[Archive! - page 395

I, thank God, don't need those rules any more. I was about to get off my ass and go to an authorized rally tomorrow, but within a day it turned out that the approval had been cancelled, because it suddenly turned out that even earlier that same Lenin Square had been reserved by the Nashi movement and the Society for the Protection of Stray Animals.
I'd have survived the Nashi movement somehow, but the stray animals got under my skin :))
Now I can safely "lie alone in the bushes".


Rally on the 10th

"This video does not call for aggressive actions" and the main character from "Brat". Fuck such thought leaders.

News from the fields:

"Detainees are beaten, raped and mutilated before being thrown into a cold bus equipped with rusty handcuffs with drops of water dripping from the concrete ceiling. I myself was raped 8 times by the riot police, then had my fingers broken and my head banged against the wall until my entire brain leaked out through my eyes," wrote participant Lena on her Twitter blog.

"AHTUNG! Putin's use of transvestite riot police to suppress resistance from detained activists. Info 100%," a commentary on Ukho Moskvy radio.

"I tried to resist them as best I could, but they were stronger. They made me kneel in front of a portrait of Putin and drink the blood of journalists they chopped to pieces with an axe before my eyes," writes Nikita, an eyewitness of the events at Triumfalnaya Square.

"I just got out of the pre-trial detention facility. Cops there crucified Navalny on a cross, and now they're trying to burn him at the stake right in his cell. This is beyond me," an eyewitness of the events who signed his pseudonym "Putin the faggot" writes in the Vkontakte group

"500,000 old people and children are being taken away in an unknown direction on two buses from Triumfalnaya Square at the moment. Apparently, they are being prepared for a massacre. Please spread the word urgently," says the "Russia without Yedra" community.

"I urge you all to post more demotivators in ZhJ. Just a little longer and these things will get scared and fly from the Kremlin to America. They're scared of us" - a call from the patriotic internet community "Putin in a thong".

"I broke through the bars and ran from the police in my underwear. There are still guys sitting there - Navalny, Kasparov and other Russian patriots. I am writing on the run, please excuse my spelling. Pick me up and take me home in a taxi, the cops are after me, I'll pay the money. I really want hot tea," tweeted journalist Oleg K.

"I despise myself for my cowardice. When the drunken riot police went on the offensive, instead of dying with thousands of innocent victims, I swam away on the flowing bloody river in a rubber boat. You all have a right to despise me," from comments on Podvalny's blog

"The police are firing tanks and helicopters at us. They are using tear bullets and rubber gas. PLEASE!!!!!! Armoured trains are already coming along Arbat and the cruiser Peter the Great is coming up. They're going to pelt us with rockets!" - military expert Finkelschnauzer, a participant in the events.

"Medvedev flew out with Nurgaliyev in a helicopter. Medvedev is holding an atomic warhead, he wants to drop it on peaceful defenders of the election results. This is satellite data. We don't agree with Medvedev's decision. A disgrace!" - famous blogger ananimus.

"URGENT MESSAGE! Mitrokhin has just been run over by the tracks of four tanks. He was simply smeared on the pavement. His finger is bleeding and his trousers are torn. He's having his injuries removed at the emergency room. Spread the word urgently!" - United Democrats for Democratic Reforms of Democracy website

"STAND UP RUSSIAN PEOPLE! The Kadyrovites are already on their way to Triumfalnaya. They're being led by Boris Berezovsky. His fangs are glistening in the ominous gloom of night, he dreams of drinking the blood of the Russian people. Urgently take bottles from the shop, drink them, fill them with poo and throw them in the windows of the Jew boutiques. That's how we win" - patriotic website True Russian Sobor, editor-in-chief Semyon Shmotkin

"Two hours ago I was killed by riot police. I call on the entire democratic community - avenge my violated corpse" - Ilya Yashechkin, democrat and blogger.

"The trash have taken everything from us - vodka, potrevine and beer. Now we have nothing to lose but our chains. Our fighting spirit is weakening. Everyone who reads this message, please respond. We need your help," blue TV, leftist internet TV

"Putin's "look-at-me" style has become tiresome as inflation develops. More and more young people are starting to tire of it. The truth is that Putin, no matter how hard he tries, can no longer really be a "strong leader" in the eyes of the population. Russia is turning more and more towards Navalny - this young and charismatic democratic leader. These are hopes close to Libya's. The promise of a 'strong hand' no longer deceives the Russians" - Madeleine Albright

"The Nashists are trembling in terror. They have already lost two flags and one drum. We've pelted them with toilet paper. They are fleeing in terror and the riot police haven't helped them. Let's give direct electronic democracy" - Electronic Democratic Party of Russia website

"I'm covered in blood, my trousers are ripped, I'm freezing, and I have to pee. Everyone's running around, shouting, beating someone up, and I'm really scared. I also forgot my bottle of broomstick at home, so it's not like I've been beaten up. Click on the heart under this message, tell everyone," - journalist Oleg K.

