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Guys, fasting!!!

Read Academician Anatoly Ivanovich Vorobyov. I don't seem to have the name confused. The Internet has everything about him and his experiments with curing radiation sickness.

Very interesting experiments he did. For example, there are two groups of rats. One was fed radioactive food, the other regular food. Then they put them on starvation. After 15 days (physiological period of starvation for rats) the group which was fed with usual food died. The remaining group of rats continued to live a long time. Tissues were taken for analysis. There were no radionuclides there.

Read some interesting thoughts from Malakhov, I think. On why all religions fast at the same time. And why do these fasts take place at the time of maximum cosmic activity?

I have not bothered with radioactivity and other health problems for a long time. I've been using this remedy for 12 years. Got rid of all the ailments I had. Some mental abilities have appeared. My body is flexible. I can do things with it that I could not do even in my childhood. Biological age, give me 25. A lot older in calendar terms, though.

Of course, it's not just starvation. If you don't eat right, starvation is patching holes.


And why did the group with regular food die? Did the radionuclides have any effect on the starving?

Maybe you mean to say that the group who were not put on the fast with the radionuclides died and those who were fasted survived?


Read some interesting thoughts from Malakhov, I think. As to why all religions have fasts at the same time. And why do these fasts take place at the time of maximum solar and cosmic activity?

About the dates of the fasts it is much more prosaic, at least in Christianity. They ploughed and planted; there was nothing to do - they were fasting. We finish mowing, nothing to do - fast. We gather in the harvest and have nothing to do - fast. These religious cycles of fasting did not fit in the life of modern man. And so on in this style.


Guys, fasting!!!

I support it, I do it myself, I fast once a year (dry cascade fasting) during a strict fast in spring, the body really recovers, at my age 45 give at most 30... I don't have chronic illnesses, if I have some colds like flu, my body manages within 2 days + 1 day to recover, of course I fast during this time...

I want to point out that it can be dangerous for a common person without any training, because you never know what will move, kidney and liver stones, or a blood clot, for example...

In short, the method is very effective, but not out of the blue, but gradually and for life:))))


I recommend trying to replace meat with fish.

A very good and observable result.

P.S. You don't have to give up meat altogether.


Guys, starvation!!!


Of course, it's not just starvation. If you don't eat right, starvation is patching holes.

Thank you for your reply. I agree, unequivocally.

Guys, starvation!!!


Read some interesting thoughts from Malakhov, I think. As to why all religions fast at the same time. And why do these fasts take place at the time of maximum cosmic activity?

Yeah, Malakhov's thoughts, well, well. Mind you, the same Malakhov wrote the book "The Kerosene Cure". And he had something about turpentine baths. Super-authoritative for out of his mind grandparents.

To think of fasting as a panacea is the very way to go.

Actually it was about contamination with radioactive material. How do you imagine starvation will help in such a case?

Here, read Malakhov's percussions, should I post them in Humour?


Guys, fasting!!!

Read Academician Anatoly Ivanovich Vorobyov. I don't seem to have the name confused. The Internet has everything about him and his experiments with curing radiation sickness.

Very interesting experiments he did. For example, there are two groups of rats. One was fed radioactive food, the other regular food. Then they put them on starvation. After 15 days (physiological period of starvation for rats) the group which was fed with usual food died. The remaining group of rats continued to live a long time. Tissues were taken for analysis. There were no radionuclides there.

Read some interesting thoughts from Malakhov, I think. On why all religions fast at the same time. And why do these fasts take place at the time of maximum cosmic activity?

I have not bothered with radioactivity and other health problems for a long time. I've been using this remedy for 12 years. Got rid of all the ailments I had. Some mental abilities have appeared. My body is flexible. I can do things with it that I could not do even in my childhood. Biological age, give me 25. A lot older in calendar terms, though.

Of course, it's not just starvation. If you don't eat right, starvation is patching holes.

Do you think that starvation will lead to the removal of radiation from the human body?

Yeah, Malakhov's thoughts, well, well. I remind you that the same Malakhov wrote the book "Treatment with paraffin". And he had something about turpentine baths. Super-authoritative for out of his mind grandparents.

To think of starvation as a panacea is the very way to go.

Actually, it was about contamination by radioactive material. How do you imagine starvation would help in such a case?

Read the last paragraph.

I personally communicated with Vojtovich at one time, he treated people with fasting in Minsk.


read the last paragraph.

Have you read Malakhov? So how is your writing any different from his? "According to scientists" - it means the man is blatantly writing nonsense that he himself has invented. Otherwise he could at least give some justification for this "data of scientists", not even a link, at least a minimal mention of what kind of scientists or data they are.

"Well, they won't lie in the papers, will they?"


That said, I'm not denying the usefulness of the above diet. The main benefit of the diet is that one would stop Eating. The second benefit is that starvation does increase the secretion of many glands. But what does starvation have to do with it? You can achieve the same thing by simply eating right.