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Quote (your source): "
Elena Mikhailova, Life News Online
22:42, Thursday December 08, 2011

Life News has published Voice's secret correspondence with US State Department

The editorial team has obtained 60 MB of private correspondence confirming funding for activities aimed at discrediting the Russian elections."

My reaction: 60 MB roughly equals 7.5 MB, i.e. about four pages of secret correspondence in fine handwriting.

I went to the table of irregularities recorded by this very voice. Don't believe it, they are provocateurs and corrupt critters.

Everything is much worse (I saw it myself) and this same voice is a lightning rod :(


to divert your attention from the hot topic of "elections"

I accidentally stumbled across this.

What do you think? I'm at a loss...


to divert your attention from the hot topic of "elections"

I accidentally stumbled across this.

What do you think? I'm at a loss...

there's no trace of a deposit of metatrader with a ticking history over a couple of decades?

What do you think? I'm at a loss...

I hope you are not serious).

Last New Year's Eve, an acquaintance of mine, after drinking heavily and arguing with his wife, smashed his new iPhone against a concrete wall with all his might. I did not see anything alien in its insides, just a typical Chinese lapnina at the level of other smartphones).

The video is just a joke.

mersi: accidentally stumbled across this.

What do you think? I'm at a loss...

Um... Well take a look at this one (highlighted in blue on the side - especially), there are a few more revelations there.
Yo, what's wrong with the server? I couldn't get into the forum all night. And the other day it was glitching...
Yo, what's wrong with the server? I couldn't get into the forum all night. And the other day it was glitching...

Did I answer the "Izvestia" question? :(

I thought the answer was meant for me


...accidentally stumbled across this.

what do you think? i'm at a loss...

it's just a joke made in the style of a breaking news story.

Yo, what's wrong with the server? Couldn't log on to the forum all night. And the other day it was glitching...
Judging by the degree of politicization of our smoking room I wonder how the forum still works.

Thousands of voluntary observers at the last elections and mass rallies in the capitals against electoral fraud marked the boundary between the two eras.


Russia has always had little time for normal development. Wars and domestic unrest accounted for 140 of the past 250 years.

© Vedomosti


Thousands of voluntary observers at the last elections and mass rallies in the capitals against electoral fraud marked the boundary between the two eras.


Russia has always had little time for normal development. Wars and domestic unrest accounted for 140 of the past 250 years.

© Vedomosti

Bullshit. That's like saying "<some> generation didn't have a childhood".

Where is the "norm" by which to normalize development?

The development of society follows a spiral. In Russia the Yin/Yang cycles are nothing more than caste formation/dismantling. At present another caste period is coming to an end.