"Putin, with the help of his medium Medved, summons the spirit of Beria to consult. We will not allow another 37th! Fascism won't go away!" - United Democratic Opposition tweeted.

"All in the square! Great Russian names with us: Borovoi, Novodvorskaya, Kasyanov, Nemtsov, Pushkin and Cthulhu! Let's say NO to the party of crooks and thieves!" - a call from an anti-Putin vkontakte group

"According to information available, the cosmonauts have gone on the offensive. They are firing blasters at the unarmed crowd. There are casualties. One girl was cut up by a nuclear beam in front of me. They're firing highly radioactive plasma at us. A spaceman in a Yedra cape is led by Cthulhu. Demonstrators he has managed to brainwash are defecting to the Kremlin and joining the Nashi movement," a credible but unnamed source.

Gaddafi's corpse has been brought to Moscow. They are pumping blood out of everyone the riot police catch and pouring it on the corpse. Why the Kremlin needs it is unclear. The scum are clearly preparing a provocation," says eyewitness of the "bashka barrashka" events, comments on the Gazeta.ru website.

Political prisoners are held in appalling, inhumane conditions. They won't let us use the Internet, one guy had his I-Pad taken away from him in front of me. Many of the detainees are suffering from withdrawal symptoms and internet starvation. The girls were sitting in the cell next door and I could hear that one of them became hysterical without the internet. She is convulsing and screaming. The trash bitches refuse to let her out. There's only one point for 10 people and no showers. Stop the lawlessness!

"We were attacked by a cop, but we ran away from him. He only caught one of the two dozen people. Now we are moving towards the metro. Many of us have wet feet and cold hands, but we're not giving up. Side by side with us are the brave LGBT guys and girls. They are determined to die, but not to surrender to the cops. Freedom! Justice! Solidarity!" an eyewitness tweeted.

"Little thin girls throwing themselves in front of bullets. Little thin boys throwing themselves in front of bullets. They are defending Russia. It's erotic and poetic at the same time. I'm finished, gentlemen," - Dmitry Bykov (in column).

Freedom is being gassed,
in the blood-stained blood of the dawn,
Gassing the sacred right
To the cry of human rights.

God, how vile it is,
God, what a downfall,
The riot police beating the Hindus,
And the negroes who are suddenly caught!

Am I an enemy of this government?
Am I a fascist?
I like faggots myself,
I'm in love with fetishists myself!

Am I not in love,
I've kissed the shields of the riot police..,
kissing the shields of the riot police
back in '93!

How can I live as I used to?
How to smile languidly,
When now it's less and less common
♪ When democracy is less and less remembered? ♪

Before I die,
Of AIDS and alcoholism,
You'll respect my lust,
Put an enema up my ass!

Let me be told, without weeping.
Let the GB bastard say:
"Rosophobic scum. Crushed,
Dancing hava nagila."
Actor Yefremov, disguised as poet Yevtushenko

"Former KGB colonel Vladimir Putin is very concerned. The population is tired of putting up with him. This has been corroborated by the camera footage of ballot box stuffing at some polling stations. Hillary Clinton has already criticised the "disturbing practices" of the Russian elections. Into this statement flowed the devastating contribution of foreign observers. There has never been such a dirty election in Russia before," the Washington Post

"According to an authoritative source on our website, Putin has already fled to Minsk and is hiding under Lukashenko's desk. A state of emergency is being imposed in Moscow, United Russia fears a growing protest" - Russian Generation website

"I saw Lyudmila Alexeyeva! She is bravely fighting alone against eight riot police. She is defending the corpse of her (no, not her comrade, we don't use that nasty word) Mr Eduard Limonov, whom the pro-government youth organisations want to mock. When I ran home to write this post, she was still fighting. Please help her, her strength is drying up" - a democratic half-platform.

"How we hate you, you vile crooks and thieves" - the cry of the soul of an offended election result.

"The report shows around two hundred thousand Nashi activists holding hands and cheering the election results. Police officers help the newcomers to get their bearings in a foreign city, giving the girls flowers and ice cream. A friendly atmosphere prevails on Triumfalnaya Square. The noise does not affect the health of the Labrador Kony. Putin stressed that taking care of citizens' rights and protecting election results is the main task for all levels of government, - Channel 1.





How did it go? No casualties or damage?

Still coming. Live streaming: http: //www.ridus.ru/news/14266/

I have a brother there. He says all is quiet.


Still coming. Live streaming: http: //www.ridus.ru/news/14266/

I have a brother there. He says all is quiet.

I wish I could watch it - I'm in Apsheronsk with my parents and I only have a minimum of internet with me...
Except for Rain on the tricolour.

The weather has let me down.) Snow, overcast. I wasn't feeling well enough to go to such a party.

They say 60,000 gathered.


The weather is bad )..... It is said that 60,000 gathered.