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Ugh, I forgot, we are sons of Israel, but while we live in Russia, it is good to steal here, if conscience does not interfere, but our kikes have never had conscience before)))))

Excuse me, patriotic thoughts from Russians come like a plague, we need to get rid of them)))))))))

Oh bey azohenvey, Aunt Sarah did not give you a proper upbringing. Instead of mourning the gazenwagens on the Sabbath, you (I'm even afraid to say), have been influenced by all the nasty attitudes? Is the Rabbi aware of this?

It's like, first you have to learn how to enjoy life, and then you want to prolong that joy?)

I share.

I've been experiencing this for a long time. It works.


I share.

I've been experiencing this for a long time. It works.

Which one? The first or the second? Or do you need to read it all together?

Oy bei azohenvei, Aunt Sarah didn't give you a proper upbringing. Instead of lamenting the gazenwagens on the Sabbath, you (I'm even afraid to say), have been influenced by all these nasty attitudes? Is the Rabbi aware of this?

Yes, everyone knows, and Rabbi (I do not know what the fuck), and Hurabi, and Nasrabi..... they all do the same thing, it's us who pretend to be true Russians, waiting for the worst time, when we can finally get rich and go to the kasher motherland, or to Courchevel))))

Which one is it? The first one or the second one? Or should you read it all together?

Learn to tell yourself all the time: Every day it gets better and better!

And you will really notice and feel it.


Israel? )) )))

There are many beautiful places on earth. Live there, change places...

What has always amazed me about Jews is that they know how to enjoy life to the fullest, when others feel bad, and how to shut everyone out (by camouflaging it all and making a fortune on the sly).

Learn to tell yourself all the time: Every day it gets better and better!

And you will really notice and feel it.

You can also recommend watching the movie Secret, for suckers. soon people will be used as cattle, and they will be told that everything is good and they should be happy with what they have)))))

Everybody knows, Rabbi (I don't know what the fuck he is), and Hurabi, and Nasrabi..... they all do the same thing, we are just pretending to be true Russians, waiting for the worst time, when we can finally get rich and go to the kasher motherland, or to Courchevel))))

"There's a record on the patiphone, the goyim sit and listen to Sting" - Agatha Christie's band. There is nothing to stop you, Sting is Mother Russia, seeker of amphorae, kisser of babies and Alina Kabaeva - he will sing for a long time. So take your time...


Learn to say to yourself all the time: Every day it gets better and better!

And you will really notice and feel it.

Maybe you're right - I'll try it. Nothing to lose :) Thank you.

Is it a question of learning to enjoy life first and then wanting to prolong it?)

Nope:) Stop being afraid of losing it.