup, as if she turns green with anger, illuminated eyes, so they glow from within satanic fire ... And the young actress, who did not want to waste time while on set light, lying in a coffin, reading notes and textbooks.

Source: www.shkolazhizni.ru

Who's from Belarus, is this really what you see on zombie TV?


Otherwise. "It is what it is" look ))) . Especially the clapping.

Скрутки неизбежны. Их просто обливаешь флюсом и графитовым электродом прижигаешь кончик. Образуется аккуратный шарик, что равносильно монолитному проводу. Потом надеваешь на нее колпачок, лучше модный термоусадочный.

I'll continue the harassment :)

After perusing the Mastermind City forum, came to the conclusion that:

- a welding inverter can be used for welding, setting the current to about 30A;

- As a graphite electrode will do graphite brush from an electric motor.


What is the flux? Rosin as in soldering?

Otherwise. "It is what it is" look ))) . Especially the clapping.

It's tough there, an ideological regime like in the days of advanced socialism.