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now we have

view of the Neva

Bro!!! )))


"Smoke in the sky, smoke on the ground. Instead of people there are machines.

Dead fish in a dried-up river. The stinking heat of the desert.

My death will shatter the prices of sleep when we are together...".

// Crematorium.


Bro!!! )))

Then I'm your daddy. :)) We have peat bogs burning behind the outskirts every year and when the wind is "favourable" part of the city is covered with smoke for three months. Like in the rest of the Soviet Union they mined business peat for the CHP, but didn't reclaim the excavation. That is why it burns regularly. But this year the untouched bogs are already smoking, everything has dried up.

There are too many people on the planet. Almost all are "pigs". They shit as much as they can and as much as they want. They don't think about anything. If this is the case, everyone is to be destroyed. The weak, old and unprepared will be the first to die.

Then there are the fires... Didn't think there was a smoke test before.

I used to go sunbathing at the Putyaev ponds. Three years ago they were landscaped, cleaned up. A year ago everything was clean and in order. People didn't leave anything behind. This year there's an invasion of suicides. They come every time like it's the last time. Millions of cigarette butts... A layer of cigarette butts instead of green grass. Bags, bottles, food scraps. Behind the fence, piles of similar rubbish 1.5 meters high...

What's on people's minds? Do they not think that nature is an extension of them, that nature is a part of humans, that to shit next to themselves is the same as to eat this shit?

Infestation is destroyed in different ways: too high or too low temperatures, smoke, lack of food, water, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, genetic changes resulting in inability to reproduce, specific diseases, wars...

I've seen so many dead bodies in the last month. I've never seen so many in my entire life.


Don't they thinkthat nature is an extension of them, that nature is part of man, that shitting next to yourself is the same as eating that shit...?

and not the other way around?

Almost in line with the theme of the forum.

You know who the current government reminds me of? Yeah, him - the big-eared trader. Same psychology. Well, look.

Earedared trader opened a position by chance based on a trend (he came to power on the growing oil) and sits down. And a certain chemical reaction takes place in his head: how clever I am, how tough. He starts to do thumbs up, looks down and generally feels like the hub of the earth.

But then - alas and wow! - Either the trend changes, or some kind of force majeure. That is all. Kuy Morzhov - he is a Margin Call.

As it turns out, he cannot think or do anything. He can only bury his head in the sand and talk to people around him about how he was cheated by bad dealers (financial or climate conditions).

A country of aggressively ignorant amateurs, laden with delusions of grandeur. You can see it on the service box and - as in a drop of water - sometimes on the forum. // You, me, him, her - together the whole country!))

And so help us G-d. We don't seem to be able to help ourselves...(.

Yes! Where's Kirill? By the way! )))

... bribe to traffic cops to take the packed luggage to the fire victims is ... EMERCOM
Fucking bribing traffic cops to go to the fire victims with the packed luggage is the fucking Emergency Ministry .
the link doesn't work anymore... although it's understandable.

Managers run the country. Everyone is obsessed with money, and the grass can grow. It won't do any good.

If the heat wave is followed by heavy rains and hurricane winds, there will be more f(a)ra...