[Archive! - page 389

We shouldn't have done that to Yedr in the elections. They're going to steal like it's the last time.
The centre of Moscow is blocked off. Motorists habitually honk their horns at Jeff Monson.

Exit polls
07 December 2011, 08:09

Original: enguinny

kireev noticed that yesterday the FOM polls page had a detailed breakdown by region. Thus, for example, as of 18:00 United Russia got 27.5% of the votes in Moscow (see podmoskovnik's screenshots). However, all that data has now been hidden, and the FOM graph shows only the overall totals for the country, which are more complementary to the "winning" party.

Podmoskovnik only managed to save the image with the poll results as of 18:00 Moscow time. Fortunately, it turned out that the full (and final) set of poll results was available on the FOM website at:
(I downloaded myself a copy of that file at 14:44 London time on 6 December 2011). I would encourage you to download this file as soon as possible before FOM rectifies its unfortunate oversight. At 6:16pm I was informed that the document was no longer available on the FOM website. See copy on Scribd.

So, we get our first glimpse of the final results of the Moscow polls. As of 20:30 Moscow time, they looked as follows:

That is, as of 20:30 Moscow time, the polls showed 25.3% for the CPRF, 23.6% for United Russia, 18.7% for Yabloko, 15.7% for Just Russia, 12.5% for the LDPR, 1.4% for Patriots of Russia and 0.9% for Right Cause. 35.1% of those who voted refused to answer the questions. Nationwide, polls showed 43.1% for United Russia, 21.6% for the CPRF, 14.4% for Just Russia, 13.5% for the LDPR, 4.5% for Yabloko, 0.9% for Patriots of Russia, and 0.7% for Right Cause. 30.1% of voters refused to answer the questions. As podmoskovnik comments, "they gave out mid-day data for Moscow, and by the evening they got such terrible data that they didn't even dare to publish it. I have nothing to add to that.


Drumming rams
07 December 2011, 18:52
Is there a mobilisation in Russia?
Sewer manholes burst near Tula?
An unauthorized spillage of the Volga River near Nizhny?
An accident at a nuclear power plant?

Unmotivated alarm is caused by a photo from VDNKh with Nashists living in sacks.
I immediately thought it was a photo report from Japan, from the Fukushima area.
That's where refugees and victims of natural disasters live.
In Russia they herd the nation's hopefuls into cattle yards, either as future prisoners or future security guards.



Take a break from politics.

Interesting photo book printing service

They have to involve the children in one way or another. A cheap and dangerous move.
By the way, the border guards also have a lot of meetings.