[Archive! - page 677


Speaking of "hamsters".

This word came to us from the Kremlin. In Russian, however, it is called Narod.


C-4: Что касается вопроса "наклеивания ярлыков" то конкретно ты Алексей также этим занимаешся: [...]

However, there is not a single concrete comparison of my words with official propaganda [...].

Yes in your posts you can tell by the language itself, the spirit is like that. Why prove something that is obvious not only to me? Vasily, don't be a formalist, come down from your heights to humble ground and look sideways at your "political" posts. There is nothing human in them, just clichés...

C-4: I don't want to get into a muddle of wording, and in the next few posts I will outline a few problems and possible solutions. I hope that many people after that will understand why I do not support the movement that has formed now in the form of our swamp opposition.
So write about the "sick opposition" and not about "all of you".

like the bad old days: you give him a quote and he gives you a link...

March 4, near noon:
Came to the polling station, voted (in case anyone was wondering, for GDP), going down the stairs to the exit. An old lady of about 80 comes up to meet me, sees the election poster. As usual, there were happy faces, everything blue, white and red, etc.
The old lady says sneeringly: "Oh, how well we live!"
I don't stop to throw over my shoulder: "It'snot a bad life!"
She says to me: "Not all... "
"It's been worse... " - I said: "...you must remember."
The old woman's face changed when she heard those words. I can't describe it here in words. Judging by her age, she may well remember not just the years 41-45, but probably the pre-war Stalinist repression, when people simply disappeared from towns, villages and collective farms without any explanation. The post-war devastation and queues for what was brought in this time, too, I think, are remembered without pleasure.

So to all those who like to wave their fists after a fight somewhere on Bolotnaya Square and the like I suggest naming at least one short period in the modern history of Russia when it was better than now.
Enough is enough. It's done. The society we live in has chosen its own path. Live, earn (even if you have to work for it), raise your children and grandchildren and remember: no one but yourselves will ever take care of you. The well-being of each of us is solely in our own hands.


moskitman, that goes for you too. Address specific people, not "all those" and "the like".

предлагаю назвать хотя бы один короткий период в новейшей истории России, когда было лучше, чем сейчас.

It was better. From about '86 to '91, when a huge amount of very interesting literature appeared and I spent almost half of my salary on books. Yes, we didn't live richly, but there was an unmatched feeling of something completely new and interesting.

After '91, I had it too, but there I had to survive stupidly, and there was no time for literature. Of course, I continued to buy books, but not in such quantities as then.


Enough is enough. It's had enough. The society we live in has chosen its own way. Live, earn (even if you have to work to do so), raise your children and grandchildren, and remember: no one but yourselves will ever take care of you. The well-being of each of us is solely in our own hands.

Andrei, you are partly right.

But if you have had to deal with the Courts, or if you know what shabby and dilapidated houses more than half the country's population lives in, if you know how people live without jobs in towns with closed businesses, and so on, then to say that society has chosen its way is an insult to society.

Nothing personal about the attitude towards Putin. But March 4 was not an Election, it was a vote (feel the difference).

As IgorM's post above correctly pointed out: (I'm paraphrasing a bit) if the treasurers and bribe takers (in the name of fighting corruption) were beaten on the head with police batons, as they do to the disgruntled in the squares, then I am for such a state with two hands.


It was better. From about '86 to '91, ...

Wasn't that when Leonid Ilyich sent my father to Shindand to be shot? No? Later? Interesting literature is, of course, a good thing, but far from being an indicator of the development of the state and society.

moskitman: Isn't that when Leonid Ilyich sent my father to Shindand to be shot? No? Later? Interesting literature is, of course, a good thing, but far from being an indicator of the development of the state and society.

Leonid Ilyich had not been alive for some years. Gorbachev came to power in '85 and announced Perestroika. And the troops pulled out of Afghanistan in '89.

During my time at university, there were four Secretaries General - Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko and Gorbachev. What a mess...


moskitman, that goes for you too. Address specific people, not 'all those'.

It was better. From about '86 to '91, when a huge amount of very interesting literature appeared and I spent almost half my salary on books. Yes, we didn't live richly, but there was an unmatched feeling of something completely new and interesting.

After '91, there was that too, but there was already a need to survive, there was no time for literature.

Well, it was just a feeling. Think back to your childhood sensations, think back to the first time you tasted an exotic fruit. The first sensations are always the strongest. I think that for the opposition, as well as for many, being satiated is not an end in itself. The dominance of an excessively inflated bureaucratic class, corruption, the controllability of the courts, a clear lagging behind other countries (China) that are moving by leaps and bounds in the economy, the lack of competition in the political sphere - that is basically what pushes the opposition to the streets. And in response we hear - well, it was even worse before!
khorosh: Well, it's just a feeling. Think back to your childhood sensations, think back to the first time you tasted an exotic fruit. The first sensations are always the strongest.
Well yes, moskitman suggested naming "at least one short period in Russia's recent history when it was better than now".


During my time at university there were four general secretaries - Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko and Gorbachev. What a load of crap...

And now it's Putin-Putin-Medvedev-Putin. And all are alive, thank God. It's just beautiful. =)
All right, joke's on and it will be.
It's springtime, and everything is flooded with the first untimely rays of sunshine. To all (namely to ALL, Alexey!) good luck and good mood! Look to the future with optimism and it will answer you "I hear and obey".