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No. Not terrified.

Hungry. Both forced and purposely, but of course severely restricted myself, knowing that the consequences could be irreversible. I know the euphoric feeling of starvation.

Losing weight is not a problem for me. I just eat less but better quality food. The body adapts to a certain amount of food.


The medical position, as far as I remember:

Direct starvation is harmful because starvation first dissolves essential proteins, like from the heart muscle and the like, after starvation, fat deposits are restored first and atrophying organs give them more space. So the impact is asymmetrical.

+ secretion is not balanced, e.g. bile and gastric juice are secreted but they have nothing to digest, so your intestines end up digesting them.

+ the organs working at their limit can go over the limit and crash.

Metabolic malfunctions may occur, leading to the most unpleasant consequences such as dystrophy or obesity.


Weight loss and reduction of fatty deposits have a direct positive effect on most systems.

Therefore, you should not starve yourself, but rather eat a healthy diet and lead an active lifestyle.


Has anyone here and there fasted, er... purposely, like on a system or something? Apart from Vadim :)

Or is it all from the category of "I have not tried it on myself, but I have my own opinion and strongly recommend it to you" ? ;)

I!!!!!, I!!!!!

Tried different variants, in the end came to the dry cascade as the most effective and not burdensome,

If you take the classical one - 20 or more days on the water -

It's very hard for yourself and especially for your relatives and friends, who think you are dying of cancer but continue to go to work heroically,

some people look at you like you're a jerk, others feel sorry for you. I can't leave society for a month, it's my job.

Dry cascading is fine, I'm in shape all the time...

Mda.... Last pages... You're just being JEARLY...)))

... The office came in the fashion of starvation, it helped a lot, but work slowed down...

But most died :o)

pardon the black humour, but I thought that kind of experimentation on public opinion ended in the '90s.


It's very hard on yourself and especially on relatives and friends who think you're dying of cancer, but continue to go to work heroically,

Some people look at me like I'm a jerk, others pity me quietly. I can't leave society for a month, it's my job.

How long do you have to starve before people around you feel sorry for you and think you're dying of cancer? Were you skinny as a skeleton and your hair was falling off?


Forgive the black humour, but I thought such experiments on public opinion ended in the 90s

I recommend reading the democratic statistics of the 2000s.

No. Not terrified.

Hungry. Both involuntarily and purposefully, but of course severely limiting myself, knowing that the consequences could be irreversible. A sense of euphoria.

Can you be a little more specific, where did you get so caught up in the forced starvation?


In general, the history of Russia from the 10th to the 17th century resembles an almost uninterrupted series of meteorological anomalies, accompanied by social (famines, epidemics, etc.).

Compared to history (how people were salted in 1600s), we now live in paradise with water (a faint odour has appeared and will disappear by winter) and bread is thrown on the rubbish bin. A little smoke (but it is not you who are getting burnt at the stake), everything will go back to normal, the forests will grow back.

Could you be a little more subtle about where you got so caught up in the forced hunger?

If you think the war and the Germans, no. Not in the sense of such total forced starvation. In the sense that I was too lazy to stomp to the nearest place for some kilometres :) I don't even remember why. Probably not called hunger, just sat without food.
I recommend reading the democratic statistics of the 2000s.
Nowadays this is done by special services on a scientific basis, but back then it was a free search for charlatans and it is not clear where it all could have gone, there would have been neuron zero locking and the whole country would have died out just from not wanting to live.